exhibition design workshop | Verona 2019 (original) (raw)

A Symbolical Approach to Exhibit Design. The Case of “Museo Delta Antico” in Comacchio


After a design competition held in February 2014, the “NMC Comacchio” design group, formed by young Italian architects, was charged with designing a new archaeological museum in Comacchio, on the Adriatic coast of Italy. This paper deals with the design methodology experimented in this museum: the project is based on a “symbolical approach” in exhibit design, which tries to balance both didactic and emotional aspects of the exhibition, focusing on the comprehension of archaeological heritage and the relation between territory and cultural heritage. The museum, named “Museo Delta Antico”, opened in 2017 with very good acknowledgement of critics and audiences.

Novel cultural experiences for the communication of museum collections: the Francesco Fichera projects fund at Museo della Rappresentazione in Catania


She has participated in research of international and national interest on knowledge, communication and valorization of BB.CC.AA. Since 2016 she has been the Scientific Director of MuRa, which is part of the Museum System of the University of Catania. Novel cultural experiences for the communication of museum collections: the Francesco Fichera projects fund at Museo della Rappresentazione in Catania The paper illustrates the strategies set up for the communication of the documentary heritage of the Museum of Representation (Mu.Ra.), Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania. MuRa. houses and exhibits the collections of architectural projects (Francesco Fichera Archive) and chalcographies (including the collection of G.B. Piranesi). The mission of the museum is to preserve, protect and make available to the scientific as well as to a wider community, the results of the Department research, education and dissemination activities. This has inspired a new way of thinking, valuing and using the heritage possessed. Focusing on the enhancement of the collections and merging research and educational purposes, an innovative participatory approach has been investigated and experimented.

Considerazioni su un sistema museale diffuso delle architetture fortifícate della Valnerina


The Valnerina (the valley of Nera river), in Umbria, is characterized by the diffuse distribution of military structures built between the X and XVI centuries; a set that can be traced today in an integrated route between museums and territory. Such emergencies must be recognizable and returned to its wider historical and monumental to which they belong; of course such a program imposes a restoration project and a process of arrangement and enhancement. A new approach is the 'diffuse museum': the process of introduction to the history proceeds from the particular to the general, giving up the practice of rebuilding in a symbolic container situations, events, places. These will be sought on the ground, recovered to a historical criticism and linked to centers of interpretation and documentation; the museum becomes a reflection of a conception of heritage that proceeds by progressive selection, aiming to maintain a critical matter and the history of the monuments; an integrated system of tools that perform different functions and integrated. Such a museum will also feature a major component of virtuality that allows users to provide the context information that facilitate the understanding of a historical artifact or a work; the purpose is not to recreate 'original digital' with the aim of preserving the uniqueness of perishable monuments but to determine a network of logical relations, between chronological element, multiplicity and contexts (environmental, historical and cultural); especially by comparison with monuments, testimonies and documents congruent seats or located elsewhere. Another object is to express the possibility of analysis offered by the perception, permitted by digital reality, to observe details otherwise normally invisible.

Verdiani, G. & Arslan, P. "A special poetic of iron and stone: reflections about the design of the Montemartini Museum in Rome


Architects are used to being in relationships with museums and are accustomed to planning them and learning how to organise their specific structures. Inspiration can be found in museums, and sometimes the ideas of other architects can be emulated. The rules and solutions usually adopted for museums are based on well-established procedures, with the design contribution guiding and organising the theoretical, pedagogical and scenographic aspects of the space. An architecture is created which is specific and pervasive, and ideas should be balanced between the meaning of this architecture and the valourisation of what we want to bring onto the scene. In this paper, the resonance and vision of the Montemartini Museum in Rome will be analysed as a reference to interpret how the special poetry of this building is generated and how certain parallels can be both a choice and an opportunity in terms of the design of future museums.

Il piccolo Masaccio e le Terre Nuove. Creativity and Computer-Graphics for Museum Edutainment

EVA 2018 Florence, V. Cappellini (Eds.), Proceedings of EVA 2018 Florence, 9-10 May, Firenze University Press, 2018

Since its opening, the Museum of the New Towns, housed in the Palazzo di Arnolfo in San Giovanni Valdarno, has dedicated a particular attention to the relationship with its audiences. In this context, the video "Il piccolo Masaccio e le Terre Nuove" has the purpose of bringing children and young people, in particular, closer to the museum main themes. The video presents a series of very different techniques, such as live shots, taken also by drone, Computer Graphics, 2D drawings executed with a tablet, drawings sketched with traditional techniques, such as India ink and watercolours, and digital videos taken from Google Earth.

[Conference Proceedings] Montanari, Elena, Exhibiting Exhibitions. Re-staging, Re-viewing and Re-considering the Role of Seminal Displays, in Architecture & Exhibit Design: New Challenges for Museums, ICAMT Annual Conference, a cura di Nana Meparishvili, ICAMT, Parigi 2021, pp. 61-68.

ICAMT is one of the first International Committees of ICOM, listed in ICOM News on October, 1st, 1948. Since its official date of creation (1949), ICAMT is the Committee in which information, best practices and ideas come together with aspects from the architecture, the techniques of the museum buildings and the techniques of exhibitions. Nowadays ICAMT provides a forum for communication between its members and other interested persons by organizing conferences and workshops, by the website and newsletters, and by other means of communication. We are always happy with and proud of our Committee members. For 2020, we count 615 individual and 21 institutional members all over the world. In addition to the Annual Conference we are just launching, one of our plans for 2020 is to present ICOM and ICAMT on "Regeneration 20|30", a global platform which groups together businesses, institutions, and individuals involved in a collaborative effort. Built around three strictly interdependent pillars: Regenerative Economy, Climate Action and World Happiness, it is an economic, social, and environmental endeavor with a time span from 2020 to 2030. On October 15-16, 2020 there will be two days of digital and physical (in Parma, Italy) meetings to present the coalition to the world, globally involving stakeholders in the project. ICAMT will be represented in the section World Happiness, with the topic "Museums and Happiness". ICAMT often collaborates with ICOM other committees. In November this year, ICAMT will take part in the 2020 Forum for ICOM International Committees, organized by ICEE and ICOM LAC. The Forum aims to create a space for exchanging ideas, networking, and collaboration among ICOM members in Latin America. During the Forum, ICOM International Committees will introduce themselves and promote their most relevant activities or projects with the purpose of engaging and attracting new members from National Committees in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are happy with our partners. ICAMT and Politecnico di Milano, within their competences, intend to establish an ongoing collaboration aiming to work on joint projects focused on strengthening of museum institutions. ICAMT is glad to cooperate with ICOM Italy's working groups on "accessibility" and "exhibition fittings recycling", two important themes for our Committee. These are, in short, our current activities, but ICAMT has many plans for the near future. We very much hope that the pandemic situation will be controlled next year, allowing us to fulfill our projects.

Auditing the museum environment: a project in Italy's Piedmont region

Museum International, 2009

that a display case has only one function: the protection or conservation of the work to be shown. When it is possible to do without it, it is essential to do so in , order that the relationship between object and viewer be as simple and direct as possible. To make up for these errors and accidents, to help with reading the project and, above all, to help measure the consequences of each decision taken during the development of the project, it is possible to give the programmer the responsibility of overseeing and assisting the evolution of the project (the phase we \ call 'convergence, progra"e/project'). During this delicate phase, which is decisive for the application of the programme and the development of the project, the programmer assists the user in his relationship with the designer, so as to prevent the mweum becoming the expression of a power other than that of the works to be exhibited-to prevent, as Pol Bury has said, 'the artist's tender flesh' from being 'torn by maniacs with their volumes and their gratings, the cannibal builders of space'.