Masculinidades trans (original) (raw)

TFM Masculinidades

Introduction and Objectives Gender-based violence in teen dating is a current problem that requires preventive measures. In the Spanish context, the social reality provides revealing facts that point to the existence of inequality; among others, the persistence of gender violence due to complementary unequal roles between men and women, and the behavior of surveillance and control allowed by new technologies. This study is focused on the analysis of the construction of masculinities and its relationship with gender-based violence in teen dating. In particular, we were interested in studying the experts’ discourse on how to deal with masculinities for preventive purposes. Material and method To this end an exploratory and qualitative study was developed by making contact with three experts in psychosocial intervention about gender-based violence. They were interviewed and their discourse was then analyzed on the basis of intended objectives. Results We have been able to verify –through the experts’ opinions- that adolescents lack awareness of inequality and that they perceive gender-based violence as a problem of adults. Regarding prevention, there is a gap between words and action, as well as conflicting messages from both institutional programs and the media. It is necessary to work on masculinities from ‘habits’, privileges and power relationships, as well as to deconstruct romantic love notions based on control and facilitated by new technologies. Discussion and conclusions The experts recommend to start working in childhood so as to achieve better long term results, where interaction of families, school, the media and governmental institutions can interact in order to tackle the psychosocial causes of gender violence based on dichotomous complementary and unequal roles. Keywords: masculinities, gender violence, prevention, equality, adolescents.

Masculinidades en Foco

Hemos visto florecer en este último tiempo varios grupos de varones que dicen empoderarse y entender ‘la otra cara de la moneda’: la opresión femenina, la distribución desigual de las tareas, la imposición de la esfera privada, la cosificación, entre otras reivindicaciones que han descubierto ahora. ¡Eureka! Nos da ganas de gritar, pero no lo hacemos y escuchamos lo que tienen para decir, después de todo, es parte de lo que queríamos: varones que den cuenta de la opresión de la mujer y reflexionen solidariamente en pos de la emancipación y superación del patriarcado. Entre estos grupos encontramos a “Colectivo de Varones Antipatriarcales ”, “Colectivo de Varones Floreciendo ”, “Varones por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito ”, entre varios otros, en distintas ciudades, bajo premisas similares pero con una base en común: se describen como varones empoderados cuestionando el patriarcado que también los oprime.


TSQ*now, 2021

“¡Tranfeminista! Una genealogía y cartografía transnacional de un movimiento micropolítico”