Islam in Brunei (original) (raw)
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Islamic Law in Brunei Darussalam: Past, Present and Future
GIC Proceeding
For a conservative Islamic nation, there have been no known conflicts in Brunei’s religious affairs. While being predominantly inhabited by Muslims at 67% of the total population, the rest of the population are allowed to practice their religion in peace. As with other Islamic nations, Islam influences the government in upholding Islamic laws. Brunei has been implementing Islamic Law since the 16th century, and it was in the beginning of 20th Century with the intervention of foreign powers that Brunei had to or was rather forced to abandon it. Before the British implemented its Common Law, the main body of basic law in Brunei was Islamic law and that the law was well executed, administered and it was effective. The law was initiated by the ninth Sultan of Brunei Sultan Muhammad Hassan (1582-1598) and widely known as the Sultan Hassan’s Kanun. In 2011, The Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam during a meeting with members of the Brunei Islamic Religious Council (MUIB) prop...
Islamic Law in State Life of Brunei Darussalam
Journal of Malay Islamic Studies
The Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam is a country that makes Islam as the official religion of the State and Islamic law as a state administration system. This paper describes what forms of institutionalization of Islamic law in various aspects of national and state life in Brunei Darussalam and its role as a unifying force, peacekeeper, and state harmony, and the prosperity of the people. On the foundation of the ideology of the Malay Islamic Beraja (MIB) the establishment of Islamic law in the administration of state, government, and community life has begun since Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has been named as Sultan until now. Various laws and regulations based on Islamic law governing various aspects of life have been produced and applied. All of this boils down to the goal of establishing the state of Baldatun Tayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur or the State of Zikir (Remembrance) that produces prosperity in the world and the hereafter. The use of Islamic law in Brunei has been relatively benef...
A Study of Brunei Dusun Religion. Ethnic priesthood on a frontier of Islam, by Eva Maria Kershaw, Phillips, ME: Borneo Research Council, Monograph Series, No. 4, 2000, 287 p., in: Archipel, 62: 232-233
Sosiohumanika, 2008
Sejak pertengahan dasawarsa 1950-an, cendekiawan dan tokoh agama di Brunei mulai menegaskan bahwa berbagai peraturan dalam urusan agama Islam dan sistem hukum, yang merupakan warisan zaman protektorat Inggris, adalah berat sebelah dan mengelirukan karena semuanya akan bermuara pada penganaktirian hukum Islam dan dalam jangka panjang meminggirkan agama dari wacana publik. Mereka melihat tantangan ini sebagai "noblesse oblige" dan memutuskan untuk membawa kembali tradisi hukum dan mahkamah Brunei selaras dengan tuntutan ajaran agama. Memang, Undang-Undang Dasar 1959 menentukan, di antaranya, bahwa Islam sebagai "agama resmi" negara. Kemudian sejak akhir 1960-an, ketentuan undang-undang ini telah mendapatkan perhatian serius dan ulangkaji dari para pakar Brunei. Menarik untuk mempertanyakan sejauh mana pengaruh pencarian akar Islam dan penemuan wawasan Islam di Brunei kontemporer mempengaruhi perumusan dan sekaligus proklamasi Melayu-Islam-Beraja (MIB) sebagai falsafah yang juga bertindak sebagai ideologi bernegarabangsa? Sebagai realisasinya, sistem hukum dan penanganan keadilan di Brunei sudah selayaknya dijadikan sepenuhnya berwatak Islam, sebagaimana yang berlaku sebelum campurtangan Inggris. Namun uniknya, dan ini menjadi pembahasan penting dalam artikel ini, argumen yang berkembang di kalangan pakar hukum Islam di Brunei sejak pertengahan 1990-an adalah bahwa sistem hukum yang ada dan berlaku tidak perlu dirombak total, melainkan ia perlu disusun semula dan dirapikan sehingga selaras dengan pinsip hukum Islam. Bagaimana caranya? Seorang petinggi agama, yang memegang jabatan Hakim Shar`i, berdalih bahwa memang perlu dilakukan ulangkaji menyeluruh terhadap semua produk hukum di Brunei untuk memastikan semuanya selaras, atau minimal tidak bertentangan, dengan ajaran dan prinsip hukum Islam. Kata-kata kunci: agama Islam dan hukum shar'i di Brunei, warisan hukum kolonial Inggris, dan perlunya reformasi hukum Islam.
Malay, Islam, Beraja and The [Islamic] Educational Philosophy in Brunei Darussalam
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2021
The ideology of Brunei Darussalam contributes in shaping the [Islamic] Education system. Politically, Brunei applies the concept of Malay, Islam, Beraja (MIB) as an ideological basis. This research is oriented to two main discussions. First is the historical trajectory of MIB in Brunei and its relation to the education system. The second is the dimension of educational philosophy and Islamic education philosophy in Brunei by drawing its relation to the MIB. This research uses a qualitative-naturalistic approach. This research was conducted in Brunei, October 2019. Data was collected through interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), observation, document and literature studies. In data collection, this research involved academics from Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPU) and Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA). The findings show that the MIB is related to the model perennialism and progressivism. However, from Islamic education philosophy, MIB gives a tradi...
Donald Brown’s Brunei, society and recent transformations
Continuity and Change in Brunei Darussalam, eds Victor T. King and Stephen C. Druce, 2021
This chapter addresses some of the major issues facing Brunei in the post-Second World War era. The historical contextualisation of modern Brunei and the ideology of the Malay Islamic Monarchy (MIB) is provided, the trauma of the 1962 rebellion is discussed and the interaction between the dominant Brunei Malay population and the ethnic minorities is considered. The chapter also provides an overview on the key concepts discussed in this book. The book explores the underlying strengths, characteristics and uniqueness of Malay Islamic Monarchy in a historical context. It provides the context for Brunei’s pathway to an uncertain, post-Second World War future. The book explores, through an ethnolinguistic study, the status of minority ethnic groups in Brunei. It examines ‘water villages’ in Borneo, including Kampong Ayer and its iconic status in the global imaging of the Brunei sultanate.
The 4th ICSSED, International Conference of Social Science and Education, 2020
This article discusses the mode of acculturation of Islam and local culture in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, particularly in the socio-cultural and educational domains. This research uses descriptive methods based on literature research supported by qualitative data from the two countries for exploring the main topic. The findings of this research indicate that the mode of acculturation between Islam and local culture in Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam has progressed gradually and peacefully. This topic can be understood from some mechanisms and acculturation processes through the adoption and modification of Arabic characters in local languages. More than that, the acculturation process also maintains local cultural forms on the one hand and the other hand also maintains Islamic values in several rituals and performing arts, the development of new practices and institutions that integrate Islamic teachings (for example, Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, Tahfiz al-Qur'an Institute and Arabic schools).