Islamic and Western Education Systems - Perceptions of Selected Educationists in Malaysia Introduction and Background (original) (raw)

Islamic and Western Education Systems – Perceptions of Selected Educationists in Malaysia

Journal of Education and Educational Development, 2016

This research article explores the perceptions of Muslim educationists in Malaysia about the Islamic and the western education systems. Views of two faculty members, who are active proponents of Islamic education, were acquired through interviews and their perceptions on Islamic and western education systems were analyzed and then contrasted against the views of Dr. Syed Naquib al-Attas, who is considered to be one of the architectsof the project of Islamization of knowledge and education.Qualitative exploratory methodology was followed for this research, where the views of the two educationists were analyzed using thematic analysis,and the views of Dr. Naquib al-Attas were derived through document analysis of his writings on education and finally contrasted.It was revealed that there exists a gap in the understanding of the depth of philosophical concepts and issues of education between these educationists and Naquib al- Attas.

The Development of Islamic Education in The Malay World: Highlighting The Experience in Malaysia

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Islamic education has made a significant contribution to the development process of Malaysia. Ever since preachers introduced Islam to Malaya, Islamic education has found a home in the hearts of the Malays. Its long journey has resulted in the establishment of a dual system of Islamic education. Thus, this study presents a qualitative-based method through data collection and past studies. Finding research look the Malays are still staunch supporters of the traditional system while the dual-stream system is a catalyst for Islam's empowerment in Malaysia. Therefore, this article aims to discuss how the Malaysia's government has modernised the structure and form of the Islamic education system, particularly in dual system Islamic education and Malaysia's Islamic education system maintained both traditional and modern methods.

General characteristics of Islamic philosophy of education: how it is relevant to society of globalizing world


The major aim of this paper is to highlight the general characteristics of Islamic philosophy of education. The basic assumption of the paper is that the Islamic philosophy of education is relevant to the needs of globalizing society, due to certain factors. For that purpose, the four basic educational questions on the recipient, the content, objectives, and the method are discussed. The major problem of Islamic education, according to the paper, is that there is lack of awareness on basic characteristics of Islamic educational philosophy; therefore, it was hard for Muslim intellectuals to deal properly with results of educational problems such as religious extremism and secularism in the Muslim communities; let alone to attract the attention of global community to the advantages of Islamic education system as an effect method to produce a balanced personality. For example, the steering committee of the First World Conference on Muslim Education, which held in Makkah in 1977, emphasizes that: It is strongly felt that it is necessary for the Muslims to have a truly Islamic education. And education can be truly Islamic only if Muslim scholars can produce Islamic concepts for all branches of human knowledge and Muslim countries disseminate these concepts among Muslim intellectuals and students by getting their mind purified of all non-Islamic ideas and by making them more and more conscious of the significance and utility of these concepts through research projects, textbooks and teacher training programmes (Proceedings of Makkah Conference, p 10) 1. More than four decades have passed since this statement was, but our students of the higher learning, especially in science and technology, are still depending only on textbooks which produced by others. So, the important question is what is the problem? This paper has attempted to answer this basic question.

The Concept of Islamic Education Muhammad Abduh and its Implications on Islamic Education in Indonesia


The dichotomic view that emerges in people's lives has a negative impact on Islamic education in Indonesia. Islamic education in Indonesia began to experience retardation and disintegration due to this dichotomic view. In fact, in the womb of Indonesian Islamic education there are not yet born scholars who have a deep spiritual and intellectual commitment. Therefore, this study offers the concept of Islamic education Muhammad Abduh as a solution. This study aims to elaborate on Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept and show the implications of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education concept on Islamic education in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study research. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using content analysis. Researchers found that the concept of Muhammad Abduh's Islamic education was to educate the minds and souls of students. Impli...

The Islamic Perceptions of Knowledge vis-à-vis the Western Perceptions as the Bedrocks of Educational Systems

Knowledge and its various perceptions from the ancient times to the Islamic and the modern era constitute essentials bedrock of Islamic and Western system of education. Knowledge in the Islamic world finds its basis in the Qur'ān as well as the in the Muslim philosophies of education, while the Western education is based on the Western philosophies besides the physiological educational concepts which developed in the 20 th century. Both philosophies, Islamic and Western, have led to the development of two distinct systems of education currently prevalent in the Muslim world, particularly in Pakistan. The inadequacy of the Islamic system of education to meet the challenges of today has been long felt. This paper attempts to investigate into this broad field of inquiry in the hope that its serves to understand the educational superstructures raised on two philosophies of education. Further, it highlights how the Islamic systems initiated the spread of education initially and yet with time it lost its appeal. It has been shown how the later philosophies of education in the West have dominated the world and today's educational scenario with the lesson that the Muslim world should heed to the demands of the modern times and improve their systems of education.

The Experience of Islamization of Knowledge at the International Islamic University Malaysia: Successes and Challenges The Experience of Islamization of Knowledge

From its establishment in 1983, the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) has been committed to the integration of Islamic values with the modern fields of knowledge. This constitutes the core of IIUM's vision and mission. The purpose of this study was to analyze the experience of Islamization of knowledge at IIUM. It involved interviews with a total of eleven key scholars at IIUM who have been active in the Islamization of knowledge and in the management of the university. Interview data were supplemented by document analysis of course outlines university strategic planning documents, seminar and conference proceedings, as well as secondary literature. Contrary to the misgivings of many critics of the Islamization project, IIUM has scored several successes. Many areas still need to be improved though. Among the most important findings are those related to the quality and readiness of both the teachers and students to contribute to Islamization of knowledge in their research and publications. Future directions should include conducting research to find solutions for the problems facing Muslim societies in particular and humanity in general. Findings from those studies will be the basis for Islamized textbooks and other teaching materials.

Islamic Education in Malaysia, in Holger Daun and Reza Arjmand (eds.), Handbook of Islamic Education: International Handbooks of Religion and Education vol. 7 (Cham: Springer, 2018), pp. 745-761.

Islamic education in Malaysia first recorded its presence during the period of the Malaccan Sultanate (1414–1511). Malacca witnessed the birth of prototype boarding schools known as pondok, literally meaning “hut,” in which the master or tok guru assumed full control. Malay students started to study at al-Azhar University in Cairo in the 1920s. Upon returning to Malaya, this new generation of Middle Eastern graduates significantly contributed to the changing face of Islamic education. They converted umumi (general) pondoks into madrasahs, adopting the nizami (structured) system, which combined instruction in Islamic fundamentals with Western-influenced pedagogy and technology. Realizing the deep attachment of the Malays to Islam, the British incorporated some form of Islamic education into Malay vernacular schools. With Malaysia’s independence, centralization of the administration and curricula of all schools that offer some kind of Islamic education has dominated the Ministry of Education’s efforts in the realm of formal Islamic education. There is continuous endeavor to bring an end to dualism between secular and religious education, as manifested in the marriage between Islamic and secular sciences in tertiary-level courses. In 1973, a Religious Education Division (Bahagian Pelajaran Agama) was established within the Ministry of Education to coordinate Islamic education. In 1983, it was renamed Islamic Education Division (Bahagian Pendidikan Islam). In 1995, it was restructured as Islamic and Moral Education Division (Bahagian Pendidikan Islam dan Moral). It has now reverted to Islamic Education Division, and its task is to manage the Islamic educational policy and curriculum, the Arabic-language policy and curriculum, the recruitment and in-service training of Islamic education and Arabic-language teachers, and missionary and leadership training for Islamic education staff and students, and to aid and raise the standards of both national secondary religious schools. Centralization of the administration and curricula of all schools that offer some kind of Islamic education has dominated the Ministry of Education’s efforts in the realm of formal Islamic education. Curriculum has been designed to accomplish the aims of the Islamic Philosophy of Education. There is continuous endeavor to bring an end to dualism between secular and religious education, as manifested in the marriage between Islamic and secular sciences in tertiary-level courses.

Islamic Education In Malaysia

Malaysia’s increasingly pronounced Islamic posture has elicited concern from Western strategists who fear unforeseen changes in its geo-political trajectory. Amongst societal activities impacted by Islamic resurgence, Malaysia’s educational sector attracts considerable interest. This monograph sheds light on the various forms, patterns and evolutionary trends of Islamic education in Malaysia, utilising paradigms considered autochthonous to the Islamic intellectual tradition. While aims of state-managed and independently-operated Islamic education are theoretically similar, autonomous initiatives of Islamic education in Malaysia have struggled to survive, having to compete with a state which jealously guards its rights over what is deemed to be legitimate in Islam.

The Concept of Islamic Education A. Malik Fadjar

Journal of Islamic Education Policy, 2021

Abstrak : Konsep Pendidikan Islam A.Malik Fadjar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa konsep Pendidikan Islam A. Malik Fadjar. Melalui penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Islam menurut A.Malik Fadjar adalah jenis pendidikan yang menempatkan Islam sebagai sumber nilai dan sebagai bidang studi yang ditawarkan melalui program studi yang diselenggarakan. Hal ini terkait dengan tujuan dari pendidikan Islam yaitu untuk menciptakan insan kamil atau muslim paripurna. Pendidikan Islam berorientasi pada pemberdayaan, karena merupakan keharusan untuk mengembangkan potensi manusia yang berusaha bertindak dan berbuat demi mempertahankan hak-haknya yang terus diperoleh secara adil sesuai fitrah manusianya. Nilai esensial dari hal tersebut berkorelasi dengan sistem dan hukum kehidupan yang berlangsung yang telah menciptakan kekuatan-kekuatan yang dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan sikap umat. Konsep p...