Dati preliminari sui vetri di epoca bizantino-islamica dall' Edificio con Peristilio di Palmira (Siria) (original) (raw)

Dati preliminari sui vetri dell'Edificio con Peristilio di Palmira (Siria)

A.Coscarella (a cura di),Atti XV Giornate Nazionali di Studio sul Vetro A.I.H.V., Università della Calabria, 9-11 giugno 2011, Il vetro in Italia: testimonianze, produzioni, commerci in età basso medievale. Il vetro in Calabria: vecchie scoperte, nuove acquisizioni, Cosenza, 2012., 2012

Composizione e provenienza dei vetri punici dalla necropoli di Nora

Quaderni Norensi, 2020

The paper summarizes the archaeometric investigations performed on the glass beads and vessels discovered in tomb nr. 9 of Nora cemetery. We discuss the forming techniques, the raw materials used and the provenance of the base glass. LA-ICP-MS data showed that the 26 samples analyzed are natron glasses. The opacifiers and colorants used in the production of the different glasses have been identified: blue glasses show Co and Cu; the only light blue bead has Ca antimoniates and Cu; white and yellow glasses are characterized by Ca and Pb antimoniates, respectively. Pb antimoniates are also associated with Cu in the opaque turquoise bead in leaded glass. The dark color of the pendant is due to high Fe, while the transparent brown bead presents the Fe-S complex. The trace elements suggest a Levantine origin of the sands, with the only doubt for one opaque turquoise bead. Si presenta una sintesi dello studio archeometrico dei balsamari e dei vaghi in vetro rinvenuti nella tomba 9 della necropoli di Nora. Sono discusse le tecnologie di modellazione, le materie prime utilizzate e la provenienza del vetro base. Dalle analisi LA-ICP-MS i 26 campioni in studio risultano vetri al natron. Sono stati identificati gli opacizzanti e i coloranti usati per la produzione dei diversi vetri: i blu presentano Co e Cu; l’unico vago azzurro ha antimoniati di Ca e Cu; i bianchi e i gialli sono caratterizzati da antimoniati rispettivamente di Ca e di Pb. Questi ultimi sono associati a Cu in un vago verde in vetro al piombo. Il colore scuro del corpo del pendente è dovuto all’alto Fe, il marrone trasparente di un vago al complesso Fe-S. Gli elementi in traccia suggeriscono un’origine levantina delle sabbie, col solo dubbio di un vago verde opaco.

Ceramiche di età islamica provenienti da Castello della Pietra (Trapani)

This paper presents the first results of the study on the medieval ceramic discovered during the diggings in the hilltop of Castello della Pietra (Trapani) in the years 1973-74. The research is still in progress. Materials were found within cavities reused as dumps and are exceptionally well preserved. Within the ceramic uncovered, there are fragments of tableware, storage vessels and amphorae. These wares were used by some of the people occupying the site between the second half of the 10 th century and the 11 th century. Links with Ifriqija are proved by the significant importation of glazed wares.

Influenze cristiano-bizantine nei capitelli yemeniti di età preislamica

This dissertation is devoted to the development of South Arabian capitals from the 5th to the 7th century AD, with particular emphasis on Christian Byzantine iconographical models. In the first three chapters a typological classification of the South Arabian capitals is introduced. The first chapter deals with capitals of Classical period; the second and third deal respectively with capitals having Hellenistic and Christian Byzantine influences. As shown in the conclusive chapter, a preliminary comparative study with the neighbouring areas has not only underlined the existence of political relationships, but also of cultural and artistic exchanges between the kingdom of Aksum and the Byzantine empire. The kingdom of Aksum had a fundamental role in the trasmission of the Christian Byzantine iconographies attested in Southern Arabia. On this ground, we can assert that the South Arabian material clearly shows a local stylistic interpretation of external iconographic models. This way, it can be included in the common iconographic repertoire of Christian Byzantine art following the leading themes mediated by the kingdom of Aksum.

Frammenti di ceramica a lustro policromo (Iraq, IX-X secolo) da un saggio in Piazza Magione a Palermo: dati archeologici ed archeometrici

M. Chiovaro, R. Sapia (eds.) Studi in onore di Stefano Vassallo, Notiziario Archeologico della Soprintendenza di Palermo, 2020

Three polychrome lustreware fragments belonging to a single open form have been recognized among the Islamic ceramics retrieved from an archaeological sounding carried out by the Soprintendenza of Palermo in 1991 at Piazza Magione. Typological features and archaeometric analyses identify this specimen as belonging to the "family" of the polychrome lustrewares produced in Iraq in the IX-X century, and from there widely exported to many urban centers of the coeval Islamic world. Due to this first, important witness, also Palermo can be now included in the wide circulation network of the Iraqi lustrewares, realigning itself to the main Mediterranean cities. This also reinforces the hypothesis concerning that, as elsewhere, local glazed products may have referred to these high-quality ceramics in some aspects, particularly the decorative ones.