Libido Kekuasaan Rezim (original) (raw)
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A man should take courage when about to die, and be of good hope, after leaving this life, he will attain to the greatest good yonder (Socrates)
This article shows the change and continuity of femininity construction in Indonesian public using the media. It started with the femininity construction during the colonial era, which showed how femininity was used by the colonial government and by the Indonesian movement at that time. It was a public space construction, which negotiated places to support some types of femininity construction. By describing this construction process, the article wish to show that power plays an important role. Being feminine women is not of women wish but more on how the society at large preserve some types of femininity discourse. The article also shows that such construction process at the end is also a big demand from capitalistic interest. The capital and the global are two other sources of power that at present depict what kind of women to be constructed.
Partai politik pun gagal menjalankan fungsi intermediasi antara rakyat dengan pemerintah. Hal ini bisa kita lihat realitas bergugurannya hak angket di DPR atas berbagai kebijakan pemerintah yang menyangkut hajat hidup rakyat. Proses interpelasi dan hak angket tidak berjalan karena DPR lebih mementingkan diri dan partainya, dan melupakan rakyat. Kalau demikian, tidak ada bedanya era reformasi dengan Orba yang terkenal dengan praktek KKN-nya.
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Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 2017
Kita ketahui bahwa negara Republik Indonesia adalah negara hukum berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945 bertujuan mewujudkan tatanan kehidupan bangsa yang aman, tenteram, dan tertib. Untuk mewujudkan tatanan kehidupan tersebut diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan dan menegakkan ketertiban, keadilan dan kepastian hukum yang mampu memberikan kepada masyarakat, di bawah UUD 1945 sebagai hukum dasar.
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Free will is an individual ability to have full control of his or her act and decision without any pressure from others. The problem of free will emerge from the debate between those who believe the very existence of free will and those who against it (determinism). Griffin's ideas consists of process theology and postmodern theology. Process Theology is based on the concept of process, enjoyment, essential relatedness, incarnation, creative self-determination, creative self-expression, novelty, and God-relatedness. Postmodern theology is a critique for two stages of modern view with its dualistic-supernaturalistic and materialistic-atheistic character, and propose a constructive postmodern vision, based on anti-individualistic spirituality, organicism, transformative traditionalism, naturalistic panentheism, and post-patriarchal. Griffin's conception of free will is divided into cosmology, theology, and axiology freedom. In cosmology freedom, human are creatures with high l...
Gender Dan Teror Otoritas Kekuasaan
Kafa`ah: Journal of Gender Studies, 2011
This article wishes to see (through three cases) the abuse of power in influencing public opinion to have to accept something happened becaouse of her feminity. The word "woman" with entire variant "creator" of her feminity like the beauty of body, becouse woman cannot be a top leader and so on, is blewn up by owner of power (mass media, to manager and or politician). This Blow-up represents terror form (abuse of power) in order to get power).