Reloaded #1 -LA PROSA Nel 2019 la consegna dei primi Diplomi Accademici (AFAM (original) (raw)
Related papers, 2024
Senza trovare forme di collaborazione i paesi di montagna sono destinati all'abbandono Sans trouver des formes de collaboration, les villages de montagne sont voués à l'abandon Ohne Formen der Zusammenarbeit sind die Bergdörfer dazu verurteilt, aufgegeben zu werden Without finding forms of collaboration, the mountain villages are destined to be abandoned
"Discorso inaugurale della Magnifica Rettrice. Anno accademico 2021-2022"
Discorso inaugurale della Magnifica Rettrice. Anno accademico 2021-2022, 2022
Today we celebrate the 154th academic year of our university, a community of 23,000 students and 1,300 faculty and staff. The inauguration of the academic year is a solemn moment in the life of a university: the moment when its large community gathers around its values and shares a common path. The global vocation of our university corresponds to that of Venice, a multicultural and multilingual city. We are a community of world citizens. For us, being global citizens of knowledge means constantly questioning ourselves, trying to observe even what seems familiar with an ever new look.
in La ricerca musicologica in Italia. Stato e prospettive. Atti della giornata nazionale di studi. Roma MIUR 2017, a cura di Antonio Caroccia, LoGisma Editore, pp.55-66, 2019
Atti della giornata nazionale di studi -Roma, Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca -26 settembre 2017, Tutti i diritti riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere tradotta, ristampata o riprodotta, in tutto o in parte, con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico, meccanico, fotocopie, film, diapositive o altro, senza autorizzazione degli aventi diritto.
Anno di formazione e prova docenti neoassunti: Relazione finale
Le esperienze vissute in quest'anno di formazione e prova mi hanno permesso di migliorare in diversi ambiti, già citati e analizzati durante la compilazione del Bilancio Iniziale; mi riferisco in particolare alle seguenti competenze: organizzare situazioni di apprendimento, coinvolgere gli allievi nel processo di apprendimento, informare e coinvolgere i genitori, servirsi delle nuove tecnologie per le attività progettuali, organizzative e formative. Grazie alle ore di peer to peer ho potuto fare delle esperienze concrete riguardo alla progettazione di attività didattiche inclusive, capaci cioè di coinvolgere tutti gli allievi nel processo di apprendimento. Ciò è stato fondamentale per comprendere come in base alle diverse situazioni di contesto sia necessario adoperare delle attività mirate, utilizzando metodologie e strategie che promuovano l'attenzione degli studenti e li invoglino a partecipare, stimolando i punti di forza e aggirando le criticità che ognuno di loro può possedere.
Rivista Italiana di Numismatica e Scienze Affini, 2015
Several copper pieces, bearing on their obverse the portraits of Renaissance princes and having the generic typical look of their period, have been defined each time as projects, trials or medals. This study lists the identified types of these specimens in order to reach more precise conclusions on their nature, thanks also to a document not considered until now for this specific problem.
Benedetto il Moro Studia Borromaica 2018
SCHIAVITÙ DEL CORPO E SCHIAVITÙ DELL’ANIMA. Chiesa, potere politico e schiavitù tra Atlantico e Mediterraneo (sec. XVI - XVIII) a cura di Emanuele Colombo, Marina Massimi, Alberto Rocca e Carlos Zeron., 2018
Benedict the Moor , from Sicily to the New World. Giovanna Fiume (University of Palermo). Benedict the Moor's journey to the New World develops in 4 stages: in Sicily, where his biographical events take place (San Fratello 1534 - Palermo 1589) as well as the process for his beatification; in the Iberic peninsula (unified under one crown from 1580 to 1640), where the Chapters of the Franciscan order spread the news of this servant of God - died in the fragrance of holiness- and whose organization leads to African confraternities, victims of the slave trade, which have been precociously placed under his patronage; in the West Indies, where the African slaves, coming from Seville and Lisbon or directly from the African shores via the Atlantic Middle Passage, are evangelized through the power of devotion towards the "Negrito de Palermo" (the Morish from Palermo - in the Hispanic area) or "Sao Benedito o preto" (Saint Benedict the niger - in the Lusitanic area) and the institution of Irmandades, Cabildos, Cofradias, which organize annual religious festivities rich in African traditions. Finally, Rome, where, in the first decades of the 18th century, the issue comes full circle with the cults, reserved to Benedict the Moor in latin-America and Palermo and, then, in 1743, the Pope declares his beatification. In this journey, the promoters are the Franciscan Order, which was the supporter of his beatification, the Sacred Congregation of Rites which celebrates his processes of beatification, the numerous Sicilian devotees who confirm his sanctity of life and his post-mortem miracles and spread his cult through his relics and images, the missionaries in the conquered lands, committed to spreading the Gospel to the slaves, Africans, slaves and manumitted slaves of the black confraternities. Each of them attributes different meanings to Benedict the Moor, which all relate to his main feature: he was a black slave. It is that very last aspect that keeps his devotion alive up to the present day, in the attempt to build up identities, with whom social groups, above all from African background, demand visibility and importance. Although the search for African cultural roots (like in Venezuela), or for the third race (tercera raiz) after the Indian and the Spanish one (like in Mexico), or the affirmation of black consciousness (like in Brazil) defy an account, which hidden the Afro-Hispanic participation from national history, they all bring the cult of Saint Benedict the Moor back. Thanks to this strong, religious symbolism, the African American's identity of African descent can be vindicated from a political point of view, as if it were significant to ask for resources, restorative measures or a major participation in government-led activities.