Borsa IF SIAC Cicero (original) (raw)


Italia Fenice (AIF - a cultural association registered as a not-for-profit social entity, with offices at Via delle Viole 8, Sutri, VT, Italy), in partnership with the Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron in Paris (SIAC - Association loi 1901 déclarée au Journal Officiel du 8 avril 2008 - Reconnaissance d’intérêt général du 16 juin 2008 – Siège: 9, avenue Sainte Foy, Neuilly-sur-Seine, F-92200), invites post-doctoral scholars to submit applications for a grant to be awarded for research on THE RECEPTION OF CICERO AND ROMAN PLATONISM FROM THE MIDDLE AGES TO THE 18TH CENTURY Eligible projects include editions and translations of texts composed during those centuries, as well as studies of the influence and/or criticism of Cicero and of Roman Platonism (including Greek-speaking imperial authors) on the rediscovery of classical Latinity, oratory, law, political and moral philosophy etc. The selection committee is chiefly interested in projects that adopt a philological or exegetical approach. We expect that the grant will lead to a publication, subject to peer review (a scholarly monograph, critical edition or translation with commentary of a Latin text from the 6th to the 18th centuries). This will appear in the “Cicero” series, published by De Gruyter (Berlin), with financial support from the two sponsoring institutions: the first volume is already available: