Paraphilias and Violence in the couple. A systemic approach Stefano Iacone (original) (raw)

Paraphilias and Violence in the couple. An integrative approach

Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2019

The systemic therapy has given great attention to the violent dynamics of couples, but has rarely connected the different forms of violence with the Paraphilic Disorder. The phenomenology of the Paraphilic Disorder tells us the violence is a certain and fixed data instead. The common perception about Paraphilic Disorder is based on the image of a solitary individual coercively chained to rigid and stereotypical sexual fantasies. Clinical practice, on the other hand, tells us that, in most cases of Paraphilic Disorder, the patient forms a fixed or long-lasting couple and therefore shares and elaborates the perverse ritual with a partner. So it's necessary view four levels to understand the "evil", the hatred, that leads to dehumanize the partner: genetic baggage, motivational systems organization, relational pattern and emerging qualities of bonds. Generally the systemic approach has given great attention to the two later points. In particular, in this paper the author supports the importance of understanding and healing the "third world" that every couple co-create: the couple's absolute (Caillè, 2004). In this paper the couple's absolute are called the "We", meaning a collective mental dimension that contains mythological, cognitive and somatic aspects that generate a unique identity for each couple. If the therapist understand the "We", can grasp the real meaning of the violent acts in the couple and this is a central point of a real therapeutic change.

The counterphobic matrix of cuckolding and troilism: The psychopathological origin of sexual sharing paraphilias

Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care, 2022

Background and aims: Based on the concept of "cuckolding" and "troilism", it was hypothesized that underlying this paraphilia is a counterphobic attitude that positively reinforced produces the establishment of behavioural addiction. The purpose of this study is to confi rm this hypothesis. Materials and methods: Clinical interview, based on narrative-anamnestic and documentary evidence and the basis of the Perrotta Human Emotions Model (PHEM) concerning their emotional and perceptual-reactive experience, and administration of the battery of psychometric tests published in international scientifi c journals by the author of this work: 1) Perrotta Integrative Clinical Interviews (PICI-2), to investigate functional and dysfunctional personality traits; 2) Perrotta Individual Sexual Matrix Questionnaire (PSM-Q), to investigate the individual sexual matrix; 3) Perrotta Affective Dependence Questionnaire (PAD-Q), to investigate the profi les of affective and relational dependence; 4) Perrotta Human Defense Mechanisms Questionnaire (PDM-Q), to investigate the defence mechanisms of the Ego. Results: In a population sample of 108 subjects (98 males and 10 females), the totality was found to exhibit at least 5 dysfunctional personality traits of the manic, borderline, narcissistic covert, masochistic, and dependent types, with secondary traits of the neurotic, bipolar, histrionic, and paranoid types. Always the totality of the sample shows the marked dysfunctionality of a sexual nature (especially in relational profi les) and the activation of defense mechanisms typical of psychopathological processes; in particular, at the PSM-Q the totality of the sample stated that the basis of their paraphilia is the establishment of a traumatic event of an affective, sentimental or sexual nature related to adolescence and adulthood that has generated in the person distrust in the relationship. Conclusions: At the origin of cuckolding and troilism, it is reasonable to deduce that there is a traumatic event of an affective, sentimental or sexual nature, occurring mainly in youth or early adulthood, which has negatively impacted the subject's perception of the relational sphere. Such an event, capable of generating negative feelings of distressing origin, was then reworked and sublimated by the subject using a counterphobic attitude (the fear of being betrayed is replaced by the idea that granting the partner sexual freedom, after sharing, is suffi cient to avoid the reoccurrence of the primary traumatizing event); the repetition of avoidant experiences of the danger of the primary phobia (betrayal) then generates in the subject the belief in the functioning of the mechanism, which therefore is repeated according to a cognitive-behavioural pattern of positive reinforcement, capable of establishing over time the behavioural dependence that underlies the paraphiliac disorder. Such a fear-prone psychopathological pattern, moreover, could be the same one that favours polygamous relational choice (at the expense of monogamous relational choice), net of environmental and social conditioning (e.g., Islamic contexts) that might naturally favour such choice. This counterphobic mechanism reinforced by positive reinforcement may underlie the onset of paraphilias and deserves further investigation.

Psychodynamic formulations of paraphilias

International Journal of Advanced Studies in Sexology, 2020

Therapists need to deal more and more with issues involving patients that engage in compulsive sexual behaviour or paraphilias. For the purpose of this article I would like to explore the psychodynamic perspective on paraphilias or perversions as they are referred to in the psychoanalytic literature.

Transtheoretical Issues on Externalized Paraphilic Disorders

Filodiritto Publisher., 2020

Paraphilia has been characterized as an intense sexual desire, fantasy or behaviour that involves objects, activities or certain situations and causes the suffering or humiliation of the partner or oneself. Except for types of paraphilia involving abuse and violence against a person or an animal, who or which does not consent to this, paraphilias should be viewed in terms of the individual's behavioural, intimate, social, or professional disability. Thus, this paper seeks to highlight the most common types of paraphilias, their differences and the influence of childhood experiences on these types of behaviour and also behaviours observed in rapists and sexual aggressors.

Transtheoretical Issues on Internalized Paraphilic Disorders

Filodiritto Publisher., 2020

When a diagnosis for paraphilia is established, one needs to take into consideration that these behaviours take place over a period of at least 6 months or that fantasies, impulses and sexual behaviours cause the individual a significant social, professional or other important disability. A controversial aspect regarding the paraphilic diagnosis is the relationship between sexual fantasies and concrete behaviour, which may or may not exist according to different research studies. People have sexual fantasies that they do not always or even never realize, thus being completely different than those who adopt concrete behaviour. Several studies demonstrate that there is a wide variety of sexual fantasies among the general population. Therefore, the scope of this paper is to address and underline, from a transtheoretical point of view, internalized paraphilic disorders as: exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadism, masochism and fetishism.

Literature Review on Paraphilic Disorders

This paper reviewed different aspects of the assessment of paraphilic disorder, which is formerly known as paraphilia in DSM-IV-TR, including the diagnostic criteria, conceptualization, cultural factors, legal and ethical concerns, and current research and future study directions.

Paraphilic Disorder: Definition, Contexts and Clinical Strategies

Journal of Neuro Research, 2019

Starting from the concept of paraphilic disorder, we proceeded to list the individual forms envisaged by the DSM-V, with a series of focus on clinical, psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural and strategic profiles, focusing the analysis above all on the resolving context of the problems analyzed.

The Paraphilia-Related Disorders: An Investigation of the Relevance of the Concept in Sexual Murderers

Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2006

ABSTRACT: Paraphilic disorders (PAs) and sexual preoccupation are known risk factors for recidivism in sexual offenders. Nonparaphilic sexual excessive behaviors—so-called paraphilia-related disorders (PRDs), like paraphilias, are also characterized by sexual preoccupation and volitional impairment and can be diagnosed in paraphilic men. The prevalence and clinical significance of PRDs in sexual homicide perpetrators, however, is unknown. We investigated the relationship between PAs and PRDs retrospectively in a sample of 161 sexual murderers. Four groups were compared: men without a PA or a PRD diagnosis, men with at least one PRD but no PA, men with at least one PA but no PRD, and finally, those with a combination of both (PA+PRD). The PA+PRD group had the most lifetime cumulative sexual impulsivity disorders, more developmental problems, the highest persistent frequency of sexual activity, the highest number of previous sexual offences, more sexual sadism, and compulsive masturbation. Men of the PRD subsample had suffered more from childhood sexual abuse, showed more promiscuity, psychopathy, and alcohol problems. The use of the PRD concept in this special offender group should be further investigated with prospectively designed studies.

Conceptualization, History, and Future of the Paraphilias

Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2020

There is no accepted definition of the term paraphilia despite its being listed as an essential feature of a class of mental disorders known as the paraphilic disorders. The origin of the term, history of its inclusion as a diagnosis, and logical flaws inherent in the various definitions are discussed in this review. We examine the basis for pathologizing individuals with paraphilias, consider what paraphilias can tell us about how humans develop their sexual interests, and question the usefulness of dividing sexual interests into paraphilias and normophilias. The construct of the paraphilias appears to be poorly conceived and has outlived its usefulness.

Paraphilia: Concepts, Classifications, Epidemiology, Attributes and Management

IJHSC, 2019

Paraphilia have always been a debatable and under-researched topic in psychiatric domain, with lots of cultural myths associated with its origin. The aetiology is unclear, with several theories forwarded but none having universal acceptance. Psychotherapy was the mainstay of treatment until antidepressants were found to be effective. With the milieu gradually incorporating several anti-androgens, Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) analogues; pharmacotherapy was introduced after better understanding developed through extensive research.