Die Fundmünzen aus dem Kastell von Ala Nova/Schwechat mit einem Anhang zu den Grabfunden (mit einem Exkurs von Ana Z. Maspoli), Slovenská Archeológia 67/1, 2019, 19-60. (original) (raw)
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Römischer Limes in Österreich 50 , 2023
Free Download: https://doi.org/10.1553/978OEAW87219 Among the fort sites on the Austrian section of the Danube Limes, Schwechat, ancient Ala Nova, was until now one of the places from which little archaeological information was available. This changes with the publication of this volume, which presents sound research results from excavations in the Roman fort and in an associated cemetery: for the first time, insights into the interior construction of the military fort and the further use of the area (1st half of the 3rd to the late 4th/early 5th century AD) are possible. At the same time, a large cemetery area (3rd century AD) in the surroundings of the military base at the Limes is presented. For the evaluation, features and find material from the area of two military barracks and a section of the ditch of the fort, as well as from 136 cremations and inhumations, some pits and a ditch in the cemetery, were included. The comprehensive analysis of the features and finds, the stratigraphic elaboration of the construction phases of the fort and of the former fort area, and the investigation of the funerary practices, all contribute to the fact that in future discussions about the Roman Limes in Austria, results from Schwechat may be referred to.