Bioluminescent Analysis. The Action of Toxicants: Physical-Chemical Regularities of the Toxicants Effects (original) (raw)

Key words: bacterial hiciferasc biotest, foreign wmpcnmds, energy of electron excited states level. rdox ptential, reducing of bioluminescent intensity, induction perid, time of nt:txiniurn light intensity. Kudryasheva N.S., Kratasyuk V.A., Etelobrov.P.1. Institute of Riophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia ABSTRACT The physical-chemical regularities of aromatic cumpunds' effects i~i luciferase toxicity biotesting have. been studied. The structures and physical-chemical characterirtics of the toxicants and of the biduminescent emitter w a e takkcn into account. 'I he inhibrtiox! ccninants of bioluminescence intcnsiq (1) were calculated and interpreted !kom the vievcpcrint of the energy (dwtrcxi) transftz 293 1 Copyright 0 1994 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2932 KUDRYASHEVA, KRATASYUK, AND BELOBROV prt~csses The induction penod (P) and the rncmse d fhr: f7mc of the rriavlnium light intensity (tb,) which take place iv the quinones' presence, have beer; shown to deal wixh hydrogen trandicr processes. '1 he vah:.: of I, P and t, have been shown to be cormericd with a size of the qumoncs' aromatic and aliphatic parts. P-?~? d t,-dc.rc.,ndeni.ies UR quhorte' s ledox pterxtial have been demonstrated. Bioluminescent (BL) organismi; and their luciferases tqxciahly. are very sendti--% to fareign toxic cornpomds. This sen'c'i the basis r : f toxlsity hiotests . ihe effect of compounds' mixtures OR fie H L s y s t m is ari inregral characteristic. It depnds in a complex way on the nature d the constituents, marked by the tx:rtairr physicalchemical parameters.