Wind Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System Using Fluctuation Control (original) (raw)
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Power system quality is a vital issue for electricity companies and consumers of low and medium voltage. In order to reduce the dependency on producing electric energy from fossil fuel, so the distributed renewable energy technologies are becoming increasingly important in the energy supply systems of many countries. Distributed Generator (DG) units can be defined as small units that generate electric power near to the location of customers based on the renewable energy techniques, including wind energy, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Interconnecting DG to an existing distribution system provides various benefits to several entities as for example the owner, utility and the final user. DG provides an enhanced power quality, higher reliability of the distribution system and can peak shaves and fill valleys. However, the integration of DG into existing networks has associated several technical, economic and regulatory questions. This paper investigates the impact of DGs on the power system for enhancing the power system quality by improve the voltage profile and power losses reduction. This paper uses the power system IEEE-12 busses for an example to illustrate the voltage control and decreases the active and reactive power losses by adding the wind generation DGs with the distribution network.
Voltage analysis of distribution systems with DFIG wind turbines
2009 IEEE Power Electronics and Machines in Wind Applications, 2009
Wind energy is becoming the most viable renewable energy source mainly because of the growing concerns over carbon emissions and uncertainties in fossil fuel supplies and the government policy impetus. The increasing penetration of wind power in distribution systems may significantly affect voltage stability of the systems, particularly during wind turbine cut-in and cutoff disturbances. Currently, doubly fed induction generator wind turbine (DFIG-WT) is the most popular wind turbine. This paper investigates the issues of voltage stability improvement and grid-loss reduction of distribution systems which include DFIG-WTs under unbalanced heavy loading conditions. Simulation studies are carried out in IEEE 34-bus test system using DIgSILENT software to examine these issues during steady-state and transient operations of the system. Optimal locations of the WTs are determined based on this analysis. A new index (system unbalanced voltage variance) is proposed to evaluate system unbalanced voltage. The dynamic impacts between WTs and motor loads are also examined.
Power Quality Investigation of Distribution Networks Embedded Wind Turbines
Journal of Wind Energy, 2016
In recent years a multitude of events have created a new environment for the electric power infrastructure. The presence of small-scale generation near load spots is becoming common especially with the advent of renewable energy sources such as wind power energy. This type of generation is known as distributed generation (DG). The expansion of the distributed generators- (DGs-) based wind energy raises constraints on the distribution networks operation and power quality issues: voltage sag, voltage swell, voltage interruption, harmonic contents, flickering, frequency deviation, unbalance, and so forth. Consequently, the public distribution network conception and connection studies evolve in order to keep the distribution system operating in optimal conditions. In this paper, a comprehensive power quality investigation of a distribution system with embedded wind turbines has been carried out. This investigation is carried out in a comparison aspect between the conventional synchronou...
Analyzing of Wind Distributed Generation Configuration in Active Distribution Network
With the increasing on the electric power demand and the power system extension, there are many un-preferred conditions will generate in the system as voltage drop, sag, over, under frequency and so on. The transmission power to the remote loads is required to install the new transmission lines and to construct the new power plants, which directly translated to additional cost. Using the Distributed Generations (DGs) near the loads can enhance the power system quality by improving the voltage profile and decrease the power losses. The wind generation is consisting of one of the famous renewable energy sources, because it has zero emission, abundant, freely available in nature, more saving running cost and friendly environmental at comparing with the traditional power plant. In this paper, a detailed analysis of using the wind DGs with the distribution power network and the optimum power control curve algorithm to control the wind turbine rotor speed. Also, this paper uses the power world simulator software to describes the contributions of using the wind DGs near the loads for enhancing the power system quality. The simulation in this paper presents with the IEEE-12 busbar 33 kV distribution system network to shows the difference voltage and the power losses without and with adding the wind DGs.
Issues in Wind electric distribution system and different mitigation methods-A perspective view
International journal of scientific and engineering research, 2013
Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing sources of electricity in India and around the world since it is economical, clean and abundant. There are two major types of wind gen-erators, which are commonly used in wind farms. The first one is the squirrel cage induc-tion generator while the second is doubly fed induction generator. In this, squirrel cage induction generator is widely used due to its low cost, low maintenance rate and possible utilization under wind gusting conditions. But wind farms with induction generators while generating real power, consume reactive power. Due to grid faults, the over speed of the induction generator resulted from transient currents drawn by the induction generator from the electrical power system can exceed the stability limit resulting in collapse of the system and islanding operation. Thus operators worldwide have developed new grid codes to integrate this form of generation. One important aspect of the problem is the low-voltage ride-through ...
This paper presents a control strategy for the embedded permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind power. It is equipped with battery to enhance the performance of voltage and frequency. The load sharing is carried out through droop method. This method is usually implemented to accomplish good active and reactive power delivery when communication link between energy sources is difficult due to their location. Power is delivered from the battery to the load as a result of the error between measured and nominal value of voltage and frequency. The information of power imbalance is obtained by multiplying such error values by droop constant. Through PID controller, this information is used to control phase and voltage of the PWM reference signal. The controller that we propose also uses state of charge (SOC) of the battery as feedback signal in order to keep SOC within the operating limit. The results show that the proposed control strategy is working properly
Stability Control and Reliable Performance of Wind Turbines, 2018
Wind energy (WE) has become one of the most promising and developed forms of renewable energy source due to its efficiency and the availability of different capacities according to the loading requirements. The integration of wind turbines in the Libyan network has become an indispensable choice due to Libya's distinguished location and for the Libyan National Initiative. Despite the numerous benefits of WE, the penetration of WE sources in the distribution network has some negative impacts related to the quality and reliability of the electric power supplied to the network. Owing to, the intermittent nature of these sources and electronic circuits needed to regulate the extracted power to comply with the grid requirements. In this chapter, implementation of the eastern Libyan network in NEPLAN and MATLAB/SIMULINK packages are carried out to investigate and analyze the significance of wind farm penetration in the medium voltage level of Libyan Distribution Network. A 60 MVA wind farm system has been connected to the Libyan distribution network according to the Libyan National Initiative. Different penetration scenarios are simulated to testify the technical aspects of integrating WE on the distribution level.
Steady State Operation and Control of Power Distribution System In Distributed Generation
In this research paper presents the voltage control methods with distributed generation and impact of DG on power distribution system. In this paper DG as a Wind Turbine (DFIG) and issues involving in connecting DG with power distribution system. Distributed resources (DR) or distributed generators (DG) connected to the distribution systems provides a different type of possibilities for energy conversion and generation compared to large generators connected to the transmission system. For various renewable energy resources like wind turbines, small and micro size wind turbines, conventional diesel generators, internal combustion generators, gas-fired turbines, PV cells and energy storage technologies, converters are required to provide electricity from these resources Despite the different categories of these distributed resources, the behaviour of a DR mainly depends upon the type of the converter that is connected with these DR in order to interact with the Electrical power system...