Visual Cryptography: An Encryption Method To Encrypt Multiple Images Using Shares (original) (raw)
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Securing Digital Images Using visual Cryptography
International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 2016
Visual cryptography technique allows the visual information to be encrypted in such a way that their decryption can be performed by human visual system. Security has become an inseparable issue as Information Technology is ruling the world now. Cryptography in the study of mathematical techniques related aspects of information security such as confidentialities, data security, entity authentication, but it is not only the means of providing information security, rather one of the techniques. Visual cryptography can be applied for copy right for images, access control to user images ,visual authentication and identification any kind images of images like(normal or digital).Visual cryptography is a new technique which provides information security which user simple algorithm unlike the complex, computationally intensive algorithms used in other techniques like traditional cryptography. This technique allows visual information (pictures, text, etc)to be encrypted in such a way that their decryption can be performed by the human visual system, without any complex cryptographic algorithms. This technique encrypts a secret image into shares such that stacking sufficient number of shares reveals the secret image. Shares are visually presented in transparencies.
Secure System Framework for Secure Visual Cryptography
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
A visual cryptography scheme (VCS) is a secret sharing of secret image shares which involves dividing the secret image into number of shares and a certain number of shares are sent over the network. The decryption process involves stacking of the shares to get the secret image. The main advantage of visual cryptography scheme is that a number of qualified shares are able to recover the secret image without any cryptographic knowledge, calculation and computation devices. Simple Visual Cryptographic technique is not secure. Because simple visual cryptography scheme only deals with creation of secret share and just combined it at receiver side. In the proposed system we apply visual cryptography technique. The image is to be transferred on the network (also known as secret image) is first compressed and then hidden by cover image using LSB technique. To enhance security, additional security measures are applied further to get encrypted image using symmetric key algorithm. The shares are generated from the encrypted image using RNS (Residual Number System) algorithm. Next share stacking procedure is applied using CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem) algorithm to get final encrypted image at receiver side. Further, decryption of final encrypted image is done by using same algorithm which is used for encryption purpose. By applying this technique security and quality of image is improved and pixel expansion problem will get reduced.
Securing and Secrete Image Sharing Using Visual Cryptography Scheme
s-To verify identity of person his /her physical or behavioural characteristics can be use,this strategy is called as Biometrics. Preservation of privacy of digital biometric data such as iris,face images etc. which stored in central database becomes more essential. This paper introduced the new visual cryptographic technique that allows encryption of visual information such that decryption can perform using human visual system hence cryptography computation does not required any extra hardware and software. In visual cryptography secrete image is encrypted into number of shares which independently can not reveal information about original image. For getting information about original image all sheets must be available simultaneously.
IJERT-Visual Cryptography Schemes for Secret Image
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 Visual cryptography is one of the techniques used to encrypt the images by dividing the original image into transparencies [1]. The transparencies can be sent to the intended person, and at the other end the transparencies received person can decrypt the transparencies using our tool, thus gets the original image. Our proposed Visual cryptography provides the demonstration to the users to show how encryption and decryption can be done to the images. In this technology, the end user identifies an image, which is not the correct image. That is, while transmitting the image the sender will encrypt the image using our application here sender gets the two or more transparencies of the same image. Our application provides an option to the end user of encryption. The end user can divide the original image into number of different images. Using our application we can send encrypted images that are in the format of GIF and PNG. The encrypted transparencies can be saved in the machine and can be sent to the intended person by other means [source].
IJERT-Various Visual Secret Sharing Schemes- A Review
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2012 Visual cryptography is a new technique which provides information security by using simple algorithm instead of the complex algorithms. Aim to focuses on the encryption techniques that are used in each scheme. This technique allows Visual information (pictures, text, etc) to be encrypted in such a way that their decryption can be performed by the human visual system without lot of computational power. This technique encrypts a secret image into shares such that stacking a sufficient number of shares reveals the secret image.
Encrypting Digital Images and Using Diverse Image Media for Sharing Digital Images
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2015
Visual Secret Sharing Schemes hide a Secret image in shares that appear noise like picture or noiseless picture. VSS schemes suffer from a transmission risk problem while sharing contains Secret Images because it will awake suspicion and increase interception risk during transmission of the shares. The proposed system consists of a natural-image-based VSS scheme (NVSS scheme) that shares secret images via various carrier media to protect the secret and the participants during the transmission phase. For this process the share contain arbitrary number of natural images and one noise like share. The natural shares can be photos or painted pictures in digital form or in printed form. The printed form images convert to digital form for the digital processing and these printed images can be send via postal or any other method. The noise-like share is initiated based on these natural shares and the secret image. The unaltered natural shares are diverse and safe, thus greatly reducing the transmission risk problem. The unaltered content of the natural images cannot easily detect by the suspicious.
Visual Cryptography Schemes Using Secrete Sharing: Survey Report
Visual cryptography is a cryptographic technique which encrypt a visual information (e.g. text, handwritten notes and pictures) in such a way that the decryption done by the human visual system. It needs neither cryptography knowledge nor complex computation. For security purposs, it also ensures that hacker cannot obtain any clues about a secret image from individual sharess. Naor and Shamir proposed the basic model of visual cryptography in 1994. Visual cryptography scheme eliminates complex computation problem at the decryption the secret images can be restored by stack operation. The important issue of visual cryptography is quality of relevant image. Performance of visual cryptography scheme depends, such a number of image(single, multiple), types of image(binary, gray, color),share generation(meaningful, meaningless), security, accuracy pixel expansion, complexity,) encrypted by the scheme.
Visual cryptography is used to keep the information secure from unauthorised person by encrypting it. The performance of the visual cryptography is measured in different ways such as pixel expansion, security, contrast, number of secret images, and the type of share generated. The main intent of this paper is to study and examine the visual cryptographic shares (i.e.) meaningless or meaningful share for binary and color images.
The effective and secure protections of sensitive information are primary concerns in commercial, medical and military systems. To address the reliability problems for secret images, a visual cryptography scheme is a good alternative to remedy the vulnerabilities. Visual cryptography is a very secure and unique way to protect secrets. Visual cryptography is an encryption technique which is used to hide information which is present in an image. Unliketraditional cryptographic schemes, it uses human eyes to recover the secret without any complex decryption algorithms and the facilitate of computers. It is a secret sharing scheme which uses images distributed as shares such that, when the shares are superimposed, a hidden secret image is revealed.In this paper we represent various cryptography technique and research work done in this field.