Pavel D. Simashenkov. ABOUT RUSSIAN VERSION OF HISTORICAL PROGRESS // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №2. - P. 52-58. (original) (raw)
Related papers
Text in English and Russian, 2019
The article highlights the problem of studying historical time in terms of aesthetics and social ethics. The essence of history, according to the author, is not so much in retrospection or reflection, but in the gap between feeling and awareness. Guided by the apophatic method, the author analyzes the historiosophical views of domestic and foreign scholars and comes to the conclusion that the Soviet paradigm is true, where the only vector of human development is the liberation of labor in the name of creating a bright future for the sake of all people and for everyone.
Based on the abundant factual evidence, this educational publication provides a clear picture of the diversity of ideas and problems related to the analysis of post-communist transformation of the Soviet economy. The analysis of concrete historical conditions surrounding the formation of the new Russian economic model enables the appreciation of the possibilities and limitations that affected the choice of reform strategy and tactics, the understanding of whether the processes of the Russian ‘era of changes’ were typical, or unique, as compared with the global trends of that time. The publication features a detailed scientific reference system and is intended for the teachers and students of the humanities-focused higher educations establishments, as well as everybody interested in the history of the USSR and Russia in the late 20th century.
В статье проведен сравнительный анализ творчества двух заметных фигур американского и русского постмодернизма – В.Пелевина и П. Остера. Сделана попытка уточнить, опираясь на труды отечественных и зарубежных литературоведов, своеобразие трактовки понятия «деконструкция» в разных национальных литературах, прослежены формы практического использования приемов деконструкции в романах этих писателей. The article contains a comparative analysis of the texts of the two outstanding figures of the American and Russian postmodernism – V.Pelevin and P. Auster. Drawing on the works of Russian and foreign literary critics, the author attempts to trace through the forms of practical usage of deconstruction methods in the novels of these writers.
В статье рассмотрены представления А.Д. Столыпина (1822–1899), отца реформатора Петра Столыпина, о польском вопросе, истории Литвы и исторических связях между российским государством и литовцами. Заинтересовавшись историей земель бывшего Великого княжества Литовского во время службы в Вильне в 1860-х гг., А.Д. Столыпин стал автором нескольких исторических работ, а также пьесы «София». В целом следуя исторической концепции, разработанной Н.Г. Устряловым, и признавая разделение в XIII в. Руси на две части – восточную и западную, «Литовскую», А.Д. Столыпин стремился доказать «исконную русскость» этого края. Представление об общем русско-литовском историческом наследии обосновывалось идеей преемственности в государственности Киевской Руси, Великого княжества Литовского, а затем и Российской империи. The article considers views of A.D. Stolypin (1822–1899), father of the reformer P.A. Stolypin, on the Polish question, the history of Lithuania and the historical ties between the Russian state and Lithuanians. Interested in the history of the lands of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania while serving in Vilna in the 1860s., A.D. Stolypin became the author of several historical works, as well as a play “Sofia”. Following the historical concept of N.G. Ustrialov and recognizing the division of Rus' into two parts – eastern and western, “Lithuanian”, in the XIII century, A.D. Stolypin sought to prove the “primordial Russianness” of this region. The idea of the common Russian-Lithuanian historical heritage was justified by the notion of continuity in the statehood of the Kievan Rus', the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Russian empire.
HISTORICAL PARALLELS_A.S. Protopopov (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia)_(in Russian)
The article is focused on the current events taking place in the Ukraine in general context of modern international relations. In particular, the similarities of Ukrainian events to the events on an international arena in the pre-war period are analyzed. Attention is drawn to the tendency that current politics of Great Britain, France and Germany is oriented to the USA, just as in the 30-ies of ХХ century, when England and France are almost encouraged German actions.
NAGIRNYY, Vitaliy – MESIARKIN, Adam (eds.) Rus and Central Europe from the 11th to the 14th Century. Kraków: Instytut Historii UJ, 2015, 389 s.
This volume has been reviewed by Professor Ján Lukačka (Bratislava) and Norbert Mika, PhD (Racibórz), thus we would like to thank them for their valuable comments and remarks. Publishing this volume would not be possible if it were not for the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund and the Committee of Academic Societies and Fundation Bratniak and Fundation Jan Kochanowski of the Jagellonian University. Therefore on the behalf of the editorial board, we would like to express our immense gratitude to these institutions as well. Vitaliy Nagirnyy Adam Mesiarkin * Na záver by sme chceli vyjadriť svoju vďaku všetkým, ktorí prispeli k organizácii konferencie a vytvoreniu tohto zväzku. Predovšetkým ďakujeme hlavnému organizátorovi konferencie, Medzinárodnému vyšehradskému fondu, reprezentovanému osobou generálnej riaditeľky Karly Wursterovej. Ďalej Katedre slovenských dejín Univerzity Komenského, v osobe prof. Martina Homzu a mgr. Adam Mesiarkina, a Historickemu inštitútu Jagelonskej univerzity v osobe dr. Vitalija Nagirneho. Teplé slová vďaky za pomoc pri organizačných záležitostiach smerujeme k predsedníčke Študentského kola historikov Jagelonskej univerzity, Justyne Galuszke a dr. Myroslavovi Voloshchukovi z Prikarpatskej univerzity v Ivano-Frankivsku. Chceme vyjadriť veľkú vďaku našim hostiteľom, predovšetkým jeho Excelencii biskupovi Mons. Thdr. Štefanovi Sečkovi, mgr. et mgr. Vladimírovi Olejníkovi a Ing. arch. Magdalene