Related papers
Education in Brazil: A Discussion of Current Problems and a Call to Action
Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, 2021
In this text, we try to address several issues that have been long hindering Brazilian Education. Since the promulgation of the so-called Citizen Constitution (BRAZIL, 1988), the Brazilian government hasn't yet been able to provide free and quality education for all Brazilians, and a big portion of Brazilian citizens are still illiterate, especially those who belong to lower classes and black communities. We will focus on the vicious cycle that is created when, in having education denied, the population is also automatically denied the right to perceive their neglected and violated rights. What consequences may this vicious cycle generate for the Brazilian population? In what ways can we overcome the limits it imposes on us? What Brazil would we have if we could get rid of this cycle? And how does this relate to the daily lives of each of us?
The Challenges of Education in Brazil
Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, 2004
This collection of papers is the outcome of a series of seminars held at the University of Oxford between January and March 2003, coordinated by Collin Brock and Simon Schwartzman, under the auspices of the Centre for Brazilian Studies and the Centre for Studies in Comparative and International Education, later published by Symposium Books (Oxford Sudies in Comparative Education), 2004. Publications on education in Brazil in English, whether articles or books, are relatively few, and so we hope that this volume will make a significant contribution to the understanding of contemporary issues in all major sectors of the country’s educational provision and performance. The collection is also being published in Portuguese in Brazil, and in the best interests of both sets of readerships it was decided from the outset to invite only Brazilian contributors. To achieve this required considerable financial assistance, in respect of which we are most grateful to Professor Leslie Bethell, Director of the Centre for Brazilian Studies at the University of Oxford and the sponsors of the Centre. We would also like to express our thanks to Margaret Hancox, formerly Administrator of the Centre. The seminars were conducted at the University of Oxford Department of Educational Studies, and, although open to all, constituted an important component of the MSc programme in Comparative and International Education which , together with the doctoral programme, is a major area of development in this field in the United Kingdom. We are therefore also grateful to Professor David Phillips, Director of the Centre for Comparative Studies in Education, for his support of the seminar series, as well as in his capacity of Series Editor of Oxford Studies in Comparative Education , Within which this volume resides. Most of all we are grateful to all our contributors who, without exception, gave considerable time and care to their preparations, and tremendous involvement and enthusiasm to their presentations. All are extremely busy professionals, and most are – or have been – practitioners within the Brazilian system, often at very senior levels. They understand all the problems, the achievements and the nuances from real experience within, and this undoubtedly lends a cutting edge to their contributions. Given language differences and unfamiliar terminology, the editing of the various manuscripts has been a considerable task and would not have been possible without the most able and willing efforts of our Editorial Assistant, Kimberly Ochs, to whom we are most grateful.
Challenges of Education for Brazil : Indicators and Management Models
This article discusses the crucial role of educational managers in Brazilian municipalities, considering that public resources should be applied in the light of the principle of efficiency and, in the light of the world order of education of the 21st century. The concern with the quality of basic education is among the main focuses of attention of public managers in Brazil and among the main causes of mobilization of civil society. In this sense, it is imperative to find the determinants of quality and establish more realistic goals and objectives, allowing them to be judged in terms of efficiency and effectiveness by stakeholders.
Brazilian education: What now?
Small opinion paper on Brazilian education written by request of the Latin American Research Centre of the University of Calgary.
Perspectiva, 2021
In the history of research on Brazilian education, several studies have addressed the expansion of elementary education over the years in Brazil, in addition to the historical pedagogical context that permeated this process of expansion in the period between 1930 and 1985. The main objective of this article is to analyze the process of expansion of Brazilian elementary education, based on Laws No. 4.024/61 and No. 5.692/71 of the National Education Guidelines and Framework Law (NEGFL). This research was based on a qualitative approach to documentary and bibliographic evidence and followed an interpretative research perspective. The article concludes that the educational policy of the military dictatorship in Brazil after the 1960s was supported by these two laws, and that their main objective was to ensure the expansion of vacancies in elementary education, aiming at the minimum qualifications for entry into the labor market, prioritizing the quantity and not the quality of education. Public education realized in the formation of human resources is considered a way to guarantee productivity, attending on the one hand to the demands for qualified labor in the capitalist market, and on the other hand, to the improvement of wages and the distribution of income to the elites.
Education Policy Outlook: Brazil
OECD Publishing eBooks, 2015
This policy profile on education in Brazil is part of the Education Policy Outlook series, which presents comparative analysis of education policies and reforms across OECD countries. Building on the OECD's substantial comparative and sectoral policy knowledge base, the series offers a comparative outlook on education policy. This country policy profile is an update of the first policy profile of Brazil (2015[1]) and provides: analysis of the educational context, strengths, challenges and policies; analysis of international trends; and insight into policies and reforms on selected topics in Brazil and other education systems. It is an opportunity to take stock of progress and where the education system stands today from the perspective of the OECD through synthetic, evidencebased and comparable analysis. This country policy profile has been prepared in two versions. Both offer an analysis of current strengths, challenges and policy priorities for Brazil, each with a respective focus on: Students Brazil continues a long period of growth in educational participation and attainment since 2000, with more recent progress in participation in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and higher education. For the latter, this has also benefitted disadvantaged students. In PISA, Brazil has also maintained performance in reading, with some improvements in mathematics and science while considerably increasing the number of students covered by the test. Several system-level practices have the potential to address ongoing equity challenges as students move through the system, including the extended duration of compulsory education and recent efforts to increase the flexibility of student pathways. The new National Common Curricular Base (Base Nacional Comum Curricular, BNCC, 2017/18) is also crucial in supporting equity through establishing universal minimum learning requirements regardless of background. Institutions In Brazil, students view their teachers positively and perceive them to be enthusiastic; according to evidence from PISA, this is strongly related to higher student outcomes at school level in Brazil. Within a context of expansion of schooling, Brazil's teachers are qualified to a higher level than eight years ago, with most now holding a tertiary qualification. Recent initiatives aim to raise quality further, establishing national guidelines for initial teacher education (ITE), continuous professional development (CPD) and, currently under development, school leaders. Brazil has a well-renowned programme of system evaluation of student outcomes, which feeds into school improvement plans. Emerging national and subnational practices aim to strengthen evaluation in ECEC and vocational education and training (VET), and, in some cases, enhance improvement-focused career progression for teachers. System Brazil's education system has a highly decentralised governance structure across the federal government, 26 states and 1 federal district 2 , and 5 570 municipalities. In this context, collaboration and consultation are key: Brazil has several formal spaces for stakeholder engagement and there are promising emergent or small-scale initiatives for horizontal collaboration at federal and subnational level. A relatively high share of national wealth is dedicated to education. School funding is largely decentralised, but a commitment to redistributive mechanisms goes some way to reducing the inequalities this creates.
Brazilian Education Policy: A Paradigm that Strengthen the Reproduction of Capital
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This study aims to analyze how educational policy incorporates the needs of capital in the context of Brazilian society and also as presenting the current paradigm that carries out educational activities to incorporate as part of the qualification process. From this perspective, educational policies are developed under the influence of international agencies in order to strengthen the reproduction of capital. This is a qualitative research in progress nature of bibliographic, the methodology is the systematic and analytical reading of selected texts. Initial results indicate that the current paradigm in Brazilian society favors market intervention in education, emphasizing the centrality of educational reforms to continue or improve the international competition, adapting the education system to the productive sector. Besides this, the appreciation of education permeates the interests of capital and the industrial park that is directly subject to economic reason and is conceived as great income booster, where the employee is conditioned to develop skills required by the labor market, further strengthening the link between education and the production process, in order to establish the market as a regulator of social relations. Thus, education focused on work permits to develop the capacity of manual work, especially for the lower classes who have access to schools, but they are low quality, demonstrating thereby the character of that class division between the schools for which hold greater purchasing power and those who are its margin, already denounced by Gramsci in the early twentieth century.
Challenges of Public Education in Brazil
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This paper proposed to delimit as an object of study the “Challenges faced by Public Education in Brazil”, without the purpose of verifying the quality of education in the national territory. We understand that it is necessary for the school, the family and the community to walk together, so that socio-educational quality can be achieved. Therefore, an analysis of the main productions available on the subject is necessary. Although access to Elementary Education is practically universal, Brazil still faces the great problem of the precarious quality of education offered in its schools. Thus, the general objective of this work is to analyze the strategies that can be used by the school, the family and the community to implement the qualification of public education, specifically in Paraíba. Thus, subsidies to exercise and studies on the subject arise. This work is bibliographic and documental, under a qualitative approach, since it is understood as a social quality strategy and legal...
Brazilian Education, National Education Parameters and Quality for Education
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 2021
Under emergency conditions in the Brazilian educational system, since the turn of the 21st century, the National Curriculum Parameters consist of guidelines elaborated by the Federal Government with the purpose of guiding education, being separated by discipline. It is understood that reflective practice and critical involvement, in the context of extracting recreations in teaching, support debates and the development of teachers' productions and educational projects at the school, encourage reflection not only on pedagogical practice, but also about the planning of classes. Therefore, the objective of this work is to re-discuss, under the spectacles of the dialogic approach, some national parameters of education that govern Brazilian education, considering the expansion and potentializing of studies already carried out on the subject.