Automatic Selection of High Quality Parses Created By a Fully Unsupervised Parser (original) (raw)

An Ensemble Method for Selection of High Quality Parses


While the average performance of statistical parsers gradually improves, they still attach to many sentences annotations of rather low quality. The number of such sentences grows when the training and test data are taken from different domains, which is the case for major web applications such as information retrieval and question answering.

Precision-biased Parsing and High-Quality Parse Selection


We introduce precision-biased parsing: a parsing task which favors precision over recall by allowing the parser to abstain from decisions deemed uncertain. We focus on dependency-parsing and present an ensemble method which is capable of assigning parents to 84% of the text tokens while being over 96% accurate on these tokens. We use the precision-biased parsing task to solve the related high-quality parse-selection task: finding a subset of high-quality (accurate) trees in a large collection of parsed text. We present a method for choosing over a third of the input trees while keeping unlabeled dependency parsing accuracy of 97% on these trees. We also present a method which is not based on an ensemble but rather on directly predicting the risk associated with individual parser decisions. In addition to its efficiency, this method demonstrates that a parsing system can provide reasonable estimates of confidence in its predictions without relying on ensembles or aggregate corpus counts.

Parser evaluation: a survey and a new proposal


We present a critical overview of the state-of-the-art in parser evaluation methodologies and metrics. A discussion of their relative strengths and weaknesses motivates a new-and we claim more informative and generally applicable-technique of measuring parser accuracy, based on the use of grammatical relations. We conclude with some preliminary results of experiments in which we use this new scheme to evaluate a robust parser of English.

Modifying existing annotated corpora for general comparative evaluation of parsing


We argue that the current dominant paradigm in parser evaluation work, which combines use of the Penn Treebank reference corpus and of the Parseval scoring metrics, is not well-suited to the task of general comparative evaluation of diverse parsing systems. In , we propose an alternative approach which has two key components. Firstly, we propose parsed corpora for testing that are much flatter than those currently used, whose "gold standard" parses encode only those grammatical constituents upon which there is broad agreement across a range of grammatical theories. Secondly, we propose modified evaluation metrics that require parser outputs to be 'faithful to', rather than mimic, the broadly agreed structure encoded in the flatter gold standard analyses. This paper addresses a crucial issue for the approach, namely, the creation of the evaluation resources that the approach requires, i.e. annotated corpora recording the flatter parse analyses. We argue that, due to the nature of the resources required, they can be derived in a comparatively inexpensive fashion from existing parse annotated resources, where available.

Unsupervised Dependency Parsing: Let's Use Supervised Parsers

Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 2015

We present a self-training approach to unsupervised dependency parsing that reuses existing supervised and unsupervised parsing algorithms. Our approach, called 'iterated reranking' (IR), starts with dependency trees generated by an unsupervised parser, and iteratively improves these trees using the richer probability models used in supervised parsing that are in turn trained on these trees. Our system achieves 1.8% accuracy higher than the stateof-the-part parser of Spitkovsky et al. (2013) on the WSJ corpus.

Unsupervised Induction of Labeled Parse Trees by Clustering with Syntactic Features


We present an algorithm for unsupervised induction of labeled parse trees. The algorithm has three stages: bracketing, initial labeling, and label clustering. Bracketing is done from raw text using an unsupervised incremental parser. Initial labeling is done using a merging model that aims at minimizing the grammar description length. Finally, labels are clustered to a desired number of labels using syntactic features extracted from the initially labeled trees. The algorithm obtains 59% labeled f-score on the WSJ10 corpus, as compared to 35% in previous work, and substantial error reduction over a random baseline. We report results for English, German and Chinese corpora, using two label mapping methods and two label set sizes.

Automatic Prediction of Parser Accuracy


Statistical parsers have become increasingly accurate, to the point where they are useful in many natural language applications. However, estimating parsing accuracy on a wide variety of domains and genres is still a challenge in the absence of gold-standard parse trees.

Improve Parsing Performance by Self-Learning

There are many methods to improve performances of statistical parsers. Among them, resolving structural ambiguities is a major task. In our approach, the parser produces a set of n-best trees based on a feature-extended PCFG grammar and then selects the best tree structure based on association strengths of dependency word-pairs. However, there is no sufficiently large Treebank producing reliable statistical distributions of all word-pairs. This paper aims to provide a self-learning method to resolve the problems. The word association strengths were automatically extracted and learned by parsing a giga-word corpus. Although the automatically learned word associations were not perfect, the built structure evaluation model improved the bracketed f-score from 83.09% to 86.59%. We believe that the above iterative learning processes can improve parsing performances automatically by learning word-dependence knowledge continuously from web.

Improved Fully Unsupervised Parsing with Zoomed Learning


We introduce a novel training algorithm for unsupervised grammar induction, called Zoomed Learning. Given a training set T and a test set S, the goal of our algorithm is to identify subset pairs T i , S i of T and S such that when the unsupervised parser is trained on a training subset T i its results on its paired test subset S i are better than when it is trained on the entire training set T . A successful application of zoomed learning improves overall performance on the full test set S. We study our algorithm's effect on the leading algorithm for the task of fully unsupervised parsing in three different English domains, WSJ, BROWN and GENIA, and show that it improves the parser F-score by up to 4.47%.

ULISSE: an unsupervised algorithm for detecting reliable dependency parses


In this paper we present ULISSE, an unsupervised linguistically-driven algorithm to select reliable parses from the output of a dependency parser. Different experiments were devised to show that the algorithm is robust enough to deal with the output of different parsers and with different languages, as well as to be used across different domains. In all cases, ULISSE appears to outperform the baseline algorithms.