Thermal tolerance of the invasive red-bellied pacu and the risk of establishment in the United States (original) (raw)

Temperature tolerances of North American freshwater fishes exposed to dynamic changes in temperature

Traditionally lower and upper temperature tolerances of fishes have been quantified in the laboratory via three different experimental approaches: the Fry or incipient lethal temperature (ILT), critical thermal (CTM) and chronic lethal (CLM) methodologies. Although these three experimental laboratory approaches generate endpoints which are quantitatively expressed as a temperature, are determined experimentally with random samples of fish acclimated to specific temperatures, and involve both time and temperature as major test variables, they do not quantify the same response. All three approaches generate valuable, albeit different, information concerning the temperature tolerance of a species. In this review we have summarized published research concerning the tolerance of North American freshwater fishes to dynamic changes in temperature, i.e., tolerance is tested by methods that gradually change temperatures until biological stress is observed. We found more than 450 individual temperature tolerances listed in 80 publications which present original dynamic temperature tolerance data for 116 species, 7 subspecies and 7 hybrids from 19 families of North American freshwater fishes. This total represents about 1/3 of the families and 1/6 of the known North American freshwater species. Temperature tolerance data were partitioned by experimental approach, i.e., critical thermal method (CTM) and chronic lethal method (CLM), and direction of temperature change. Although both CTM and CLM expose fish to dynamic changes in water temperature, these two methods differ in temperature change rates and test endpoints, and hence measure different aspects of thermal stress. A majority of the 80 studies employed CTM to assess temperature tolerance, in particular determination of CTmaxima. One or more CTmaxima has been reported for 108 fishes. Twenty-two fishes have reported highest CTmaxima of 40 • C or higher. Several species in the family Cyprinodontidae have generated some of the highest CTmaxima reported for any ectothermic vertebrate. For a variety of reasons, data concerning tolerance of low temperatures are less plentiful. Low temperature tolerance quantified as either CTminima or CLminima were found for a total of 37 fishes. Acclimation temperature exerts a major effect on the temperature tolerance of most North American fish species and it is usually strongly linearly related to both CTmaxima and CTminima. Although we uncovered dynamic temperature tolerance data for 130 fishes, only a single dynamic, temperature tolerance polygon has been published, that for the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus.

Thermal stress, thermal safety margins and acclimation capacity in tropical shallow waters—An experimental approach testing multiple end-points in two common fish

Tropical organisms are predicted to be among the most impacted by increasing sea surface temperatures, particularly those from intertidal habitats. In this study, a complete thermal biology assessment was conducted for two widespread tropical Atlantic shallow reef fish: Abudefduf saxatilis (damselfish) and Scartella cristata (blenny), which make extensive use of tide pools. The main objectives were to measure the time-course changes during one month in i) thermal and oxidative stress biomarkers (in gills, muscle and skin), ii) upper thermal limits, acclimation capacity and thermal safety margins and iii) body size, condition and energy reserves (total protein and lipid contents), under two temperature treatments (control – mean summer temperature, and elevated temperature −+ 3 °C, as projected by climate warming scenarios for the end of this century). Results from biomarker analyses suggest that under increased temperature, both species displayed a typical response of physiological stress characterized by the activation of molecular chaperones and antioxidant protection. Both species presented a significant acclimation potential in the long term, as shown by increased critical thermal maxima values at higher temperature. However, these species may already be at risk during summer heat waves, as thermal safety margins for both species were low. Additionally, despite acclimation, some energetic tradeoffs may exist, since specimens from both species showed smaller body sizes at higher temperature (even though maintaining body condition). Finally, temperature treatments had a significant influence not only in the total amount of energy reserves (lipid contents) but also in their rate of deposition or depletion (total proteins and lipid contents). This is the first multi-end-point holistic approach to assess the impact of warming in shallow tropical water fish and it highlights the high risk that intertidal organisms are facing in both present and future sea surface temperature conditions.

Rainbow trout adaptation to a warmer Patagonia and its potential to increase temperature tolerance in cultured stocks

Aquaculture Reports, 2018

The viability of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) culture is being challenged progressively by global warming. Previous trials with Australian and Japanese rainbow trout lines suggested that improvements in thermal performance may be possible. Here, we hypothesized that strain-related differences in physiological response to temperature exist between a north Patagonian hatchery stock (CENSALBA), a Neotropical one (Criadero Boca de Río), and a thermal stream (Valcheta) population of wild introduced rainbow trout. This was tested by comparing, at 20°C, the thermal preference, specific metabolic rate, thermal tolerance, growth, and condition on juveniles of the three strains, and on a Valcheta stream male x CENSALBA female F1 cross. Preferred temperature (PT) and loss of equilibrium temperature (LET, a measure of thermal tolerance) of Valcheta stream and F1 were significantly higher than those of CENSALBA, and the average PTs of Valcheta stream and F1 were higher than the 95% confidence interval of available reference data for rainbow trout. These results suggest that the F1, reared under standard hatchery conditions and selected by growth and thermal preference, presents higher thermal preference and higher thermal tolerance than the current CENSALBA hatchery stock. Introduction of this naturally adapted strain to hatchery stocks would likely result in the improvement of their temperature resistance to warmer waters. Current studies on adults of this F1 generation are underway.

Effect of Temperature on Growth and Survival of Bull Trout, with Application of an Improved Method for Determining Thermal Tolerance in Fishes

Transactions of The American Fisheries Society, 2001

Elevated temperature is considered an important factor in the decline of the threatened bull trout Salvelinus confluentus, but the thermal requirements of this species have not been defined. We used the acclimated chronic exposure (ACE) method to assess the upper thermal limits and growth optima of bull trout fed daily to satiation over test temperatures ranging from 8ЊC to 28ЊC during 60-d trials. Survival of age-0 bull trout was at least 98% at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18ЊC, but 0% at 22, 24, 26, and 28ЊC after 60 d. The predicted ultimate upper incipient lethal temperature for these trout was 20.9ЊC. Peak growth, as estimated by regression analysis, occurred at 13.2ЊC (95% confidence interval, 10.9-15.4ЊC). Feed consumption declined significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) at temperatures greater than 16ЊC, and fish held at temperatures of 22ЊC and above did not feed. Feed, lipid, and protein efficiencies were similar at 8-18ЊC but declined significantly (P Ͻ 0.001) at 20ЊC. Our results corroborate field investigations suggesting that bull trout have among the lowest upper thermal limits and growth optima of North American salmonids. The slower acclimation times and long-term duration of the ACE method resulted in a more realistic measure of thermal tolerance in natural situations than would have been obtained with traditional methods and afforded sufficient time for sublethal differences in growth rate, feed consumption, and feed efficiency to become apparent.

The Effects of Temperature on the Feeding Performance of Invasive Fishes

American Journal of Life Sciences, 2014

It has been hypothesized that the effects of the coupling of climate-change and invasive-species phenomena exceed the impact of each separately on ecosystem dynamics and stability. However, very few studies address the interaction between these two most alarming concerns of science and society. Using two Florida invasive fishes, Pteroisvolitansand Cichlasoma urophthalmus, this study attempts to address this synergy by providing empirical evidence that (1) demonstrates how the performance of invasive species responds to environmental-temperature change, and (2) enhances our understanding of the implications of species invasion in the light of the global-climate-change phenomenon. Kinematic analyses revealed the following results:(1) At a given temperature (20°C, 25°C, and 30°C) prey-capture kinematics differed between species;(2) Each species maintained similar excursion and timing kinematics throughout the range of water temperatures;(3) The temperature-independence of the average kinematic values is reinforced by the consistent kinematic profile throughout the temperature range. We propose that more research is needed to corroborate the plausible avenues where the interplay between climate-change and invasive-species phenomena may be demonstrated, including: (1) the temperature-induced effects on physiological and mechanical processes; (2) the likelihood that these physiological effects extend to whole-organism performance; and (3) the resilience of invasive species and their resistance of whole-organism performance to temperature change.

Upper and Lower Temperature Tolerances of Juvenile Freshwater Game-Fish Species Exposed to 32 days of Cycling Temperatures

Hydrobiologia, 2000

Temperature tolerance quantified as CTminima and CTmaxima of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) periodically measured during 32 days of exposure to a 10°C diel thermoperiod were compared to those determined at constant acclimation temperatures equal to the minimum, midpoint and maximum of each species' thermoperiod. The diel thermoperiod for channel catfish and largemouth bass extended from 20 to 30°C while rainbow trout were cycled between 10 and 20°C. A hypothesis that the zone of temperature tolerance would be enlarged during exposure to a 10°C thermoperiod was tested. Mean CTmaxima and CTminima during cycling ranged from 38.5 to 39.6°C and 6.1 to 6.6°C (channel catfish), 35.6 to 37.3°C and 5.9 to 7.7°C (largemouth bass) and 27.3 to 29.3°C and 0.1 to 1.4°C (rainbow trout). Our data indicate that with one exception both upper and lower temperature tolerance for each of these three species exposed to the diel temperature cycle were more similar to those of fish acclimated to a constant temperature near the midpoint of the thermoperiod than to either the minimum or maximum temperature of the cycle. The exception occurred in rainbow trout where the mean CTmaximum during cycling was equivalent to an acclimation temperature midway between the mean and peak acclimation temperature. Furthermore, in all three species the temperature tolerance scope (CTmaximum ) CTminimum) was less in fish exposed to the thermoperiod used in this research. The temperature tolerance ability of any of the three test species was not enhanced.

Comparison of thermal tolerance and standard metabolic rate of two Great Lakes invasive fish species

Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2018

Round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and western tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) invaded the Laurentian Great Lakes at approximately the same time and area yet have shown substantial differences in their post-invasion success with more rapid establishment and development of much larger abundances of round goby populations throughout the invaded habitat. In this study, we compared differences in physiological performance (thermal tolerance and standard metabolic rate) between round and tubenose goby collected from the Huron-Erie corridor. Tubenose goby were observed to have lower thermal tolerance but exhibited similar standard metabolic rate across environmental temperatures compared to round goby. At temperatures exceeding 31 o C, tubenose goby demonstrated significantly higher mortalities and shorter times to death relative to round goby. The observed differences in thermal tolerance were consistent with differences in the native geographic ranges observed for each species at their southern ranges. The observed differences in physiological performance combined with species differences in other life history traits such body size, reproduction, feeding ecology and habitat affiliation may also explain differences in the invasiveness experienced by these two Great Lakes invasive fish including a greater ability of round gobies to occupy extreme habitats with large water temperature fluctuations.