First Time List, Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate Analytics, 20 June 2019 تغريد النور (original) (raw)
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Journal of Taibah University of Science - A Bibliometric Study.pdf
The study presents the bibliometric analysis of “Journal of Taibah University of Science”. The analysis scrutinizes mainly distribution of articles, length of articles, collaboration pattern, distribution of citations, and self-citations etc. Methodology: A total number of 111 articles were analysed which were retrieved from the journal website for a period of 2008 to 2014. Results: Collaborative approach is more preferable (79%) than solo approach as it constitutes only 21%. Most of the contributions are from foreign sources (60%) with 40% of the contributions local in nature. The average number of citations for articles cited in Google Scholar is 2.07, but as a whole for all cited and not cited articles is .50 per article.
Examining the Citations Received by DOAJ's Journals from ISI Web of Science's Articles (2003-2008)
doi: 10.4156/ijact.vol2.issue3.10 This research aims to investigate the citations received by DOAJ's journals from ISI Web of Science's articles in five fields (Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Pure Sciences, Technology & Engineering, and Health & Medical Sciences) during 2003-2008. It was used bibliometrics and citation analysis. In this research 2953 English-language journals in DOAJ were chosen, and no sampling was used. The research data have been gathered by means of Cited Reference Search in ISI Web of Science and after counting the number of citations in each field the journals were ranked (to the fifth rank) in terms of the number of the received citations. After studying the journals from DOAJ, it was clarified that 321 journals (10.87%) received citations, and these journals totally received 19050 citations. The average number of citations per journal was 6.45. Pure Sciences received most citations (10116 citations equal to 53.1%) and in this field Biology was...
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
The bibliometric data in this editorial provide readers with information about the journal’s publication, review and article access statistics, the articles attracting the most interest over the past year and the citation performance of the journal.
Citation and self-citation rates of Iranian and Turkish journals indexed in ISI
In recent years,the growth rate of scientific production is increasing noticeabley.Citation analysis is currently one of the most widely used metrics for analyzing the scientific contribution of any units. Self-citation is a common practice but it can differ between disciplines, countries and journals. In this study we evaluated the impact factor (IF), citations and self-citations of Iranian and Turkish journals indexed in Web of Science based on the Journal Citation Report(JCR) 2012. We used the ISI-database journal citation report from Thomson-Reuters, JCR 2012, tocollectjournal impact factors, number of articles, number of citations and self-citationsfor both Turkey and Iran from 2009 to 2010 (which was used to calculate the impact factor of 2011). The mean, median and percentiles of each variableswere compared between countries using theIndependent Student t-test or Mann-Whithney U test in the case of violation of normal distribution. In addition therelationship between the numb...
Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC): Evaluating Scholary Journals Based on Citation Analysis
Acta Informatica Medica
Introduction: Citation analysis is currently one of the most widely used metrics for analyzing the scientific contribution in different fields. The Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) aims at promoting technical cooperation among Muslim scientists and their respected centers based on these theories. It also facilitates the accessibility of knowledge and research contribution among them. This paper aims at revealing some of the outmost features of ISC databases, in order to give a fairly clear view of what it is and what are its products. The paper consists of three major parts. After an introduction about the Islamic World Science Citation Center, the paper deals with major tools and products of ISC. In the third part ISCs’ journal Submission system is presented as an automatic means, by which users can upload journals’ papers into the respected databases. Conclusion: Some complementary remarks have been made regarding the current state of ISC and its future plans.
Saudi Arabian Top Four Medical journals Bibliometric study
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction: The purpose of this study was to measure the progress of scientific research outcomes of four medical journals, which are indexed to National Library of Medicine (USA) PubMed published from Saudi Arabia during the period from 2000 to 2019 Methods: Scientific papers that are published under the category of original and review articles, short communications, case, and short reports were downloaded from the top four medical journals indexed in the PubMed database viz. (i) Saudi Medical Journal (SMJ) (ii) Neurosciences (iii) Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation (SJKDT) and (iv) The Annals of Saudi Medicine (ASM) and their research productivity is measured through an appropriate mapping process. The data were analyzed according to certain parameters such as the growth of publication, the types of publication, and the authorship pattern. Inferences: The findings of the study revealed that 12866 articles were contributed by 47346 authors with an average of 3.67 authors per article, and 47.92% articles were published in 12 issues of SMJ (n=6165(47.92%)) , Neuroscience (n=1422, 11.05%)), SJKDT (n=3160, 24.56%)and ASM (n=2119, 16.47%) during 2000–2019. Most of the articles (n=10774, 83.74%) included more than one author, leaving only 2092 articles (16.26%) were published by single authors. The authors have collaborated with national and international authors for their scholarly work. Conclusions: The analysis of bibliometric indicators of these four medical journals showed the rising tendency of research publications and the high rate of collaborative research output. These journals contributed a massive number of research papers during the period of the last twenty years. Collaboration among researchers facilitates sharing knowledge and techniques and brings a mixture of positive scientific thoughts. This study recommends that the unified bylaws for faculty in Saudi universities should give more weight to multi-authored papers.