Dialog Nabi Luth alaihissalam dan Kaumnya (original) (raw)

Pendekatan Kinayah dalam Komunikasi Rasulullah SAW


al-Kināyah is a form of metaphorical language. Through it, the speaker can effectively communicate his/her meaning to ensure the listener's understanding of the intended idea. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used this approach to convey an idea. This study aims to examine the contexts in which al-Kināyah was used by the Prophet (PBUH) with the application of Hymes's SPEAKING model. The data come from four selected hadiths from the books of Arabic amthāl collection. Findings demonstrate that the Prophet (PBUH) employed al-Kināyah in various contexts for a variety of reasons. He was found to use it in the context of giving orders to a cameleer, in imparting religious teachings to his companions, as well as in making bequests in the presence of community elders. These special expressions help to express a broader meaning and prevent the speaker from making use of otherwise unpleasant expressions. The implications of this study underscore the importance of mastering the elements of implicit language in understanding the true meaning of his words by those who venture into the study of the hadiths of the Prophet (PBUH).

Dialog antar umat beragama


The past event is book and history. Both of them are not only scary stories not only for mourned but also for a changing reference. Actulally, this earth is not possible to be transformed quickly, but it can be changed depend on the human's sprite to determine wheater it is to dezided to be misereble or properity. A conflict between horisontal contardiction and socity should be stop. The human needs peace of life and not disaster. As the result, all of conflick mus be end of, whatever that are elements, such as the conflick between religion and the other one. In addition, a history has already recorded that the distiction of religions have created a lot of problems and victims. It is terrible and irony that the existence of a religion must be a tool and place to peace and safe. However, in this condition is contraray that a religion is being tool to execute each others. Ther are many nation child to be victims and even they are dead without no rasons. This case must be stop. The gate of pluralism is to find Kalimatun Sawa', a dialuge is to solve relegions problems. In this arena, conflict can be recovered.

Model Komunikasi Al-Qur’An Dalam Kisah Nabi Musa Dan Fir’Aun


Abstract: One of the methods used by the Qur'an to convey its teachings is to present stories known as Qas}as} al-Qur'a>n. With a story, it is hoped that the children of this nation can take a lesson/wisdom from the experiences of the characters in the story, if it’s good then it should be used as an example but if it’s bad then it should be avoided. One of the stories featured in the Qur'an is about the da'wah of the Prophet Musa. to the king of Pharaoh. From here, the author wants to know how the model and effectiveness of communication used by Prophet Musa as. against Pharaoh. This research is library research, where the object of the study is the verses of the Qur'an. While the method used is the maud}u’i or thematic method and for the analysis used is Content Analysis. The result of this research is the communication model that the Prophet Musa uses is with Qaulan Layyina, where this communication model is one of the communication models in the Qur'an...

Azab Kaum Lūt Dalam Al-Qur’an (Kajian Kisah Berbasis Tafsir ‘Ilmī)

Jurnal Ilmu Agama: Mengkaji Doktrin, Pemikiran, dan Fenomena Agama

Thearchaeologicalfindings at Tall el-Hammam are often associated with evidence of a catastrophic event during the time of the Lūṭ's destruction. The Qur'an describes this event as a warning to future generations, and the discoveries made can be correlated with the Qur'an and studied urgently. This qualitative research project utilized library research techniques to explore how the events described in the Qur'an can be discussed in scientific discourse. Three forms of doom are identified, including lightning sounds, earth turning, and stone rain, which can be researched through the scientific lens of mufasir 'Ilmi. Some believe the event was caused by an erupting mountain, while others argue it was the result of a meteor shower. This study aims to demonstrate the relationship between scholarly interpretation and the scientific discoveries at Tall el-Hammam.

Komunikasi Lemah Lembut Dalam Studi Hadits

At-Tanzir: Jurnal Ilmiah Prodi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 2020

Gentleness has the virtues that adorn greetings and actions so that it can bring good and reward. The purpose of writing this article is to describe the virtues of gentleness towards fellow humans and animals based on Islamic teachings in the context of hadith studies. The writing of this article uses a library research approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by collecting data about meek communication sourced from the Koran, hadiths, commentaries, journals and relevant books. Data collected from various literatures are analyzed and analyzed so as to find a conclusion about the concept of meek communication in the context of hadith studies. Meek nature is very important to be applied in daily life both forhumans and animals. Meekness is highly recommended in relationships even with people who do not do good to us. The application of a meek attitude in life will create unity and unity, prevent division and hostility and the establishment of harmonious relationships that ...

Analisis Tindak Tutur Ilokusi pada Percakapan Nabi Musa AS. dalam Surat Thaha

Shaut al Arabiyyah

Surat Thaha atau Al-Kalim merupakan surat yang menjadi penghibur Rasulullah Saw. atas ujian dunia berupa ejekan kaum Quraisy terhadapnya dan memuat hikmah di dalamnya yang banyak menceritakan tentang kisah Nabi Musa as. Salah satu kisahnya adalah Allah swt. mengutusnya untuk mendatangi Firaun dan menyampaikan kebenaran tentang Tuhan dan seruan pada agama yang benar, hingga kisah mengenai kemarahannya terhadap Samiri. Dari ayat-ayat inilah, banyak terjadi percakapan Nabi Musa as. dengan berbagai mitra tuturnya yang dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dari segi tindak tutur ilokusi untuk mengetahui makna tersembunyi di setiap ujaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatifdeskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) mencatat tuturan Nabi Musa as., (2) mengumpulkan dan mengategorikan ujaran, (3) mendeskripsikan makna yang tersirat didukung dengan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ilokusi jenis asertif: menyatakan/memberikan informasi, memberitahukan, menegaskan, memutuskan, mengajukan pertanyaan, menyangkal, menyatakan, dan mengingkari, (2) ilokusi jenis deklaratif, berupa menunjuk dan membebaskan, (3) ilokusi jenis komisif: sumpah, menjanjikan, memanjatkan doa, dan menawarkan, (4) ilokusi jenis direktif: menasehati, memerintahkan, meminta, memperingatkan, memberi pesan, dan melarang, serta (5) ilokusi jenis ekspresif: menyapa, dan memanggil.

Komunikasi Keluarga Berdasarkan Uslub Nabi SAW


Komunikasi Keluarga Berdasarkan Uslub Nabi SAW Abstrak Kehebatan uslub atau pendekatan baginda nabi SAW berkomunikasi dengan para sahabat amat wajar dicontohi remaja dan ibu bapa masa kini. Pelbagai elemen unggul yang baginda terapkan dalam komunikasi menjadikan setiap tutur kata baginda berkesan dan memiliki mesej-mesej tertentu yang perlu diteladani. Realiti hari ini para remaja khususnya gagal memanfaatkan contoh agung tersebut telah mengundang pelbagai masalah keruntuhan akhlak. Penggunaan kata-kata kesat, tengking-menengking melatari komunikasi remaja dan persekitarannya diparahkan lagi dengan keterlibatan mereka dalam jenayah moral merupakan bukti kukuh kegagalan ini. Statistik kegiatan jenayah yang berlaku melibatkan pelajar sekolah menengah meningkat daripada 360 orang pelajar pada tahun 2012 kepada 540 orang pada tahun berikutnya. Angka ini menunjukkan bahawa penglibatan remaja dalam gejala sosial amat membimbangkan pelbagai pihak. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji dan...

Dialog Sufi

Pertanyaan 1: Apakah dasar-dasar Sufisme? Jawaban: Dasar utama Sufisme adalah keyakinan; keyakinan Islami (Iman) dengan enam dasar, yaitu: adanya Allah; Allah Yang Esa, adanya para Malaikat, para Rasul, Hari Pembalasan, takdir.