The Egocentricity of Special Relativity (original) (raw)

Insights into the Theory of Relativity.Part I. Critical Approach. Basic Principles and Starting Points., 2018

This scientic article develops the theory of relativity regardless of the principles "constancy of light speed", "homogeneity and isotropy of space", and "timing of clocks" in a minkowskian space-time on the basis of electromagnetic fields and reference frames features. In this article we do not think into the invariance of Maxwell equations. It is proved that in this context, orthogonal transformation preserves the skew-adjoint property of electromagnetic field. Thereby it is derived the Lorentz transformations and (in part II) the Lorentz boost. Some possible appealing generalizations arise from the hints that appear in the analysis of this work. * c General Register of Intellectual Property ; Dossier 09/RTPI-03090.4/2018 Madrid(Spain) April 20th 2018 ; M-002741/2018 † Article on line published in the website ‡ The theory of relativity is rediscovered from new standpoints and principles.

A Discussion of Special Relativity

Five topics: A rigid body does not exist in the special theory of relativity; distant simultaneity defined with respect to a given frame of reference without any reference to synchronized clocks; challenges on Einstein's connection of synchronization and contraction; a theory of relativity without light, composition of relative velocities and space of relative velocities

4 The problem of space in the light of relativity


Starting from a short review of the "classical" space problem in the sense of the 19th century (Helmholtz-Lie-Klein) it is discussed how the challenges posed by special and general relativity to the classical analysis were taken up by Hermann Weyl and Elie Cartan. Both mathematicians reconsidered the space problem from the point of view of transformations operating in the infinitesimal neighbourhoods of a manifold (spacetime). In a short outlook we survey further developments in mathematics and physics of the second half of the 20th century, in which core ideas of Weyl's and/or Cartan's analysis of the space problem were further investigated (mathematics) or incorporated into basic theories (physics).

Special relativity as a simple geometry problem

European Journal of Physics, 2009

The null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment and the constancy of the one-way speed of light in the 'rest system' are used to formulate a simple problem, to be solved by elementary geometry techniques using a pair of compasses and non-graduated rulers. The solution consists of a drawing allowing a direct visualization of all the fundamental effects of standard relativistic kinematics, namely time dilation, length contraction and relativity of simultaneity. Moreover, it also provides an immediate image of other important and more subtle aspects, often passed by in relativity courses, such as the conventionality of simultaneity thesis, possible non-invariance of the one-way speed of light and compatibility between the Lorentz-Poincaré and Einstein-Minkowski philosophies. The geometric scheme so constructed constitutes a powerful tool to clearly illustrate both traditional and not-so-traditional aspects of special relativity teaching.

Review of the Theory of Relativity

Journal of Applied Sciences …, 2008

This study is a review of the theory of relativity. Einstein devised the special theory of relativity in 1905. In special relativity Einstein kept some ideas in his subconscious mind which was very important for the modification of physics. Einstein mentioned in special relativity that the mass of a body increases with an increase of the motion of the body . In fact Einstein recognized acceleration instead of momentum unknowingly. This idea was not incorporated in special theory of relativity. Classical mechanics was founded on rectilinear principles of motion. But Einstein observed that space-time is curved and all motions are curved . Einstein had an attempt to establish the curvilinear principle in physics but he could not complete his works. In Time Dilation and Length Contraction Einstein developed some concepts with a number of anomalies. Actually time dilates and contracts due to the fluctuation of gravitational influence in different space-time. In principle of equivalence Einstein explained the gravitational and inertial mass are the same . But this explanation of principle of equivalence needs more elaboration. Body possesses definite shape, size and density but it can only express mass with the help of gravitation. Beyond the gravitational field body is unable to express mass. This idea is not incorporated with the theory of principle of equivalence. Einstein formulated the general theory of relativity in 1915 combining special relativity, accelerated frame, principle of equivalence and gravitational fields. Einstein put forth three experiments for the proofs of the general theory of relativity. But the general theory which are based on assumptions beyond the principle of equivalence are not well substantiated .

A Brief Review of Special Relativity

International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 2019

This review is dedicated to those which already have understood special relativity (SR), but designated to these which still have not. From the kinematical context and EM pretext, as the starting bases, the simplest methodology of the initial constitution of SR is here presented. Some inconsistencies of the adopted premises, applied procedures and thus obtained results are clearly pointed at. Apart from the alleged dependence of the relative time on the mutual motion of the two frames, it would also depend on the object position, determined in its own arbitrarily adopted frame! Some reinterpretations of the known empirical facts call in question the empirical bases of SR. The scientific wander was conditioned by the incomplete EM theory, tried to make up by a sequence of the ideal symmetries.

The Special Theory of Relativity

Physical Systems, 2012

The reconstruction of classical physics in previous chapters unveiled a conceptual relation between Galilean spacetime and Newtonian mass. Once the Galilean geometry of PUMs was assumed, the basic structure of Galilean spacetime was derived. The parameter μ 0 , which was later used to reconstruct mass, was derived from an implicit spacetime symmetry. The full meaning of mass was captured when the reconstruction introduced the "classical" Criterion of Isolation and the Rule of Composition governing motions.

special relativity revisited.docx

Raises concerns as to the use of Galilean transformations with reference to light in order to justify the implementation of time dilation and length contraction. Suggests that a medium in the form of a modern version of the aether would serve to fulfil and resolve many of the questions relating to the propagation of electromagnetic radiation.