Kajian Kualitas Air Danau Bekas Tambang Banjarbaru (original) (raw)

Analisa Kualitas Air Sumur Gali di Kota Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

Enviroscienteae, 2016

Water is very important for the livelihood of humans, animals and plants. With the increasing population growth, especially in densely populated urban areas, the need for water also increases, while the source of clean water that meets health requirements increasingly difficult obtained. One of the most commonly used is to dig the wells, but the dug wells easily contaminated. This study aims to: (1) Knowing the quality of dug well water from the parameters of physical, chemical and bacteriological in Banjarbaru City. (2) Knowing the factors that affect water quality of dug wells in Banjarbaru City. The method Purposive sampling of certain places which is considered important has been used in this study. Sampling was carried out by several criteria that have representation from dug wells, then in each sub-sample is selected so that the number of samples for the five districts are 20 samples. The analysis of dug well water based on the parameters of physics, chemistry and bacteriolog...

Analisis Beberapa Parameter Fisika Dan Kimia DI Bekas Lahan Tambang Intan Kecamatan Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan

AQUATIC (Jurnal Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa), 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan tingkat pencemaran perairan di bekas lahan tambang intan Kecamatan Cempaka Kota Banjarbaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan yang telah ditinggalkan selama 2 tahun (stasiun 1), 7 tahun (stasiun 2) dan 10 tahun (stasiun 3). Parameter yang diukur yaitu: suhu, kecerahan, total suspended solid (TSS), daya hantar listrik (DHL), dissolved oxygen (DO), derajat keasaman (pH), besi (Fe) dan mangan (Mn). Data yang dihasilkan dari pengukuran disajikan dalam bentuk tabulasi dan diagram sehingga akan terlihat adanya perbedaan pada setiap stasiun pengamatan. Analisis data menggunakan metode indeks pencemaran (IP) menurut KepMen LH nomor 115 tahun 2003 dan baku mutu menurut PP 82 tahun 2001. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nyata bagi parameter TSS, Kecerahan dan Fe antar stasiun 1, stasiun 2 dan stasiun 3 yang dilihat berdasarkan standar deviasi. Analisis perhitungan indeks pencemaran (IP) menunjukkan pada stasiun 1, stasiun 2 dan stasiun 3 masih dalam kategori tercemar ringan bagi peruntukan kelas I, sedangkan bagi peruntukan kelas II,III dan IV termasuk dalam kategori kondisi baik Kata Kunci : tambang intan, indeks pencemaran, analisis.

Uji Kualitas Air Pada Lahan Bekas Tambang Inkonvensional di Kecamatan Merawang, Kabupaten Bangka


This research about water quality testing on unconventional mining land in Merawang District,Bangka Regency to be used as a water source for fulfilling daily needs for the surroundingcommunity.Sampling is done by purposive sampling by taking into account the considerationof the condition and state of the landscape from the research area. The sample points weretaken as many as 2 samples with different conditions where sample 1 was obtained from thewater under the results of the dominant tin mine tailings in the form of sandstone and claystones and sample 2 from the water under the results of tin mine tailings in the form of kaolin.The taking distance from the two samples is close to about 5 Km. From the results of fielddata collection and laboratory analysis, the pH value in sample 1 was 5.71 and sample 2 was5.57, TSS had a value in sample 1 of 7 mg / L and sample 2 of 8 mg / L, while the TDS valuein sample 1 was 92 mg / L and sample 2 was 8 mg / L. Whereas from laboratory analysis o...

Kualitas Air Sumur Bor DI Perumahan Bekas Persawahan Gunung Putri Jawa Barat

The annual research report, 2017

Air bersih yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan harus bebas dari pencemaran dan harus memenuhi standar kualitas. Perumahan yang berlokasi di Gunung Putri, Jawa Barat merupakan daerah bekas persawahan yang menyisakan partikel-partikel pencemar ataupun logam. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas dan tingkat pencemaran air sumur bor di daerah Gunung Putri. Metode pengambilan sampel dengan metode acak stratifikasi, pengukuran kualitas air digunakan analisis parameter fisika dan kimia serta penentuan status air digunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, parameter yang memenuhi baku mutu air bersih yaitu parameter suhu 26,4oC - 27,4oC, kekeruhan 0,97 - 5,03 NTU, TDS 30,02 - 211,27 mg/L, sulfat 4 - 81 mg/L, nitrat 0,0 - 1,0 mg/L, nitrit 0,001 - 0,007 mg/L, klorida 0,5 - 1,8 mg/L, kesadahan 0,81 - 6,99 mg/L, pH 6,7 - 7,2, timbal 0,000 - 0,024 mg/L, kadmium 0 mg/L untuk seluruh sampel, mangan 0,00 - 0,04 mg/L, sedangkan untuk parameter bau, rasa, dan besi terdapat ...

Penilaian Kualitas Air Zona Tengah Sungai Batanghari Jambi

Jurnal Daur Lingkungan

Good, clean, healthy and safe water quality is very important for the survival of humans and living creatures on earth. The application of the water quality index (WQI) method at a certain location and time can provide an assessment of water quality. This study took samples of water in the middle zone of Jambi Province which is at the Regencies: Tebo, Bungo, Sarolangun and Batanghari in order to test the water quality using Potential Hydrogen (pH), temperature, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), turbidity, total phosphorus, nitrate nitrogen, E.coli and fecal coliforms as parameters. The purpose of the study was to identify river water pollutants level and to assess the ranking of the water quality index based on the application of the water quality index (WQI) method and the calculation of the CCME water quality index. The results of the test based on the water quality index method using the water quality index calculator for Tebo regency and Batanghari regency a...

Penilaian Kualitas Airtanah untuk Air Minum dan Air Irigasi di Kota Banjarbaru dan Sekitarnya

Jurnal Geosains dan Teknologi

Airtanah merupakan salah satu sumber air bersih bagi masyarakat Kota Banjarbaru dan sekitarnya. Jumlah air bersih yang semakin terbatas dan kualitas airtanah yang semakin buruk menjadi isu yang mengkhawatirkan saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas airtanah untuk air minum dan air irigasi bagi masyarakat kota banjarbaru dan sekitarnya. Dalam penelitian ini diambil 10 sampel airtanah untuk mengetahui sifat fisik dan sifat kimia airtanah. Penilaian kualitas airtanah untuk air minum menggunakan WQI, sedangkan penilaian kualitas airtanah untuk air irigasi menggunakan SAR, Na%, dan RSC. Hasil analisis WQI menunjukkan terdapat 60% airtanah dengan kualitas sangat baik yang masih dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai air minum dan 40% kualitas buruk hingga tidak layak minum. Hasil SAR menunjukkan airtanah di lokasi penelitian sangat baik untuk irigasi. Analisis Na% menunjukkan bahwa 20% airtanah sangat baik untuk irigasi, 20% baik untuk irigasi, 40% diperbolehkan untuk keperluan ...

Pengunaan Indeks BMWP-Aspt Dan Parameter Fisika-Kimia Untuk Menentukan Status Kualitas Sungai Besar Kota Banjarbaru

Biodidaktika: Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya, 2017

This study aims to determine the quality of water by using water physics-chemical parameters and BMWP-ASPT index in Besar River Banjarbaru City. Determination of water quality was using macroinvertebrate. Organisms found then calculated by BMWP-ASPT scoring, based on the score of tolerance on each of family types. The water quality measurement of Besar River was determined by using physics-chemical parameters, diversity index, dominance, and ASPT BMWP score. The water quality of Besar River Banjarbaru based on physics-chemical factors tends to decrease from the upstream to downstream, the Besar River’s water quality based on the diversity of macroinvertebrates was moderate-severe. And based on the BMWP-ASPT score of the macroinvertebrate, both of sampling 1 and 2 were polluted with the category of medium and severe dirty. In general, the decreasing of water quality of Besar River was due to anthropogenic activities, so that the intolerant macroinvertebrates could not survi...

Status Kualitas Air di Kolam Bekas Tambang Batubara di Tambang Satui, Kabupaten Tanah Laut, Kalimantan Selatan

Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan, 2021

Coal mining can have positive and negative impacts on the environment. The positive effects include providing new employment opportunities and increasing regional income as well as foreign exchange. In comparison, negative consequences could be the changes in the environment's quality and sustainability, caused by the formation of ex-mining pits and acid mine drainage, which reduce the quality of surrounding soil and water. This study aimed to determine the water quality of the ex-mining ponds at the Antasena Pit, Satui Mine, Kintap District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. This research measured the ponds' water quality directly on site. Meanwhile, the water samples were taken and analyzed in the laboratory. The laboratory analyzes showed that, in general, the physicochemical and biological parameters were under Class 1 Water Quality Standards of the Government Regulation Number 82 the Year 2001 on Water Quality Management and Water Pollution Control. Keywords : coal ...

Analisis Kualitas Air Sumur DI Desa Manduro Kecamatan Kabuh Kabupaten Jombang


This study aims to determine the water content of the wells of the people of Manduro Village, Kabuh District, Jombang Regency. Another objective is to know the impact of the water content of the well. This type of research is a case study by exploring various in-depth and actual information. Information gathering was carried out from March to April 2021. The methods used were literature review and land observation. The respondents used were 30 people from Manduro Village and 15 dug and drilled wells. Observation results show that the well is polluted by a fairly high lime content, resulting in considerable losses. The well is also polluted by the content of ammonia (NH3), metal iron (Fe) and metal manganese (Mn). The water quality in Menduro Village, in terms of physical water, contains a fishy smell and smell of rust, a cloudy color, and causes a yellow color attached to the bucket or water storage container, bathroom wall. It identifies that the water contains Fe (Iron) which exce...