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This study aims to determine the effect of competency, independence and professional attitude towards the audit quality of the Inspectorate Officers in Southeast Sulawesi. The study population was all Provincial Inspectorate auditors in Southeast Sulawesi spread across 17 cities / regions and 1 Province totaling 576 respondents. While the sample number of samples is all employees of the Inspectorate in Southeast Sulawesi who meet the criteria: (1). Profession as an auditor, (2). Ever conducted an audit as a Chairman of the TEAM or member of the auditor at least 2 times, and (3). Have a minimum of 2 years working period as an auditor. Based on data and criteria collected, the number of respondents who met the criteria were 167 auditors. The analytical equipment used is Partial Least Square (PLS) with the Smartpls program version 3. The results of the study show that competence does not have a significant effect on audit quality, while independence and professional attitude have a sig...
Other Topics Engineering Research eJournal, 2019
The study aims to determine and analyze the effects of competence, independence and professional attitudes on audit quality and individual characteristics as moderating the effects of competency, independence and professional attitude on the audit quality of Internal Apparatus in Southeast Sulawesi. The total number of the study population is 576 respondents, while the number of samples is 167 auditors that are determined through Slovin formulations. The sampling is conducted using purposive sampling method based on certain conditions, namely profession as internal auditors, have conducted audits at least twice and have minimally two years working period as an auditor. Based on results of the analysis, it is found that competence has positive effects on audit quality but is insignificant, independence has significant negative effects on audit quality while professional attitudes have positive and significant effects on audit quality. Furthermore, individual characteristics are found...
This study aims at investigating the effect of expertise and independence toward audit quality. The data were collected by using questionnaire. The sample of the study is 31 employees working in auditor Inspectorate of South East Sulawesi. This study applied multiple regression analysis for the data analysis. The result of the study revealed that (1) expertise partially affect the audit quality, and the effect is insignificant, (2) Independence partially affect audit quality, and the effect is significant, and (3) expertise and independence simultaneously affect audit quality in significant way.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014
The aims of this research are to know the positive and significant effect among competence, independence and professional attitude partially and simultaneously to inspectorate work achievement South Sulawesi. This inspectoratecontrol is based on regional government implementation and conducted structurally from regency/city level, province to centre level. The independent variables in this research are competence, independence and professional attitude for dependent variable is inspectorate work achievement the data in this research is primer data taken from questioner implementation directly to inspectorateapparatus of south Sulawesi. Analysis method that is used to examine hypothesis is double regression linear. This analysis is based on 50 respondents through questioner This research show simultaneous way are competence, independent and professional attitude influence significantly to inspectorate work achievement of shout Sulawesi and partial way competence variable (X1), independent (X2), professional attitude (X3), influence positive and significantly to inspectorate work achievement of shout Sulawesi. From this coefficientregression we can know are competence variable (X1), independent (X2) and professional attitude (X3), have influence positive and significantly to inspectorate work achievement of shout Sulawesi.
Accounting and Finance Studies
This study aims to determine the effect of independence, professionalism, competency and auditor’s experience on the quality of audit report. This study using a survey with census method using questionnaires distributed to all auditors in BPK Perwakilan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. There were 138 questionnaires distributed around June until July 2023, but only 125 questionnaires returned so that response rate was 90,58%. The research model used is the multiple linear regression. The results show that professionalism, competency and auditor’s experience have a positive and significant effect on the quality of audit report, while independence has no significant effect. The implication of these findings show that the increase of professionalism, competency and auditor’s experience improve the quality of audit report. Coefficient of determination shows that independence, professionalism, competency and auditor’s experience simultaneously influence the dependent variable (the quality of audi...
JMM17 : Jurnal Ilmu ekonomi dan manajemen
The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence regarding the influence of Auditor Independence, Auditor Competence, Auditor Integrity and Auditor Ethics on Audit Quality moderated by Auditor Work Experience at Inspecsaun Geral do Estado (IGE) Timor Leste. The population in this study is all employees who function as auditors, totaling 32 auditor staff. However, the samples used in this study and also in the data processing were 30 respondents, where the sampling technique used the saturation method (census), data collection used questionnaires and statistical analysis tools used Moderation analysis (MRA). The results showed, the results of the individual parameter significance test (t test) regression equation 1, showed, first, Auditor Independence has no influence and is not significant on Audit Quality. Second, Auditor Competence has a positive and significant influence on Audit Quality. Third, Auditor Integrity does not have a positive and significant influence on Au...
An Empirical Study of Independence from Auditors in Padang, Indonesia
Proceedings of the 4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2019), 2020
This research aims to prove the independence among auditors in private and public sector in Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The population is all auditors in Padang, consists of auditors in private sector (internal auditors and public accountants) and auditors in public sector (auditors of inspectorate and BPK). There are 75 respondents in private sector and 79 respondents in public sector. The results show (1) in private sector, there is no significant different of independence between external and internal auditors and (2) in public sector, external auditors tends to be more independence than internal auditors. It implies that instead of auditors themselves, support from top management or legislative is also needed to enhance the independence of auditors.
Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Audit Quality Of Auditors in Indonesia
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2021
The aim of the research is to identify the most determinant elements affecting the quality of audit in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The variables are used to influence the quality of audit in this paper such as independence, competence, integrity, objectivity and work experience. This study used questonaries to obtain the data from the auditors who live in Balikpapan dan Samarinda cities with five likert scales to express the respondent's opinions. In processing it, used SPSS Package to check the validity and the reliabilty test and Eviews softwares to check the impact of the independence to dependence variables. The new interesting finding in this paper that only two variables have positive impact and statistically significant on the quality of the audits that are the integrity and objectivity variables. Otherwise the three other variables are not significant such as independence, competence and work experience. The value of the research is as a reference for the future related topic to a quality of the audit.
Pengaruh Keahlian Auditor dan Independensi terhadap Audit Judgment
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Manajemen, Bisnis dan Akuntansi (JIMMBA), 2020
This study aims to empirically test whether the auditor’s expertise and auditor independence affect audit judgment. The selected sample is fifty respondents with technical purposive sampling. We use a quantitative method, where data is obtained from auditors who work in public accounting firms in Jakarta. We use multiple linear regression analysis techniques with the SPSS program. We find that partially, either expertise of auditors and auditor independence has a positive and significant effect on audit judgment. F test has shown that simultaneously auditor expertise and auditor independence have a positive and significant effect on audit judgment.
The increase in demand for financial statement audit services is in line with the opening of financial scandals both in the private sector and the private / government sector. Audit is the process of examining financial statements and aims to increase the accountability of companies both private and government agencies to stakeholders. An audit is usually carried out by a competent and independent person. This independence and competency factor is a controller for the auditor, so that the quality of the audit conducted. The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence that independence and competence affect the quality of internal auditors in local governments in the former Pekalongan residency. Analyzes were performed using validity and reliability tests, classic assumption tests and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that independence and competence had a significant positive effect on the quality of audits carried out by local government internal auditors.