Achaemenids and the Southern Caucasus (original) (raw)
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The Babylonian document BE. X.107 dated by the period of Darius II contains some very important information which is connected to the administrative division of the Achaemenid Empire. Shamesh/Iltammešbarakku who was the governor of the people of Urashtu (Urartu) and Milidu, is mentioned in the document. Urashtu-Urartu corresponds with Armenia and Milidu-Melitine, and when it was mentioned with the latter, was an indivisible part of Satrapic Armenia, and Herodotus’ account proves this. Therefore, it can be said that Milidu is mentioned separately because it later became the center of Pactyica after Darius I’s administrative reforms; it was also one of the centers of the 13th satrapy which remained part of Armenia, despite the new administrative changes. Its ruler, the satrap, continued having the title of “Governor of the People of Urashtu and Milidu (in a broad sense, Pactyica)”. Therefore, one can state that Melitine and its outlying regions, being to the west of the Euphrates where the territory of Armenia Minor would be established in the future, were an indivisible part of the country known as Armina-Armenia, during the entire period of Achaemenid reign.
Armenia and Iranian World (1-5th century AD). Sofia, 2013, Abstract
So far there are only two specialized monographs worldwide on the cultural, religious, government and public influence of Iran on ancient Armenians: James Russell. Zoroastrianism in Armenia (Harvard University, 1987) and Эдуард Хуршудян. Армения и сасанидский Иран (историко-культурологическое исследование, Алматы 2003). This work is the third voluminous study in the world on the issue and has the ambitious goal to surpass thematically the previous two by developing a much deeper insight on the social system of Armenia under the authority of the Arsacids, the pre-Christian religion in the country and its place in the context of all-Iranian religious issues.
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