Related papers
The study examines 18 terracotta lamps housed at the Fethiye Museum and obtained by confiscation or purchase. Nos 9, 11, 12, and 17 were recovered from Esenköy (Fethiye District), while No. 15 was found during excavations at the Telmessos theater. Findspots of the remaining lamps are unknown. Instead of creating new types or groups for this museum assemblage, it was deemed more appropriate to analyze it according to a typology developed in previous comprehensive studies. Hence, lamps dated to the 5th-7th centuries AD were studied according to the Cibyra lamp typology. Nos 1-7 are wheel-made lamps (Kbr-T10), very similar to one another in form. The other 11 are mold-made and represent subgroups of type Kbr-T26. Unlike the wheel-made examples, the lamps produced using molds vary in form and decoration. Although the findspots of most of them are unknown, the characteristics of clay and form of specimens in this assemblage suggest that they were produced in the same place or even the same workshop.
Ancient Lamps from Negotino Gradište in the Republic of North Macedonia: seasons 2007-2014
The main purpose of this book is to present a catalogue of the terracotta lamps and moulds used for their production, excavated from the site of Negotino Gradište in the Republic of North Macedonia during excavations conducted by Macedonian and Polish archaeologists over the period from 2007 to 2014. The volume starts with an introduction giving basic information about the site and some summary information about lamps in antiquity. The catalogue consists of 157 artefacts, which are grouped chronologically and then typologically. The book contains drawings and photographic plates, which are presented at the end of the volume.
L. CHRZANOVSKI, A. NESTOROVIĆ, V. VIDRIH PERKO. MI-59. ANCIENT LAMPS FROM BALKANS AND BEYOND. Acts of the 4th International Lychnological Congress («Ex Oriente Lux», Ptuj, 15th-19th of May, 2012). In memory of Jean Bussière . 2019, 542 p., ill. coul. (ISBN : 978-2-35518-088-0). Collection dirigée par M. Feugère With 50 articles, the present volume constitutes the most important collection of researches devoted to lamps and lighting in the ancient world and beyond. Two innovative researches introduce us to the technical problematics of the ancient fuels and wicks as well as of the real lighting power and diffusion provided by lamps in specific, well-studied archaeological spaces, a transdisciplinary approach made with the most modern techniques. Chronologically prehistory is represented by the very first lamp unearthed in Slovenia and dated to the 5th millennium BC as well as by the very aesthetic boat-shaped lamps of the Sardinian culture of the Nuraghi. Political and religious symbolism of light is analyzed through very complementary examples : on coins, on imperial representations, in the frame of Isis' and Mithra's cults and, later on, in churches and mosques. Material culture analysis is the core of the book, but offering a panorama extended to poorly known areas such as Mesopotamian sites in antiquity or Tajikistani sites during their golden medieval age. Naturally, studies on the Roman lamps of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Albania constitute the hugest group of articles, twinned by neighboring regions like Moesia, Dacia, Dobrogea to the East, Pannonia, Venetia, Cisalpina, Campania and Apulia to the West, but also to more remote areas like Malta or Spain. Analysis on late antique lamps allow to draw very interesting parallels between Egnatia, Aquileia and the Slovenian, Dalmatian and Dacian discoveries. Last but not least, Egypt, the Near East and lamps found or "invented" in Rome at the 17th century are presented through unpublished materials from the museums of San Marino, Zürich and Pesaro.
Two Italian-type Roman lamps from southeastern Turkey
E. Laflı/M. Buora, Two Italian-type Roman lamps from southeastern Turkey, in: R. Lafer (ed.), Der Alpen-Adria-Raum und das Imperium Romanum in der hohen Kaiserzeit: Neue wirtschafts- und sozialgeschichtliche Forschungen im Spiegel archäologischer, epigraphischer, numismatischer und papyrologischer Q, 2022
Söz konusu eser ilgili Müze Müdürlüğü'nün 9 Aralık 2004 tarih ve B.16.0.AMG. (030317) sayılı yazılı izni ile çalışılmıştır. Aynı eser için ilgili Müze Müdürlüğü'nün 2 Haziran 2021 tarih ve E-44692667-900-1421208 sayılı bir yazılı izni daha bulunmaktadır. The full form of this article will be displayed in Academia beginning from January 1, 2023, as it can be filed on freely accessible online archives no earlier than one year after the release of its book. Please e-mail me for obtaining this brief article before 2023: In this brief paper two Italian-type Roman lamps from southeastern Turkey will be presented, which bear iconographic scenes that are rare in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire. Keywords: Clay oil lamps, Italian-type Roman lamps, southeastern Turkey, Roman Near East, Roman iconography, Roman lychnology.
Roman Lamps from the Extramural Area of Aegyssus
Peuce S.N., 2024
In 2018, a rescue excavation that took place in the town of Tulcea, Tulcea county, Romania, offered new data regarding the habitation in the area around the ancient fortification of Aegyssus. At the property situated on Berzei Street no. 3, several artifacts dating from the Hellenistic period and up to the Early Byzantine period were unearthed. In this paper, we will focus on the lamps discovered during this excavation, out of which 11 specimens were chosen for a more detailed discussion about their production, circulation and iconography. Rezumat: În 2018, o săpătură de salvare care a avut loc în orașul Tulcea, județul Tulcea, România, a oferit noi date cu privire la locuirea din jurul fortificației antice Aegyssus. La proprietatea situată pe strada Berzei nr. 3, au fost descoperite mai multe artefacte datând din perioada elenistică până în perioada bizantină timpurie. În acest articol, ne vom concentra asupra lămpilor descoperite în cadrul acestei săpături, din care 11 exemplare au fost alese pentru o discuție mai detaliată despre producția, circulația și iconografia lor.
Late Roman Lamps Discovered in Istros, on the Acropolis Centre-South Sector (2013-2020 Campaigns)
Peuce, S.N. XIX, 2021
In this study, we present a part of the lychnological material discovered during the archaeological excavation carried out between 2013 and 2020 on the Acropolis Centre-South Sector in Istros (Constanța County). The entire lot includes almost 190 pieces that, from a chronological point of view, belong to the Greek (Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic), Early Roman and Late Roman period. We selected for discussion in this paper only the Late Roman material, which is the most numerous (130 lamps, of which 107 typologically determined) and more representative for the archaeological complex under investigation. The lamps belong to many types, some of them newly attested in Istros, and are both imported products and pieces manufactured at a regional, maybe even local, scale.