Growth pattern and size of oilfish, Ruvettus pretiosus (Cocco, 1833) landed in southwestern coast of Surigao del Norte, Philippines (original) (raw)
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Length-weight relationship of marine fishes from Palawan, Philippines
The parameters of the length-weight relationships (LWR) of fishes are the primary variables applied to estimate the biomass of reef fishes in situ. Estimates of reef fish biomass using fish visual census survey in the Philippines still utilized the values of LWR parameters derived from the results of studies conducted abroad due to paucity of local information. This paper presents the first comprehensive records of the LWR of marine fishes from the West Philippine Sea and the Sulu Sea, western Philippines. Data were collected between 1998 and 2014 using various artisanal and commercial fishing gears. A total of 11,539 specimens covering 33 families, 59 genera and 87 species were investigated. The allometric coefficient b varied between 2.140 (Gnathanodon speciosus) and 3.410 (Taeniura lymma) with the mean of 2.8400.25. The values of r ranged from 0.521 to 0.996. This paper provides the first comprehensive information on the LWR of marine fishes from the western Philippines consisti...
Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 2017
The objective of the present study was to examine the length-weight relationships and condition factors of snapper Lutjanus russellii, ponyfish Aurigequula fasciata and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus harvested from Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These species are the predominant fishes caught by traditional beach trawl in Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted for three months from April to June 2015 at one-week interval. A total of 900 fish samples (300 individuals for each species) were measured for the total length and body weight. The length-weight relationships were calculated using Linear Allometric Model (LAM), while the relative weights (Wr) and Fulton's condition (K) factors were calculated to assess the condition of the fish samples. The results showed that the b value of 3.04 in snapper indicates isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot fish had the b values of 1.41 and 1.75, respectively, and these species display an allometric growth pattern. The average Fulton's condition factor (K) of snapper was 3.01 for male and 2.49 for female; female ponyfish has the K value of 2.92 and 2.92 for male. In addition, the average K value of white-spotted spinefoot was 2.61 and 2.59 for female and male, respectively. The relative weight condition factor ranges from 58.73 to 166.09 for snapper, from 70.55 to 129.65 for ponyfish, and from 71.63 to 133.53 for white-spotted spinefoot. In general, the relative weight condition factors tendedto be 100. It is concluded that snapper has isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot display the negative allometric growth pattern. The condition factors are in excellent condition and indicate a balance of prey and predator.
The objective of the present study was to examine the length-weight relationships and condition factors of snapper Lutjanus russellii, ponyfish Aurigequula fasciata and white-spotted spinefoot Siganus canaliculatus harvested from Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. These species are the predominant fishes caught by traditional beach trawl in Ulelhee Bay, Banda Aceh City, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted for three months from April to June 2015 at one-week interval. A total of 900 fish samples (300 individuals for each species) were measured for the total length and body weight. The length-weight relationships were calculated using Linear Allometric Model (LAM), while the relative weights (Wr) and Fulton's condition (K) factors were calculated to assess the condition of the fish samples. The results showed that the b value of 3.04 in snapper indicates isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot fish had the b values of 1.41 and 1.75, respectively, and these species display an allometric growth pattern. The average Fulton's condition factor (K) of snapper was 3.01 for male and 2.49 for female; female ponyfish has the K value of 2.92 and 2.92 for male. In addition, the average K value of white-spotted spinefoot was 2.61 and 2.59 for female and male, respectively. The relative weight condition factor ranges from 58.73 to 166.09 for snapper, from 70.55 to 129.65 for ponyfish, and from 71.63 to 133.53 for white-spotted spinefoot. In general, the relative weight condition factors tendedto be 100. It is concluded that snapper has isometric growth pattern, while ponyfish and white-spotted spinefoot display the negative allometric growth pattern. The condition factors are in excellent condition and indicate a balance of prey and predator.
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2015; 3(1): 162-164
Length-Weight relationship and relative condition factor of Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822), Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton, 1822) and Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822) of Brahmaputra river system of Assam, India Abstract The present study reports the length-weight relationship, relative condition factor of three important fish species Rita rita (Hamilton, 1822), Pangasius pangasius (Hamilton, 1822) and Chitala chitala (Hamilton, 1822) of Brahmaputra river system. The growth performance of all the 3 fishes are found high since the correlation coefficient 'r' exhibits high degree of relationship where Pangasius pangasius and Chitala chitala shows positive allometric correlation and Rita rita negative allometric correlation. The present study also indicates that the value of 'b' in all fishes deviate from 'cube law' as it remains constant at 3.0 for an ideal fish. The Kn value Rita rita, Pangasius pangasius and Chitala chitala are 0.78-1.55, 0.85-1.30 and 0.79-1.24 re...
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2018
Summary Selected fish were measured on markets along the Davao Gulf, Philippines between 2009 and 2016, augmenting the number of Length-Weight relationships (LWR) published earlier for the same area. LWRs were calculated for 28 fishes including those of 12 firstly reported, rare species. SL-TL and SL-FL relationships were determined for 28 and 25 species (also including 8 and 12 newly reported relationships, respectively). Minimum size at which individuals start developing forked tails are provided for Cheilinus fasciatus (SL = 15.0 cm), Plectorhinchus polytaenia (SL = 27.0 cm), Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus (SL = 18.0 cm) and Thalassoma hardwicke (SL = 11.5 cm). The flatfish Psettodes erumei had a right-left eyed ratio of 0.55.
Jurnal Perikanan Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2023
Background: Length-weight relationships and condition factors of giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798) from four breeding families (family S: South China seas family, family A: African family, family SA: ♂ South China seas family × ♀ Africa family, family AS: ♂ Africa family × ♀ South China seas family) were evaluated in this study. Findings and conclusion: Length-weight relationships can be expressed as W = 0.0239BL 2.789 (R 2 = 0.8977) in family S, W = 0.0206BL 2.9107 (R 2 = 0.9107) in family A, W = 0.0211BL 2.831 (R 2 = 0.8869) in family SA, and W = 0.0249BL 2.781 (R 2 = 0.9159) in family AS. The growth of P. monodon from four breeding families follows a negative allometric trend. Fulton's body condition factor (K) was not significantly different in males, while in females, the highest K (3.07) was observed in family AS, and the lowest K was found in family A (1.88). Results from the present study indicate that the cross group family AS (♂ Africa family × ♀ South China seas family) has obvious heterosis in females. This may suggest that the direction of further breeding of P. monodon, should be conducted by using Africa family as male parent, and South China seas family as female parent. Results from the present study will provide valuable information on selective breeding in P. monodon. Methodology used in the present study can also be applied in other similar species.
This study was done in Belgium (North Sea, Middelkerre-Oostende) as part of excursion in 2013. The objective was to compare the fishes' body weight (W), length (L), biomass and total catch of the two gears (otter and beam trawl) used to collect the fishes. The relationship between total length (L) in cm and total weight (W) in kg for all fish species was expressed by the equation W = aL b , a (intercept) and b (slope) are species specific constant. Two tailed t-test and Mann Whitney U-test were used to compare the length frequency distribution (LFD) between two gears within species. More than 10 fish species were collected from each fishing gear; nevertheless, 8 common species from every gear were used for this analysis. The biomass, abundance, LFD and length weight relationship (LWR) varied among species and between gears. The main species in terms of biomass were L. limanda and P.platesa, which together accounted for 81% and 89% of the total biomass in otter and beam trawl respectively. S. spratus, L. dupurator and L. limanda in otter trawl were the main species in terms of abundance accounting together for 54%. LWR was positively correlated for all eight species in both gears. S. sprattus, L. limanda, S. solea, O. eperlanus, Gobiidae spp, C. crangon and L. depurator showed no significant difference in LFD between gears within species (p>0.05) and P. platessa showed a significant difference in LFD between gears (p<0.05). Introduction It is known that the length and weight data are essential as well as useful standard information of fish sampling programs. These kinds of data are important for several studies, for instance they can be used to estimate growth rates, age structure and other aspects of fish population dynamics [1, 2]. Study of the size structure (length frequency) of fish species tells many about ecological and life-history qualities such as the water body health, stock conditions and breeding period of the fish [3]. The size structure of a fish population at any point in time can be considered a 'snapshot' that reflects the interactions of the dynamic rates of recruitment, growth and mortality. Additionally, Madrid-Vela et al., [4] stated that the analysis of the structure of the fish community is important for the understanding of the regional processes and the functioning of the ecosystem. Fishery researchers have been assessing the energetic condition of fishes based on weight at a given length relative to body size [5]. Fishes are affected by environmental factors that limit their biomass and total length, these factors includes predation, pollution and nutrients competition [6]. The relationship between length and weight differs among fish species based to their body shape and within a species according to the condition of individual fish ( This paper presents information on the length frequency distribution (LFD) and weight-length relationship (LWR), abundance (catch per unit effort, CPUE) and biomass of fish species trawled from North Sea during excursion, on 30/4/l 2013 and this paper is a side result of that work. As stated before, these parameters are useful for estimating growth rates, reproduction, healthiness, age structure and other aspects of fish population
Borneo Journal of Resource Science and Technology, 2021
Length-weight relationship (LWR), condition factor (K) and feeding habits of Coilia dussumieri, Nemapteryx nenga and Nibea soldado from Santubong Estuary, Sarawak, Malaysia were reported in the present study. The sampling was conducted during the non-monsoon season and monsoon season from April to November 2017 at Buntal, Penambir and Demak rivers using three-layered gillnets. A total of 182 fish samples were caught and measured for the total length and body weight. Then, the data were analysed by the equations for LWR and K. The feeding behaviour analysis was carried out using Relative Gut Index (RGI) and Frequency of Food Occurrence method. The log-transformed regression showed that most of the fishes exhibited negative allometric. K showed a significant difference between seasons. The RGI values of the fishes showed that they were carnivorous. The highest frequency of food occurrence in both seasons was gastropods (94-95 %) and the food items were found to be more variable during monsoon season (gastropods insect, worms, fish, asteroidea, phytoplankton and bivalve). The b value is an exponent to measure the growth pattern of fish and in this study, the b values were in the expected range of 2.5-3.5 and not affected by seasonal variation. The K values suggesting that most of the species were surviving well in the river and was influenced by seasonal change. The RGI and frequency of food occurrence showed that all fish in this study species were carnivorous with more variability in food was observed during the monsoon season. The data of this study are important for a sustainable fisheries management in this area.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
The Bombay duck (Harpodon nehereus), harpiosquillid mantis shrimp (Harpiosquilla raphidea), and giant mud crab (Scylla serrata) are among the commercially important fishery resources in Tarakan Island, North Kalimantan, Indonesia. This requires sustainable fisheries management to be in place since these resources have now become the main targets of fishing industry. However, sustainable fisheries management of these species is difficult because less is known about the species particularly its condition, fatness, and well-being. Hence, the current study was conducted to analyze the morphometric characteristics in order to deduce fishing pressure of the fish species in Tarakan waters. Data collection was achieved through field between September 2017 and April 2018. Morphometric characteristics (length, weight, width, and thickness) were collected throughout the sampling period. The length-weight relationship and condition factor were then estimated using the morphometric measurements. The data were then statistically analyzed either or combination of t-test, Chi-square, and the Mann-Whitney tests. The study revealed that all the three fish species (H. nehereus, Ha. raphidea, and S. serrata) populations in Tarakan waters were dominated by male individuals (M:F ratio; 1:0.81; 1:0.63; and 1:0.66, respectively). The length-weight analysis showed all fish were found to be smaller in size and exhibited negative allometric growth patterns. The analysis of condition factor also showed that the fish were dominated by flat and very flat body shapes. The current study suggests that the fish species may encounter some kinds of ecological disturbances that selectively removed female fish and larger individuals from the populations. However, more studies are needed to accurately identify those factors so that plans to effectively address the root cause could be incorporated in the sustainable fishery management tools of the fish resources.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
The economic revenue of the local government of the Indonesian Sebatik Island relies much on the exploitation of its rich marine biodiversity. One of the important economic activities is the capture fisheries of commercially important fishes such as the white pomfret (Pampus argenteus) and black pomfret (Parastromateus niger), and mackerel fish (Scomberomorus commerson). The current study aims to estimate the growth, condition factor, and exploitation rate of the fish species for developing sustainable fishery management. Fish samplings were conducted in the Sebatik Waters, Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia from June to July 2020. The fish were caught using gillnet at daytime (pomfrets) and nighttime (mackerel), respectively. Then, 82, 73, and 83 specimens of white pomfret, black pomfret, and mackerel were randomly selected for the length-weight relationship, condition factor, and exploitation rate analysis, respectively. The results revealed that the size distribution of the white pomfret population in the coastal waters of Sebatik Island ranged from 220.0 to 351.0 mm, black pomfret ranged from 231.0 to 362.0 mm and mackerel, ranged from 242.0 to 432.0 mm. All the fish species exhibited negative allometric (b<3) weight and length relationship with moderate to strong correlation. About 50% and 53.42% of the white pomfrets and black pomfrets were characterized by thin body shape. However, 49.40% of the mackerels were characterized by fat body shape. The asymptotic length (L∞) for white pomfrets was recorded at 359.