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Resumo: A micoplasmose felina é uma afecção causada por Mycoplasma haemofelis, sendo que os gatos acometidos e não tratados podem entrar em óbito. É uma afecção com alta percentagem de prevalência, porém, subdiagnosticada. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma análise dos hemogramas de gatos domésticos diagnosticados com micoplasmose felina, domiciliados na região de Osasco, São Paulo, Brasil. Para tal, foram utilizados dados das fichas clínicas e hemogramas, do período de 01 de janeiro de 2013 a 31 de dezembro de 2014, referentes a 15 gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) diagnosticados com micoplasmose felina. Os dados coletados referiram-se à informação sobre a idade, o sexo e a raça, tendo a estatística descritiva sido realizada com o programa Microsoft Excel (2013). Do total de hemogramas, 73,3% (11/15) pertenceram a gatos machos, e 26,7% (4/15) a fêmeas. Todos os gatos acometidos eram sem raça determinada, e sua maioria com 11 anos idade 26,7% (4/15). As alterações de hemograma incluíram anisocitose, policromasia, corpúsculos de Howell-Jolly, plasma ictérico, anemia normocítica normocrómica regenerativa, trombocitopenia, leucocitose, neutrofilia segmentar, neutrófilos tóxicos, neutrófilos hiposegmentados, linfocitose, linfócitos reativos. Não existiram alterações de hemograma com padrão de compatibilidade com micoplasmose felina causada por Mycoplasma haemofelis. Abstract: Feline mycoplasmosis is a disease caused by Mycoplasma haemofelis, which can lead to death of cats that are not treated. It is a disease with high percentage of prevalence, however, underdiagnosed. The aim of the study was to analyze the blood cell counts of domestic cats diagnosed with feline mycoplasmosis, from Osasco, São Paulo. Was used data of clinical reports and hemograms from 1 st January 2013 to 31 st December 2014, relating to 15 domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) diagnosed with feline mycoplasmosis. The data referred to the information of age, sex and breed. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed with the Microsoft Excell software. The results showed 73.3% (11/15) belonged to male cats, and 26.7% (4/15) females. All cats affected were without breed and with most of 11 years old [26.7% (4/15)]. The hemograms changes included anisocytosis, polychromasia, Howell-Jolly bodies, plasma jaundice, normocytic normochromic anemia regenerative, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis, segment neutrophilya, toxic neutrophilus, hyposegmentar neutrophilus, lymphocytosis, reactive lymphocytes. There hemogram showed no compatibility with feline mycoplasmosis.
Gurltia paralysans Infection in Domestic Cats in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2019
Background: The Gurltia paralysans nematode was initially described in Chile and for many years it was believed that the disease caused by this parasite was restricted to this country. However, in Argentina, Uruguay and more recently in Brazil, among other countries, cases of Gurltiosis have been described in both domestic and wild cats. This disease is chronic and debilitating due to the progressive paralysis developed. This study aimed to describe the clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats of the Agreste region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. Case: Clinical, epidemiological and pathological aspects of G. paralysans infection in domestic cats in the rural area of two Agreste municipalities in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, are described. Seven farms were visited, in which 11 male and female affected felines were evaluated. Among these, euthanasia was performed in four cases, at the owners' request and due to the advanced stage of the disease. Clinical signs began with ataxia of the pelvic limbs and evolved to jumping difficulty, lateral falls, muscle atrophy, pelvic limb scarring, and paralysis at the most severe stage of the disease, which developed in a one-year period, approximately. According to the owners, the affected cats died between six months and one year after the initial clinical signs. At necropsy, there were segments of the spinal cord with extensive reddish areas in the dura, between T7 and S2, corresponding to varices. These were characterized by numerous congestive, dilated and tortuous blood vessels observed in the dorsal plane, but more pronounced in the ventral plane of the meninges. In the bladder, multifocal areas of hemorrhage were observed. Histologically, vascular lesions in veins and venules of the leptomeninges were characterized by venous varices with thrombosis, fibrosis and intravascular parasites associated with moderate, chronic non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis and Wallerian degeneration. Macroscopic and microscopic lesions were more pronounced in the lumbar region of the spinal cord. Discrete lesions similar to those found in the spinal cord were observed in the encephalon. Feline gurltiosis was confirmed by epidemiological, clinical and spinal cord lesions, associated with the presence of intravascular parasites in veins and venules of the leptomeninges. The identification of Gurltia paralysans was concluded due to the characteristic morphology of the parasite in the vessels. Discussion: The diagnosis of Gurltiosis can be performed by clinical-epidemiological findings and histopathological evaluation of the nervous system demonstrating the parasite inside the vessels. The parasite has affinity for the nervous tissue, especially the lumbar spinal cord, in which it can be found in the nervous parenchyma and not only in the veins as previously believed. The chronicity of the disease can be affirmed by clinical signs, secondary lesions, such as cystitis, and the evolution of the condition. The stasis of blood caused by the varicose veins favored the formation of thrombi and compression of the white matter by the parasites, which explains the clinical signs. The geographical distribution of the disease goes beyond the initially known sites. Although little is known about the pathogenesis of Gurltiosis, it is possible to affirm that domestic cats ingest the parasite from a paratenic host, which would justify the cases recorded in rural environments. It is concluded that the disease, popularly known as "derrengado" or "renga", refers to feline gurltiosis, characterized by venous varices and chronic progressive myelitis. These results demonstrate that the disease is distributed in other regions of Brazil. However, studies are necessary to describe the form of infection so that prevention measures can be investigated.
Trypanosoma vivax in Dairy Cattle
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae
Background: Trypanosoma vivax is a protozoan that causes reproductive disorders and decreased production in domestic and wild ungulate animals. The bovine are the main hosts of the disease and the transmission occurs by the bite of hematophagous insects, mainly tabanids. Several diagnostic techniques can be used to detect the parasite, both in parasitologicalform and by serological kits. In Brazil, the disease has been reported in bovines, goats and sheep of some states, with high morbidity and mortality and due to the scarcity of results on the epidemiology of the disease, this work had the objective to report the presence of T. vivax in a female bovine of a dairy herd in Parnaíba county, Piauí.Case: The animal naturally infected by Trypanosoma vivax, was a three-year-old cow from a dairy farm in the Parnaíba county, located in the north of Piauí state. The farm had a herd whith 62.20% of young Girolando breed cows and the breeding system used was semi-confinement, with two mechani...
Subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle rural properties Goiás
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal, 2015
A mastite subclínica é um dos principais problemas que afetam a pecuária leiteira, tendo em vista os graves prejuízos acarretados pela diminuição da produção e/ou pela perda dos tetos afetados e aumento da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Objetivou-se com este estudo identificar as principais bactérias causadoras de mastite subclínica bovina e relacionar os patógenos identificados com a variação da contagem de células somáticas (CCS). Foram analisadas 5.758 amostras de leite de vacas individuais de 7 propriedades localizadas no Estado de Goiás, durante o período de junho de 2010 a junho de 2014, para verificação da CCS e destas 332 amostras foram submetidas a técnica de PCR em tempo real. Concluiu-se que, nas amostras analisadas, houve maior ocorrência de Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus uberis e Staphylococcus sp e que determinaram maiores valores médios de CCS. A CCS média dos rebanhos com mastite subclínica foi de aproximadamente 743 x 10 3 cel/mL.
Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinária = Brazilian journal of veterinary parasitology : Órgão Oficial do Colégio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária
The experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics of infection by gastrointestinal nematodes during the periparturition period in cows. One hundred and six beef cows were divided into two groups: G1 was formed by 42 cows of one and two parturitions, and G2 by 76 cows of three or more parturitions. From the 120 days pre partum until the 90 days post partum, feces were collected for faecal egg counts (EPG) while blood was collected to determine the packed cell volume and hemoglobin levels of each animal, with monthly intervals. In the same intervals the body condition scores (BCS) were evaluated. The mean values +/- standard deviation of the EPG for G1 were equal to 19.4 +/- 42.9, and for G2 31.1 +/- 68.0. No significant differences were observed between G1 and G2 in relation to EPG and hematological parameters, which remained within normal patterns for both groups. The two groups had higher counts of EPG in the post partum period than in the pre partum period, with averages of...
Stomoxys calcitrans outbreaks in pastured beef cattle in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
The expansion of the alcohol industry has led to the installation of ethanol plants in areas traditionally occupied by beef cattle in the Brazilian Midwest. Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) outbreaks associated with alcohol plants have been reported in Nelore cattle in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in the last two years. Visits to livestock ranches and alcohol plants were held in mid-November 2009 at the end of S. calcitrans outbreaks in the counties of Angélica and Ponta Porã, MS. Interviews, surveys and collections of immature stages of flies were conducted at the sites and the entomological material was taken to the laboratory for further emergency. High stable fly infestations and cattle bunching behavior were observed during visits. Stable fly breeding sites were found and emergence of adult flies occurred from material collected from both cattle ranches and alcohol plants. The set of information, onsite observation, and sampling results made possible a preliminary epidemiologica...
Research, Society and Development
O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar e descrever as principais doenças que acometeram galinhas criadas em sistemas alternativos, encaminhadas ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel), entre os anos de 2000 e 2020. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia de galinhas domésticas encaminhadas ao LRD/UFPel, nos últimos 20 anos. Nesse período foram recebidas 565 amostras correspondentes a cadáveres e órgãos de galinhas domésticas, sendo 229 de criações alternativas. Dos 229 casos, 203 (88,64%) tinham diagnóstico conclusivo. As principais doenças diagnosticadas foram bacterianas com 79/203 (38,92%) casos, seguidas das parasitárias 59/203 (29,06%). Dentre as doenças bacterianas, as salmoneloses foram as mais frequente com 26/79 casos, sendo isolados 22/26 biovares Gallinarum e 4/26 Pullorum. Das doenças parasitárias, as parasitoses mistas foram as mais prevalentes com 37/59 casos, associadas principalmente ao nem...
Parasitic diseases in sheep in Rio Grande do Sul
Entre as doenças parasitárias nos ovinos, hidatidose, cisticercose, fasciolose e sarcosporidiose são responsáveis por prejuízos econômicos decorrente da condenação de vísceras e carcaças ao abate, além da diminuição na produtividade. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a prevalência destas enfermidades no Rio Grande do Sul, em ovinos abatidos em estabelecimentos com inspeção federal. Utilizou-se a Relação de Doenças ao Abate por Município, do Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento, referente ao período de 2005 a 2009. Embora tenha se evidenciado uma tendência à redução na prevalência de hidatiose, cisticercose e fasciolose, esta não foi significativa no período de observação e considerou-se a totalidade dos dados no período, sendo determinada a prevalência anual média de hidatidose (12,30%), faciolose (1,72%), cistecercose (1,37%) e sarcosporidiose (0,58%) no Estado. Hidatidose e outras parasitoses são classificadas mundialmente como endemia negligenciada e, emb...