Infusing Local Tradition Values into School Culture: How Indonesian Islamic School Set Up Character Education? (original) (raw)

Model of religious character education: A case study in Al-Hilal Islamic Primary School Bekasi, Indonesia

Journal of Social Studies (JSS), 2020

Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 Article 2 states that character education must be the leading spirit in Indonesia's delivery of education. This study aims to describe the religious character education model implemented at Al-Hilal Islamic Primary School Bekasi, which is supported by participation of students' parent to build a learning process that not only produces an output of students who can graduate from school but also produce students who have religious characters. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study method. The data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The results are the synergistic relationship and active role of all parties; in this case, the school and parents have successfully shaped the Islamic religious character. Students' character is built on a strong

Character Education Values That Work in Islamic Senior High School Setting

The purpose of study is to discover the character education values that are integrated in lesson plan, implemented in the classroom setting, and classroom academic rules. This is a case study research that focused on describing the integration of character education program in the Model Islamic senior high school of Makassar, Indonesia. Fifty lesson plans were collected, twenty six informants were observed, and five informants were interviewed to have data on character education values that work. The data were analyzed using qualitative approach; data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The result showed that (1) there are eighteen character education values written in the lesson plan; religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, love to motherland, appreciation of achievement, friendly, peaceful, love to read, environmental and social care, responsibility, (2) the values that work in the classroom are religious, trustworthy, respectfulness, diligent, fair, care, integrity, responsible, honest, love to motherland, courage, and (3) the values that work in the academic rules are disciplines, care, tolerant, friendly, responsible. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang diintegrasikan melalui Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, diimplementasikan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas dan aturan akademik sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang diarahkan pada pendeskripsian integrasi program pendidikan karakter pada Madasah Aliyah Negeri Model Makassar, Indonesia. Sebanyak 50 RPP dikumpulkan, duapuluh enam informan diamati, dan lima informan diwawancarai untuk memperoleh data tentang nilai-nilai karakter yang dijalankan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif; reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat delapan belas karakter yang tertulis pada RPP mencakup religius, jujur, toleran, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, keingintahuan, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan bertanggungjawab, (2) nilai-nilai karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam ruang kelas adalah religius,amanah, hormat, rajin, adil, peduli, integritas, bertanggungjawab, jujur, cinta tanah air, keberanian, dan (3) nilai-nilai karakter dalam penegakkan aturan sekolah adalah disiplin, peduli, toleran, bersahabat, dan bertanggungjawab.

Development of The Model of Character Education Development of The Model of Character Education at The Islamic Boarding School in Watangpone

Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary , 2018

The provision of Article 3 of the Indonesian Act 20, 2003 on the National Education System, has formulated that the National Education function to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of dignified nation in order to educate the life of the nation. One of the educational institutions that take a role in supporting the achievement of National Education goals and build the character of the nation is The Islamic Boarding School. The research aims to see how the model of character education in The Islamic Boarding School as an educational institution that has a role in the development of character education. The sampling research was conducted at The Islamic Boarding School of Ma'had Hadis Biru, the District of Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, through paedagogical and psychological as well as sociological approach by applying Appreciative Inquiry method by digging information about the activities performed in The Islamic Boarding School associated with character education. The results of research show that The Islamic Boarding School has a big role in developing character education as a cultural center through the approach of school culture development (school culture). Character Education at The Islamic Boarding School is able to develop character education model because The Islamic Boarding School is able to integrate traditional and modern learning as well as educational value derived from religious values, the national principle of Pancasila, the local culture, and the purpose of education. This is in line with the Nation Character Education Implementation Guidance that Values developed in cultural education and national character are identified from the Religion, the national principle of Pancasila, Culture, and National Education Goals in Indonesia.

The Embedding of Islamic Education Values in the Development of Student Characters at al-Ikhlas Islamic High School in Ujung-Bone


This article starts from three main problems: embedding character values at al-Ikhlas Madrasah Aliyah of Ujung-Bone, encountering the opportunities and challenges during the process. This qualitative research is based on phenomena that occur in the field. The approaches used are pedagogical analysis, normative and juridical approach. The results explain, that the character security processes carried out by teachers are to be honest, responsible, nationalism, social care, affection, tolerance, discipline, and creative in developing their potential. They attempt to guard the educational process of cultivating character by conducting behavioral supervision of students. Embedding students’ character can motivate and tell the story of successful people. The strong desire of stakeholders to foster and advance Madrasah is in accordance with the expectations of the founders. Although, there are limited standard specifications of educational staffs, the values of Islamic education are ve...

Islamic Character Education Values in Mandailing and Angkola Communities in North Sumatera Province


Mandailing and Angkola culture are a culture that combines Islamic traditions and religions or is known as "Hombar do adat dohot ugamo" in their life. The existing Islamic character education values in Mandailing and Angkola communities in the North Sumatra province are constructed in such a way that the Mandailing and Angkola Communities’ character is different from other communities. This research uses a method known as ethnography or participant observation. This method is also called the naturalistic qualitative method. This method is used to examine the ongoing process of cultural systems and social systems in the communities of Mandailing and Angkola. The values that grow and develop in the Mandailing and Angkola society cultures are: (a). Religius. (b). Kinship. (c). Holong and domu (love and unity). (d). Hagabeon (descendants). (e). Hasangopan (glory). (f). Hamoraan (honor). (g). Hamajuon (progress). (h). Uhum and Ugari (law enforcement and enforcement). (i). Panga...

Internationalization of Islamic Character Values Among Students at Husnul Khotimah Foundation, Kuningan Regency

International Journal of Social Service and Research

The purpose of this study was to determine the values, processes, supporting and inhibiting factors as well as an evaluation of the internalization of character values in students in the perspective of Islamic education in Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Aliyah, educational institutions are not just transferring knowledge to students, but more than that the institution must be able to internalize character values to students, because education is the right place or place in building a nation of character. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical research method. The results of the study are (1) types of character values in students in the perspective of Islamic Education at MTs and MA Husnul Khotimah Kuningan Regency are straight faith, strong character, strong body, broad insight, and good at keeping time, (2) the purpose of internalizing character values in students in the perspective of Islamic Education in MTs and MA to become reliable and professional da'...

Developing Character Education Through Academic Culture in Indonesian Programmed Islamic High School

Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 2020

Academic dishonesty, which is a part of educational problems, occurs mostly in religious-based high schools. The dishonest behavior of these students is contrary to the application of character education in educational institutions. This research aimed to describe the experiences of teachers and students in the Programmed Islamic High School (PIHS) relating to academic culture in the development of student character education. The data collection method used in this research was a phenomenological qualitative method by conducting in-depth interviews with four teachers and six students in a PIHS. Apart from the results of the interviews, the acquisition of data was also supported by documentation and observations of the daily activities of the students, which reflected the application of character education. The results showed that the academic culture at PIHS contributes greatly to developing student character education. Character education developed from academic culture can be see...

Teacher's Strategy in Integrating Character Values in Ma'had Tahfidz Quran Al-Uswah Village, Kuala Langkat District

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021

The implementation of character education in Ma'had which is full of noble values in its existence has succeeded in shaping the attitudes and behavior of santriwan and santriwati which are expected to have good character, through the application of a distinctive teacher strategy capable of realizing religious human resources. Ma'had Tahfidz Kampung Qur'an is a non-formal institution that pays attention to strengthening character education, especially religious values, honesty, discipline, and hard work. It is hoped that this value will become an icon that can become a foothold for value transfer so that the vision and mission which is expected to be able to create religious human resources and always interact with the Koran towards the person of Insan Kamil. This research uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach and descriptive methods. Data collected through observation, interviews, and document study. Data analysis techniques by means of data reductio...