Practices of the Built Heritage as Other Space: Conservation and Destruction of the Wooden Churches of Transylvania (original) (raw)

New ''Sacred'' Places: Heritage Practices on Heritage Sites

Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places, Serta Instituti Archaeologici , 2018

This paper analyses the constitution of a veneration place through material practices. It is focused on how the existing properties/capacities of the place were utilized or deployed to create a new set of spatial and material relations embodying notions of nation, national unity, community, sacrifice and victory in war. These issues are addressed in a case study regarding complex mutual relationships between a prehistoric stone cairn, war memorial and commemoration practice (Štrkovača hill, Polača, Zadar County, Croatia).

Faces of the identity and memory. The cultural heritage of Central Europe (managing and case studies), red. Ewa Kocój, Łukasz Gaweł, Wydawnictwo UJ, Kraków 2015, s. 224.

1. Faces of the identity and memory. The cultural heritage of Central Europe (managing and case studies)

Cultural Heritage of Central and Eastern Europe is still little known, but is increasingly being exposed as an area for scientific research. This region of Europe has experienced exceptional historical events in the twentieth century. Along the majority societies associated with different states, there lived communities of the minority and stateless, torn by totalitarian regimes of the previous century. The politics of assimilation aimed at the national, ethnic, and religious minorities has taken an enormous toll on their cultural heritage. The empty, devastated Jewish synagogues, Orthodox, Greek and Roman Catholic churches serving as warehouses are still to be seen on these lands. We encounter fallen mansions or houses abandoned in a hurry of those who once lived their life in a colourful multicultural reality of the borderland. The fall of communism in this part of Europe has restored the memory of the “absent” and triggered activities to rescue their tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In Central-Eastern Europe, the passing decades have been characterized by many interesting and new projects created within the framework of the forgotten and uncomfortable heritage, undertaken by many public, self-government, private and non-profit institutions They are supported by the organizers and implementers of culture, as well as regional activists and enthusiasts who realize there will be a big void in the history and collective memory of this region if the minorities’ heritage is to disappear. The monograph includes papers from international researchers tackling various issues on cultural heritage and its management. They present multiple involvements of this area of culture within different European countries’ politics or ideology.

Heritage Protection in a Changing Word

Current Trends in European Heritage Preservation with a Focus on the Carpathian Basin, 2019

"All over the world, including Hungary, there are tendencies in the field of heritage protection observed in the last decades that suggest the actual existence of this connection. The banalisation of the culture seems to be an everyday experience. It is not just that these tendencies penetrated the field of heritage protection, but they even began to besiege it. In my view, both the current world-wide changes and the radical reform of the system of heritage protection in Hungary since 2012 fit into this context. ... Several aspects of the changes in the field of heritage protection could be discussed, but the limited length of an article does not allow to take all of them. However, I believe, it is worth focusing on a phenomenon containing the whole problem just like the entire ocean in a drop. This phenomenon is spreading all over the world, including Hungary, especially since the turn of the millennium. In our country, the process seems to have been significantly accelerated in the past years. It is about reconstruction. It is worth looking at the problem from a broader perspective and trying to analyse it in a larger context."

The new requests for protection, conservation and valorisation of Cultural Heritage

RIPAM 7 - Conservation et mise en valeur du patrimoine architectural et paysagé des sites côtiers méditerranéens - Conservation and promotion of architectural and landscape heritage of the Mediterranean coastal sites, 2019

et membre du Comité Scientifique de l'Architecture et du Paysage du Ministère du Patrimoine et des Activités Culturelles et Touristiques. Il a été directeur de l'École d'études supérieures du Patrimoine Architectural et Paysager (anciennement l'École de spécialisation en restauration des monuments), Doyen de la Faculté d'Architecture de Gênes, Président de l'AEEA-Association Européenne pour l'Education Architecturale et il est coordinateur du son Réseau Thématique sur la Conservation. Sur la base de sa longue expérience, au niveau national et international, accumulée sur les thèmes en question qui sont aussi le sujet de cette conférence, il va proposer dans son introduction quelques réflexions critiques sur les termes spécifiques de la restauration, de la préservation, de l'entretien, de l'amélioration et sur d'éventuelles situations critiques qui peuvent découler de leur Entrelacement continu dans le monde contemporain. L'objectif du rapport sera également mis sur la nécessité, plus urgente, pour commencer une « Pédagogie de la Conservation, une Formation en matière de Conservation » véritable à tous les niveaux d'enseignement et dans toutes les zones géographiques, les pays de nos droits sociaux et culturels. « Une Pédagogie de la Conservation est, en fait, la seule chance réelle d'assurer la protection future active et significative de notre patrimoine historique et artistique, et du paysage, c'est-à-dire « notre patrimoine culturel ». On fera ça au profit d'un avenir véritablement durable, non seulement socialement, économiquement et pour l'environnement, mais aussi culturellement. Mots-clés: patrimoine, droits sociaux, Pédagogie de la Conservation. An initial tale Let me start this short contribution, in form of public reflection and not as an academic lecture, with two sentences that I always found very interesting and challenging for all those who work in the field of Conservation of our Cultural-and especially built-Heritage. The first one is a citation from the book "Ruins" written by the French sociologist Marc Augé and it throws a strong ray of light upon the

Conservation and new uses in the space of the holy, in Conservation/Adaptation. Keeping alive the spirit of the place. Adaptive re-use of heritage with symbolic values, D. Fiorani, L. Kealy, S.F. Musso (ed.), EAAE, Hasselt-Belgium 2017, pp. 117-130

The change in use of Christian religious buildings raises various issues, and establishing a context for them means dealing with core conservation themes while at the same time examining the relationships between shape and content in architecture. For several decades, the debate around this subject was focused on the dichotomy between figurative and historical (material) values. Today, theoretical reflection vacillates between the pre-eminent attention paid to the architecture itself, and to the meanings that we can derive from it. Architectural forms gather together and transmit different concepts. These can be spatial, constructive, structural, technological, material; but also social, economic and, in general terms, cultural. If the first group of qualifications defines the properties of the architecture in itself, the second group refers purely to its functional and symbolic dimensions. Confronting the issues that arise from proposals that show new weak functions conflicting with strong ancient symbols, the solutions, yet again, must not derive from the uncertain path of extra-architectural significance, but in the potential for the building itself to show its own specific essence. If it is true that architectural questions from the past reach us as answers through their objectivation, our answers, to retain credibility, should not avoid the need to build a deep relationship with that same physicality