Development of the System of the Sources of Civil Procedural Law during the first years of the Soviet-era (original) (raw)
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Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 2019
В статье исследуется возможность отнесения судебной практики и судебного прецедента к источникам (формам) гражданского процессуального права. Автор утверждает, что данные категории являются близкими, но не тождественными, анализирует различные подходы к их пониманию в юридической литературе, а также формулирует их определения. Разграничивается судебная практика в широком и узком смысле, очерчиваются иерархические границы последней-от решений вынесенных судом первой инстанции до постановлений Президиума Верховного суда РФ, вынесенных по конкретным делам в порядке надзора. Обращается внимание на особый характер постановлений Пленума Верховного суда РФ и обзоров судебной практики, утверждаемых Президиумом Верховного суда РФ, обусловленный тем, что они не являются актами, вынесенными по конкретным делам, и принимаются вне процессуальной формы. Постановления Президиума Верховного суда РФ, вынесенные в порядке надзора, представляют собой судебный прецедент, в настоящее время имплицитно признанный источником (формой) права на законодательном уровне, в то время как остальная часть судебной практики в указанных границах ни в виде ее отдельных элементов, ни в целом источником права не является. Автор выдвигает предложение о переводе имплицитного признания постановлений Президиума Верховного суда РФ, вынесенных по конкретным делам в порядке надзора, в разряд эксплицитных; отмечается также необходимость законодательного закрепления ряда дополнительных условий использования судебного прецедента в качестве источника (формы) права. Ключевые слова: гражданское судопроизводство, судебная практика, судебный прецедент, источники гражданского процессуального права.
Concept of Judicial Law in Works of Soviet Researchers
Juridical scientific and electronic journal, 2020
Решота В.В., д.ю.н., доцент, доцент кафедри адміністративного та фінансового права Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка Решота О.А., к.н.держ.упр., доцент кафедри публічного адміністрування та управління бізнесом Львівський національний університет імені Івана Франка
Actual Problems of Russian Law, 2021
Using authentical law enforcement acts of Russian courts issued in 1912, 1918 and 1947, the paper illustrates the change in approaches in criminal procedural legislation to the form and content of a court decision (a sentence), the peculiarities of its introductory, descriptive-rationale and operative parts. Particular attention is paid to the differences substantiated by the principles of legal proceedings, the circle of participants, the stage structure of the process and other fundamental features of the criminal procedure of a particular historical period. The paper elucidates that the presentation in the narrative part of the verdict of the full text of the jury’s decision and the jury’s responses constitutes the specifics of the decisions reached by the jury in the post-reform period. It is noted that limited data on the personality of the criminal in comparison with the later stages is provided. It is shown that the defendant’s sanity determination was assigned to the jury, r...
The System оf Principles and their Operation in the Civil Law of Russia and China
Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences, 2018
Introduction: the article provides a comparative legal analysis of the principles of civil law in Russia and China. The importance of this problem is due to the similarity of certain processes taking place in these countries. In addition, although Chinese civil law has borrowed many legal constructions from a number of countries in Western Europe and the United States, it managed to preserve its cultural and historical traditions. This experience of China may be of interest for Russian legislators, who continue to reform civil legis lation, including by borrowing foreign norms and principles existing in Europe and the United States. Purpose: to identify a number of common and distinctive characteristics of the principles of civil law in Russia and China and to compare the legal rules which are connected with the civil law principles. Methods: the research is based on empirical methods of comparison, description and interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, and specific scientific methods, such as legal dogmatic method and interpretation of legal rules. Results: the principles of civil law in Russia and China appear to be similar, however a clearer understanding of the principles of civil law has been formed in Russia both at the level of doctrine and at the level of practice. Conclusions: a number of principles of civil law of China, in particular the legal equality of the parties, freedom of contract, are in the process of development and improvement, which is determined by socioeconomic and cultural particularities. Keywords: principles of civil law; civil law of China; principle of good faith; principle of legal equality of the parties in a civil legal relation; principle of discretion; freedom of contract; norms-principles
State in the system of subjects of civil law of Ukraine
Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 2017
The article is devoted to studying the place of the state in the system of subjects of the civil law. It is noted that the realization of the interest of individual achieved by his/her individual actions, by means of combining individuals or a combination of capital, which leads to the creation of independent legal structure in the civil law, which becomes a fiction of the individual namely. Since the state is an alliance of the interests of persons united in a single social organism in order to ensure their implementation, it is logical that legal entity synthesizes not only the characteristic features of a corporation, but also the features that are characteristic for the state as a subject of the law. The state has no independent status as a subject of the civil law. Due to the relationship between the construction of the state and legal entities, we can assert the unity of the nature of their formation in the private law. The obvious special features of the state that are of a public-law nature do not exclude such features in the private-law sphere that are present in legal entity (organizational unity, property autonomy, independent property liability, participation in civilian circulation on its own behalf) do not change its goals in this area. The natural deficiency of the state capacity makes it impossible to realize its subjective civil rights and fulfill legal obligations in a way different from that established for its public-law functions, that is, through the state authorities. Such model of relations between the state and legal entities of public law fits into the design of the institution of representation. But this is not methodologically justified. Public authorities should not have legal entity status. The legal capacity of the state is revealed, its universal character is substantiated. Arguments are put forward in favor of the special legal capacity of the state authorities under the civil law of Ukraine.
Genesis of Cossack Law in Ukraine (16-th – first half of the 17-th centuries)
Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History
The purpose of the article is to find out the genesis of Cossack law and its implementation in Ukrainian society in the 16 – first half of the 17 cetury. The research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, problem-chronological, historical-systemic. Scientific novelty: for the first time in domestic historiography, it is studied the origins of Cossack law as specific norms of relations inside the Sich community and its spread in the Ukrainian society of that time. Main results: it is proved that, having originated on the basis of customary norms in individual communities, Cossack law found its development in the life of Zaporozhian Sich in the second half of the 16-th century. A sign of such phenomenon was the introduction of the position of judge as an important Kosh government official. Later, it began to be used in the volosti during the unfolding of mass rebel movements in the process of conducting the Cossack judiciary. In peacetime Cossack law was also used by local ota...
The origin of the institute of procedural substitution in Bulgarian law
The article strives to analyse the origin of the institute of procedural substitution (for the lack of a better term) in Bulgaria through historic overview, starting with the law of Ancient Rome, going through ius commune and finishing with the contemporary legal regime. From a procedural standpoint, the conclusion is that the institute came into being at the end of the XIX and beginning of the XX century. While manifestations of procedural substitution can be found in the Roman law, this is not an indication of a formulation of the legal institute itself.