Economic History Seminar Summary, 2018-2019, James Curtis Jr (original) (raw)

Curtis Jr (2019) provides summaries from the 2018-2019 Washington Area Economic History Seminar, WAEHS, hosted by American University, Washington DC USA, and George Mason Univeristy, Arlington VA USA. Curtis Jr (2019) provided three exhibits for each of the four seminars, i. the flyer from American University Department of Economics, ii. the paper abstracts, with the theme of Economic History, from presenters invited from colleges and universities throughout the USA, and iii. the summaries of the seminar provided by Curtis Jr (2019). The attendees included, i. college/university faculty, ii. federal government economic researchers, and iii. private sector economic history researchers. REFERENCES Abad, Leticia ad Noel Maurer," The Long Shadow of History, The Impact of Colonial Labor Institutions on Economic Development in Peru",, Washington Area Economic History Seminar, Washington, American University, April 23, 2019. Curtis Jr, James E., The 19th Century US Economic History of Land, Property & Wealth Owners,, OmniScriptum/Scholars' Press, European Union, Released April 2019, pp. 1-117, 118-128. Curtis Jr, James E., The 19th Century US Economic History of Land, Property & Wealth Owners, Edited, Education Foundation Prelimiary Paper Series, 2019, pp. 1-160. Curtis Jr, James E., Institutional and Agency Effects on the Status of Free Blacks: Synthesizing Asymmetrical Laws and Social Conditions with Asymmetrical Economic Outcomes, Economic History and Labor" International Journal of History and Scientific Studies Research,, Vol. 1, Iss. 4, No. 1, August 2018, pp. 1-18. Geloso, Vincent, Vadim Kufenko, Alex Arsenault Morin, Monopsony and Industrial Development in Nineteenth Century Quebec: The Impact of Seigneurial Tenure", Washington Area Economic History Seminar, Washington, American University October 20, 2018. Jaworski, Taylor and Walter Hanlon, "Spillover Effects of IP Protection in the Inter-war Aircraft Industry" Washington Area Economic History Seminar, Virginia, George Mason University, March 20, 2019. White, Eugene N. "Censored Success: How to Prevent a Banking Panic, the Barings Crisis of 1890 Revisited" Washington Area Economic History Seminar, Washington, American University, September 2018.