The Beloved Disciple's Memoirs and Letters: The Gospel of (original) (raw)

The Bible Hand-Book: An Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture - Joseph Angus -D.D. + re-written by Samuel G. Green, D.D.- Decoding the Eternal Word: A Comprehensive Exploration of Scripture’s Origins, Transformations, and Timeless Impact on Faith, Culture, Human Thought -Rare Edition 800 Pgs

- New York , Chicago , Toronto :: Fleming H. Revell Company + the New Alexandria Library of Texas , 1868

This comprehensive guide, written by Joseph Angus and revised by Samuel G. Green, offers a systematic exploration of biblical study. It addresses textual, historical, theological, and interpretative aspects of the Bible. The book is structured into eight chapters, each focusing on key dimensions of biblical scholarship, making it a valuable resource for both students and theologians. • New Testament Text and Manuscripts: Discusses the Hellenistic Greek dialect of the New Testament, delineates uncial and cursive manuscripts, and reviews ancient versions such as Syriac, Armenian, and Latin (including the Vulgate). It examines early quotations and textual variations, providing insights into the principles of textual criticism. • The Old and New Testament Text: Explores the methodology of textual criticism, addressing external and internal evidence, textual variations (accidental and intentional), and the application of critical canons, with examples such as the Johannine Comma. • Bible's Authority and Claims: Reviews the self-claims of Scripture, including its testimony to moral and theological truths. It categorizes evidence into external (miracles, prophecy) and internal (moral and spiritual harmony), emphasizing the Bible's enduring credibility. • Inspiration and Revelation: Examines the dual divine-human nature of Scripture, the progression of revelation, and its unsystematic yet universal character. The text highlights the unity and diversity of biblical revelation and its role as authoritative in religious life. • Bible Translation: Chronicles the history of biblical translations, from Latin versions to the Authorized (King James) and Revised Versions in English. It analyzes translation features, including italics, marginal notes, and textual subdivisions, while offering comparisons to original languages. • Interpretation of Scripture: Provides a detailed hermeneutical framework, emphasizing grammatical, contextual, and theological analysis. It delves into figurative language (e.g., allegory, type, parable) and interprets prophetic texts, Old Testament quotations in the New, and foreshadowings of the Gospel. • Scriptural Difficulties: Addresses anticipated challenges, including complex phrases, cultural allusions, and apparent contradictions, offering guidance for resolution. It places biblical difficulties within the broader context of divine revelation. This book integrates linguistic, historical, and theological dimensions, advocating a rigorous and informed approach to Scripture. Its detailed methodologies and practical insights make it a foundational text for understanding the Bible's construction, claims, and interpretation. The work remains a valuable academic and devotional resource, bridging historical critical scholarship and spiritual inquiry. TAGS- Bible, sacred scripture, textual criticism, hermeneutics, theology, divine inspiration, biblical authority, translation history, biblical ethics, prophecy, miracles, faith, revelation, ancient manuscripts, uncial manuscripts, cursive manuscripts, Textus Receptus, critical editions, Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, Vulgate, Old Latin, ecclesiastical texts, lectionaries, Gospels, Pauline epistles, apostles, New Testament, Old Testament, Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Dead Sea Scrolls, codices, manuscript preservation, scriptural authenticity, textual variations, biblical canon, moral philosophy, divine revelation, doctrinal debates, spiritual truth, biblical history, biblical geography, biblical chronology, ancient Near East, ancient languages, Hellenistic Greek, biblical prophecy, typology, allegory, parables, scriptural interpretation, historical criticism, theological ethics, miracles in Scripture, prophecy fulfillment, biblical morality, church history, reformation theology, inspiration theory, translation methods, Authorized Version, Revised Version, Wycliffe Bible, Tyndale Bible, early English translations, translation comparison, linguistic analysis, grammar, historical texts, ecclesiastical history, Christian ethics, biblical exegesis, apostolic writings, ancient Christianity, biblical culture, biblical symbolism, messianic prophecy, Gospel harmony, synoptic Gospels, intertestamental period, biblical archaeology, faith and reason, spiritual harmony, biblical doctrines, covenant theology, grace, law, divine justice, biblical covenant, eschatology, Christology, early church writings, patristic texts, liturgical texts, creeds, confessions, ecclesiology, the Bible and history, the Bible and culture, Bible and ethics, ancient religions, Middle Eastern history, biblical allusions, figurative language, scriptural difficulties, historical contradictions, scriptural harmonization, secular history, scriptural typology, Old Testament theology, New Testament theology, Christ-centered hermeneutics, historical theology, systematic theology, moral theology, exegetical theology, Bible and science, scriptural canons, early Christian writings, spiritual evidence, internal evidence, external evidence, hermeneutical rules, prophetic language, figurative speech, Bible symbolism, biblical metaphors, Psalms, Proverbs, wisdom literature, Mosaic law, prophetic writings, interlinear Bibles, Bible commentaries, scholarly exegesis, critical apparatus, textual emendation, ancient writing systems, Bible glossaries, biblical concordances, Bible dictionaries, Strong’s Concordance, lexicons, Bible atlases, biblical maps, Bible chronology charts, biblical timelines, biblical criticism history, history of the Bible, manuscript traditions, ecclesiastical witnesses, patristic citations, apostolic fathers, biblical ethics comparison, ethics and Scripture, divine law, human ethics, moral systems, ethical comparisons, religious truth, spiritual truth, cultural influence of the Bible, biblical inspiration, reformers’ theology, biblical illumination, sola scriptura, Bible authority, biblical unity, progressive revelation, New Testament quotations of the Old Testament, biblical foreshadowing, typological analysis, symbolic interpretation, textual evidence, scriptural truth, biblical scholarship, critical editions of the Bible, modern translations, Bible translation challenges, scholarly apparatus, interfaith studies, biblical influence, ancient societies, historical evidence, Christian faith, scriptural claims, spiritual authority, faith traditions, moral influence of the Bible, ethical teachings, religious systems, ancient ethics, inspired writing, Bible for all ages, Bible and culture, language shifts in translations, universal truths, transcultural Scripture, Bible and philosophy, philosophical theology, ancient theology, textual synthesis, biblical literacy, biblical education, exegetical principles, Bible study methods, theological study tools, divine-human authorship, covenant promises, prophetic typology, scriptural coherence, Bible and literature, sacred writing, divine mystery, and spiritual enlightenment study, Old Testament narrative, New Testament theology, religious philosophy, early church writings, biblical manuscripts, Bible commentary, Christian traditions, theological analysis, sacred literature, historical Jesus studies, biblical archaeology, apostolic doctrine, canonical scriptures, gospel writings, textual criticism, Christian hermeneutics, biblical canon, scripture interpretation, divine revelation, Christian doctrine study, scripture teachings, ancient religious texts, Old Testament law, ancient Israelite history, Bible prophecy, New Testament epistles, translation theory, Bible symbolism, Christian ethics in scripture, religious texts, faith-based scholarship, sacred teachings, scripture narratives, Pauline letters, Christian liturgy, Jewish religious texts, ancient biblical manuscripts, Hebrew scriptures, Bible in early Christianity, Jewish teachings, Christian missionaries, scriptural sources, early Christian church, prophetic scriptures, biblical translations, church fathers' writings, early translations of the Bible, scripture in culture, Christian apologetics, Christian doctrine formulation, ancient religious philosophy, historical context of the Bible, ancient theological writings, translation of religious texts, sacred knowledge, Christian ethical principles, Bible languages, biblical structure, sacred content, sacred text exegesis, prophecy fulfillment in the Bible, Bible versions comparison, moral law in the Bible, Old Testament teachings, New Testament gospels, Bible study methods, doctrine of salvation, faith interpretation, ethical scriptural lessons, Christian mysticism, sacred hermeneutics, theological reasoning, doctrinal developments, church scripture practices, biblical symbols, typology in the Bible, faith history, religious truth, scripture and moral conduct, Christian worldview, biblical doctrines, Christian ethics texts, holy writings, scriptural complexities, prophecy in the Bible, ancient Christian texts, apostolic succession, historical-critical method, Bible versions study, religious analysis, Christian faith-building, scripture unity, ecclesiastical history, Christian worldview interpretation, ancient texts in theology, sacred content analysis, divine scripture, textual manuscripts, Christian spiritual principles, divine scripture inspiration, Christian Bible study, Old Testament prophecies, Christian theological education, apostolic faith writings, early religious texts, religious authority, ecclesiastical texts, biblical spiritual lessons, Christ in prophecy, ancient translation of scripture, Christian belief systems, early Bible exegesis, textual evidence of the Bible, biblical writing styles, Bible historical accuracy, Old Testament wisdom, early church doctrine, New Testament focus, sacred scripture structure, biblical morality, Christian living principles, faith-centered learning, Bible tradition, scriptural commentary, church teachings on the Bible, holy scripture insights, prophecy interpretation, biblical research, sacred narrati...

Principles of Biblical Interpretation for Lay Preachers

SDA principles of Biblical interpretation for laymen, 2019

This paper covers the basic principles that undergird credible biblical interpretation. An introduction which covers a very small history of biblical hermeneutics and an affirmation of the historical grammatical method of interpretation is made. This is then followd by 10 principles of interpretation within the scope of the historical grammatical method.

Essays in Biblical Interpretation


1 FORWARD This book, as may be gathered from its title, is a group of essays loosely structured around the central theme of biblical interpretation. These essays are the fruit of several years of study and writing while a graduate student at Global University. Each essay is a self-contained unit of thought, but the work as a whole retains a unit of purpose-to uncover what it is that God is saying in the Bible, how He is saying it, and how it can be understood and applied today. The foundational presupposition of the entire work is the centrality of Jesus in all of God's revelation. From this presupposition several key secondary presuppositions are derived and elucidated throughout the work (it will be left to the reader to discover what these secondary presuppositions are). The essays have been grouped into four parts with five chapters each: the history of biblical interpretation, the message of the Bible, the form of the Bible, and the Bible in theology and apologetics.

(Term Paper) - Developments in Biblical Interpretation since the Enligtenment


When two of Jesus’ disciples were on their way to Emmaus, sadly discussing the events of the last three days, they were clearly dealing with a hermeneutical problem. They were not able to interpret Scriptures correctly concerning the death and resurrection of their Lord. As Jesus joined them on their way, he helped them as a true hermeneut, “[interpreting] to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself” (Luke 24:13-28). This small incident demonstrates several crucial aspects concerning biblical hermeneutics: (a) the Bible needs to be interpreted; (b) Christ is to be found in all of Scripture; (c) although we can be familiar with Scripture, we can fail to understand or apply it correctly; (d) personal and cultural biases can distort Scripture (Luke 24:21a); (e) man on his own is unable to interpret Scripture correctly without divine help; and (f) Scripture is God’s infallible word. Biblical hermeneutics, therefore, are serious business, possibly resulting in either confusion and misunderstanding, or in healthy faith and guidance (Luke 24:32). Herein lies the problem. Although Scripture testifies of its own infallibility and divine inspiration (2 Tim. 3:16), there is no “cookbook-recipe-like” specification of how correct hermeneutics should be conducted. Therefore, because culture affects all attempts at interpretation, many methods have been developed and applied since the beginning of Biblical hermeneutics; some better, and some worse. Ramm (1970) emphasized: "There is no profit to us if God has spoken and we do not know what He has said“ and concludes “that we need to know the correct method of Biblical interpretation so that we do not confuse the voice of God with the voice of man". This essay is concerned with the development of how evangelicalism interprets the Bible from the Enlightenment to the present. It is quite useful to also investigate this from the Reformation onwards to the emergence of Evangelicalism, since these developments in Biblical hermeneutics are the beginning of Evangelicalism's attempt to interpret Scriptures. The essay will then continue with a short introduction on the Enlightenment, followed by a presentation of four scholars who were important for Biblical criticism. After that, the developments in the 19th and 20th Centuries will be investigated. The study of hermeneutics is not an exact science and its developments are diverse and manifold. Therefore, it is only possible to present a limited survey. However, the main key data will be presented.

A Compact Guide to the Whole Bible: Learning to Read Scripture's Story (Wall, R. W.; Nienhuis, D. R., eds.)

Neotestamentica, 2015

This edited book about reading the whole Bible is primarily aimed at undergraduates and adult Bible study groups (7). It follows the Christian church's intention to treat the Bible as Scripture and thus approaches the Bible in terms of "its overall unity" (157). Rather than presenting a detailed introduction to the historical or contextual issues surrounding the text, this book aims to provide readers of the Bible with the big picture of the biblical story (8). Each chapter represents a canonical unit and begins by framing the books within their contribution to the biblical metanarrative, followed by a discussion of their arrangement and placement within the biblical canon, their literary features, and the theological questions they evoke concerning God, God's people and God's world.

An Essential Guide to the New Testament: A Companion for Understanding God’s Word

Electronic Christian Media, 2019

This guide is an essential companion for understanding each book of the New Testament. It provides information and analysis on each book, covering the author, outline and its historical background. From the life of Jesus in the Gospels to the life of Paul in Acts, you’ll find the answers your looking for here. Cultural and archaeological discoveries are provided throughout, helping to bring the Bible alive for any reader. It is beautifully illustrated with over 200 colorful, maps, timelines, charts, photographs, and illustrations, bringing the New Testament alive. A helpful glossary defines technical terms, and extensive footnotes with hundreds of commentaries and books listed in the For Future Study section, as well as an extensive bibliography, provide an invaluable resource to readers seeking further study. This is an engaging resource intended for laypeople who want to better understand the New Testament, whether in seminary courses, college classrooms, church groups or purely for personal study.

Syllabus, Principles of Biblical Interpretation

This course is an introductory presentation of the basic principles of interpretation for the student to develop practical study skills for an accurate understanding, interpretation, application and presentation of the Word of God. It requires actual performance and hands on experiences to assimilate to the student the desired skill this study aims to pursue. Certain scriptural texts will be considered to find out what do they say, what do they mean and how can they be applied.