Міністерство освіти і науки України Глухівський національний педагогічний університет імені Олександра Довженка ПІДГОТОВКА ВЧИТЕЛЯ ІНОЗЕМНОЇ МОВИ (АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ) ДЛЯ НОВОЇ УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ШКОЛИ Колективна монографія (original) (raw)
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Bakhmat Nataliia. Preparation of teachers for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education institutions. The article considers modern aspects of professional training of teachers for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education. It was found that formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education institutions occurs through the content of the subject, through forms, methods and technologies. It is established that the main purpose of entrepreneurial training of students of general secondary education institutions is to acquaint them with entrepreneurial activity, formation of basic knowledge and skills. It is outlined that integrity of the methodological approach to professional training of teachers to the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education institutions, which includes knowledge, skills and practical experience more effectively-will provide entrepreneurial training for high school students and create conditions for conscious choice of entrepreneurship. The modern requirements to professional training of teachers are analyzed; the meaning of the concept of "entrepreneurial competence" is clarified, which is an integral psychological quality of personality, manifested in a motivated ability to creatively seek and implement new ideas and allows solving various problems in everyday, professional, social life. The criteria for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education institutions are determined. A set of measures for the preparation of teachers for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of general secondary education institutions, namely: development and implementation of an elective course on the formation of entrepreneurial competence; organization of entrepreneurial design for teachers in practice-integrated learning; application by teachers of reflective crosstechnologies of the situation center in the process of designing business situations.