Програма Всеукраїнського фахового семінару «Грошовий обіг на теренах Південно-Східної Європи в XIV – XVІІ ст.» (original) (raw)

Грошовий обіг Запорозької Січі: історіографія // FORUM NUMIZMATYCZNE Pieniądz i mennice, Białystok, 2016

The article attempts to outline the state of scientic development of the problem of monetary on Zaporizhian Sich. The works of Ukrainian economic history; works of general history of money, of the monetary of Ukrainian lands and Russian empire; and works directly related to economics, nancial system, money of Zaporizhian Sich are considered in the article. The author found that the most studied period of monetary on Zaporozhian Sich is during New Sich, and other stages are described in scientic works extremely supercial. The promising areas of further study of this problem are outlined: the detailed research on the history of money circulation in the Zaporizhian Sich, learning the historiography of the problem and characteristic sources for its study.