Effect of the Degree of Maturity of Cocoa Pods (Theobroma cacao L.) on the Germination Capacity of the Beans and the Growth of Seedlings in the Nursery in Kisangani

IJMRAP, 2022

In order to evaluate the effect of the degree of maturity of cocoa pods on germination capacity and growth in the nursery, a study was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replications of three treatments each. The treatments were defined according to the degree of maturity of the pods as follows: pod beans at the beginning of maturity (T1), moderately ripe (T2) and fully ripe (T3). After germination and emergence, the weight growth of seedlings of the different treatments was evaluated at 5 months. The results obtained were as follows: - The emergence rate was respectively 83.33% for T1; 93.33% for T2 and 100% for T; - The average diameter at the neck was 5.63 ± 0.5 cm for T3, 5.43 ± 0.5 cm for T1 and 5.3 ± 0.6 cm for T2; - The mean seedling height was: 36.50 ± 4.7 cm for T3; 38.87 ± 3cm for T1 and 40.80 ± 4.7 cm for T2; - The average number of leaves was for T1 13±0.75 leaves and for T3 and T2 15±3 leaves; - The average leaf area at 5 months was respectively 156.93 ± 56 cm2 for T1; 167.10 ± 15 cm2 for T2 and T3 175.47 ± 33 cm2 for T3. The overall results show that the three categories of pods can be used in the production of quality cocoa seedlings. However. Fully ripe pods gave a 100% emergence rate and slightly larger leaves. Statistical analysis of the results showed that there were no significant differences between the three categories of pods.



The effect of residues was studied (palm, peanut, tea) in the characteristics of vegetative growth and the bulb onion in addition to the total yield OF onion plant (Allium cepa L) in El Oued zone (Algeria) during in 2016 season. An investigation was a randomized complete block design in three replications. The obtained results of experiment showed that: response the onion plant Application of fertilize by cooked tea leaves, were significantly better in of the studied characters (plants height and Leaves Area) with rate increased to 47.15% and 93.4% respectively, than control treatment. Followed by T1 and then T3. Peanut Peels treatment gave the largest number of tubular blades in the plant (12.33), the diameter of the bulb neck (13.48mm) and bulb Length (7.35cm) than other treatments. Followed by T2 and then T3. Cooked tea leaves plants gave highest diameter of bulb (5.42cm), highest bulb weight (66g) and yield (20.85 t/ha) in the season. Where Achieving with T1 (18.35t/ha) signific...

Performance Evaluation of Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Varieties at Benatsemay Woreda of South Omo Zone, Ethiopia

Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 2018

Contribution/Originality: This study is one of very few studies which have investigated the potential of different onion varieties to increase the productivity and income of onion producer in the studied area and its vicinity. 1. INTRODUCTION Onion (Allium cepa L.) is an important crop worldwide [1]. It is one of the oldest bulb vegetables in continuous cultivation dating back to at least 4000 BC [2, 3]. It is native of South Asia or Mediterranean region. It is important in the daily Ethiopian diet [4]. All parts are edible, but the bulbs and the lower stems sections are the most popular as vegetables in stews. It is recently introduced crop and rapidly becoming popular among producers and consumers. It is widely produced by small farmers and commercial growers throughout the year for local use and export market [5]. Onion is appreciated for its distinct pungency and flavoring varieties of dishes, sauces, soup, sandwiches, snacks as onion rings etc. It contain 2.0 g protein, 70 mg calcium and 53 mg phosphorus as nutritional composition [6]. It also contains the vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin and is used for its medicinal value. [7]. It also contain a phytochemical called quercetin, which is effective in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, an anticancer, and

Influences of Seedling Age and Variety on the Growth and Bulb Yield of Onion in Northwest Ethiopia

International Journal of Agronomy

Onion is one of the major cash crops and helps improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Although genetically and morphologically different, seedlings of all released onion varieties are transplanted at the ages ranging from 40 to 50 days, which contributes to the low level of productivity in Ethiopia. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted at the research site of Fogera National Research and Training Center during the 2019/20 irrigation season with the objective of identifying the optimum seedling age for improved onion productivity in Northwest Ethiopia. The treatments consisted of three varieties (Adama red, Bombay red, and Nasik red) and four seedling ages (30, 40, 50, and 60 days) of onion, which were laid down in 3 × 4 factorial arrangement using randomized complete block design with three replications. Growth and yield parameters of onion were collected based on the standard procedures and analyzed using SAS version 9.6. The results revealed that both variety and s...

Effect of Planting Dates on the Yield and Quality of True Seeds of Onion

International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology, 2015

The present study was stimulated by the problem of onion seed production where seed production is possibly only winter period after whichrapid increase in temperature as well as early shower adversely affect the quality of seed. To overcome this situation a field experiment wasundertaken to find out the optimum planting time for maximizing quality true seeds of onion. The experiment was laid out in a randomizedcomplete block design with four replications. The treatments were five planting dates viz. 1 October, 15 October, 30 October, 15 Novemberand 30 November to achieve the objective. The research work was done at On-Farm Research Division, BARI, Bogra during September, 2010to June, 2011. The results revealed that the growth parameters, seed yield components, health and quality of harvested seeds were significantlyinfluenced by the different treatments. Results showed that among different planting dates, 15th November was the best for seed and quality.DOI:

Enhancing Productivity and Production of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Through the use of Improved Varieties at North Western Zoze of Tigray, Ethiopia

International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2018

Field experiment was conducted to study the effect different varieties on yield, yield attributing character and postharvest storability of onion (Allium cepa L.) in Tselemti district, North western Zone of Tigray During 2007-2009off season time. Four improved onion varieties namly:Bombey red, Adama red, Nasik red &Nafis including Shendi (imported from Sudan),were tested in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Accordingly, treatments were assigned randomly to the experimental plot within a block. The results showed that the difference in variety had significant effect on all characters except the non-significant effect of variety on neck thickness and bulb diameter. Nasik red variety gave significantlyhighest in plant height ,leaf number, leaf length bulb length and marketable bulb yield i.e 35588kg/ha that exhibited 18% and 36% advantages on the dominantly produced varieties bombey red and adama red respectively.The overall study revealed that growing Nasik red variety is not only significantly increased the marketable bulb yield , but also better shelf life. Therefore, it is recommended for onion producers of Tselemti wereda for profitable onion yield

Effect of Chemicals and Environment Friendly Components on Growth Parameters and Yield Contributing Character of Onion (Allium cepa)

Field experiment was conducted at spices Research Centre, BARI, Shibgonj, Bogra to determine the integrated approach for the management of purple blotch of onion for seed production. The treatment of the expeirment were Rovral wp @ 0.2% (T1), Rovral wp @ 0.1% + Provax 0.25% (T2); Trichoderma 5x106 spore/ml @ 100 ml/plant (T3); Rovral wp @ 0.1% + Bavistin 0.5% (T4); Neem leaf extract 1:6 (w/v) (T5); Rovaral wp @ 0.1% +Evaral @ 0.1% (T6); Rovaral wp @ 0.1% +Ridomil gold MZ-72 @ 0.1% (T7); Rovaral wp @ 0.1% +Secure @ 0.05% (T8) and control (T9). Different treatment has effect on inhibition of mycelial growth of the fungus. The lowest mycelial growth was recorded in case of T7 followed by T2 where the highest mycelial growth was recorded in case of control (T9). The highest plant height (81.40cm) and the yield (1.24 ton/ha) were recorded in treatment T7 where as the lowest plant height (61.20cm) and seed yield (0.82. ton/ha) were recorded in control (T9).

Adaptation and Evaluation of Improved Onion (Allium cepa) Varieties at Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia

Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the most important vegetables which belong to the family Alliaceae [1]. It is originated in central Asia between Turkmenistan and Afghan where some of its relatives still grow as wild plants. However, the leading onion producer countries are China, India, USA and Turkey. It is a recently introduced crop to Ethiopia from Sudan and then distributed to different parts of the country and now became important vegetable crop for markets and in a daily life of people of the country [2]. Onion is valued for its distinct pungency or mild-flavored form of essential ingredients of many dishes. Fresh onion has about 86.6% moisture, 11.6% carbohydrate including soluble sugars, 1.2%protein, 0.1% fat, 0.2-0.5% Ca, 0.05% P, traces of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn and vitamin A, B and C [3]. It is consumed universally in small quantities almost daily in many homes primarily as a seasoning for flavoring of dishes and sandwiches in the world [4]. It has nutritional value that helps alkaline reaction in our body and importance in neutralizing the acid substance produced during digestion of meat, cheese and other foods [5]. Recently, onion crops are the most important cultivated crops in the agricultural community of Ethiopia and it is rapidly becoming a popular vegetable among producer and consumer [4]. According to the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) report, a total of 31,673 hectares of land was under onion cultivation in the country and productivity was about 9.28 t/ha in Ethiopia. In Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR) the area covered by onion was 1,297.6 ha and production in quintals was 132,699.7 with the productivity of 10.25t/ha in 2017/18 Meher season. Although the productivity of onion in the SNNPR and Gamo Zone (study area) is better than the national, it is still by far low as compared to the productivity potential of the crop (23.5-37.2 t/ha). Low accessibility of improved onion varieties, poor irrigation systems and diseases and insect pests are among the major constraints that resulted in the low productivity of the crop in the study area. Therefore, there is a need to tackle these problems by evaluating improved varieties for adaptability and yield performance in the study areas before ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers of are involved in onion production in very small amount. Even if the onion production techniques generate very high income, productivity is being threatened because of limited introduction of improved onion varieties. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate yield performance of improved onion varieties under supplementary irrigation. The treatments consisted of five varieties namely, Adama red (standard check), Bombay red, Nasik red, Nafis and Robaf using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results of combined data analysis revealed that the highest fresh bulb weight of 126.4 g and121.8 g was observed in the Bombay red and Nafis varieties respectively, which differed significantly from standard check. Similarly, the highest bulb diameter was observed from variety Nafis (20.4 cm. The highest marketable yield per plot was obtained from variety Bombay red (10.8 kg) which was not significantly differed from other varieties. On the other hand, the highest total yield (12.13 t/ha) was obtained from variety Bombay red; which however, was statistically at par with variety Nafis with the total yield of 11.68 t/ha. From the results, Bombay red had better yield performance with the lowest unmarketable yield. Therefore, variety Bombay red can be used for better production in the study area and similar agro-ecologies.

Effect of Plant Growth Regulator on Red Onion Cultivation from True Seed Shallot (TSS)

Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari, 2018

Red onion is one of the strategic horticultural commodities, considering this commodity is very high consumption as a daily spice and fluctuating price. Therefore is not surprising that these commodities are contributing to inflation. Efforts to meet increasing consumption needs, it is necessary to find the right strategy to increase domestic red onion production. One of the strategies considered to increase domestic red onion production is the use of botanical seed (TSS) as a source of seed on shallot cultivation. There are 2 main weaknesses of red onion cultivation with TSS as a source of seeds. The two weaknesses are TSS low growing power, which is naturally only in the 50-60 % range and the number of tubers produced is less than 3 cloves per plant. In order to solve the problem, research has been done to know the effect of plant growth regulator on the growth and red onion production from TSS and also get the description of red onion farming from TSS and tuber as seed source. The research was conducted from June to November 2017 at BPP Pare, Kediri Regency, East Java. The results showed that the use of young coconut water on TSS obtained red onion plants are able to produce the number of tubers per plant more than 3 cloves. In detail as much as 22.22 % produces the number of tubers range 4-5 per plant; 56.56 % yields 5-6 bulb range; and as much as 22.22 % produces tubers > 6. As well, wet weight of tubers when harvested weighing more than 99 g per plant. If converted per hectare, TSS red onion plants treated with young coconut water can produce a range of 30-35 tons of wet bulb. This production is doubled compared to the production of shallots grown from tubers. Based on the analysis of the farm, red onion from TSS treated with young coconut water gives a profit of Rp 224,860,000 per hectare with B/C ratio of 3.397. This profit is more than 1.75 times compared to the profit of red onion tuber farming which is only Rp 93.787.000,with B/C ratio of 1,061.


The Bioscan , 2017

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of micronutrients on the performances of onion (allium cepa L. var. Arka Kalyan) with respect to its growth attributes and total yield of bulbs during 2014-15 at CoH, OUAT, Sambalpur, Odisha under AINRP on Onion and Garlic. The experiment was laid out in RBD having four replication with 6 treatments. The result revealed significantly better vegetative growth in terms of plant height (62.28 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (12.36), collar thickness (15.94 mm) and chlorophyll content of leaves (16.81 SPAD) as well as average bulb weight (60.55 g), total bulb yield plot-1 (32.19 kg) and total bulb yield (268.28 qha-1) was recorded when crop was treated with recommended 150:50:80:30 NPKS kg ha-1 +20 t ha-1 FYM + micronutrient mixture i.e. Fe-2.5 %, B-0.5%, Zn -3%, Cu -1% and Mn-1% @ 0.5% as foliar at 30 and 45 DAP. The second best result was found with recommended 150:50:80:30 NPKS kg ha-1 + 20 t ha-1 FYM + Borax @ 0.25% as foliar at 30 and 45 DAP. Hence, the result led to the conclusion that foliar application of micronutrient mixture @ 0.5 % followed by borax @ 0.25 % at 30 and 45 DAP not only enhances the growth attributing parameters but also increases the total yield of onion.