Tecniche e architettura nel tempo - Indice e abstract, "Materiali e Strutture. Problemi di conservazione", n.s., VIII, 2019, 15 (original) (raw)
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M.P. SETTE, F. MARIANO, E. VASSALLO (a cura di), RICerca/REStauro. Sezione 6: Ricerca in-formazione, Quasar, Roma 2017, pp. 1048-1056.
The problem of preserving contemporary architecture is a delicate and complex one which, when it comes to architecture built during the Fascist period, involves additional facets and complexities. The first topic discussed in this paper investigates the frail nature of this heritage. Beyond the initial ambitions, geared towards defining ‘apparently immortal’ architecture, there is the intrinsic frailty of buildings produced by the Modern Movement: on the one hand, as regards the ‘durability of materials’; on the other hand, as regards the ‘obsolescence of the meanings’ that originally led to their construction. Indeed, the transformation of these buildings into objects devoid of use is not only connected to the degeneration of materials; it also constitutes the tangible physical manifestation of the end of a ‘great illusion’ (G.K. Koenig). Therefore, the process of accurately understanding and continuously interpreting of these buildings, with their history and the changes they have undergone, becomes the starting point when attempting to preserve this heritage. By illustrating a few examples of Rationalist architecture in Forlì – the Industrial Technical Institute, the Aeronautic College of G.I.L., the Santarelli Kindergarten and the Casa del Balilla, then of G.I.L. – this paper aims to highlight how the investigation of archive and bibliographical sources, combined with direct research carried out on these buildings, constitute distinct but complementary aspects within a broader interpretational process that, starting from an understanding of ‘built architecture’, and not of ‘represented architecture’, leads to respectful, informed and accurate restoration work that can minimise the loss of original matter and incorporate the traces left behind by time in conservation project.
In copertina: Hierapolis, il teatro durante i lavori di costruzione della pedana e di anastilosi della scaenae frons (foto E. Romeo). La rivista è di proprietà dell'Università degli Studi di Roma «La Sapienza» © Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura Piazza Borghese, 9 -00186 -Roma Roma 2018 -Edizioni Quasar di Severino Tognon s.r.l. via Ajaccio 41/43 -00198 Roma tel. 0685358444 -fax 0685833591 Per ordini e abbonamenti: www.edizioniquasar.it qn@edizioniquasar.it e s t r a t t o a u t o r e
The past few years have been marked by the increasing importance of the intangible in our approach to restoration. The inclusion of the ‘intangible’ in conservation literature dates from the Burra Charter (1979); this document met the need to reflect non-European sensibilities regarding heritage conservation, it reflected different ways of understanding the concept of authenticity as regards the assets that require protection and it attempted to reconcile a longstanding tradition that was strongly based on the central value of architecture and materials with the needs of groups who considered gestural/ritual/narrative tradition to be the centre of their cultural identity. At the same time, developments in technology – and particularly in IT – increased awareness of the intangible aspects of conservation in Western countries as well. Thus the cataloguing, enhancement and administration of heritage went from being processes subordinated to the ‘higher’ rationales of restoration and conservation to well-developed and independent branches of application and development, ultimately exercising a significant level of influence over those same conservation actions. Cataloguing activities – featuring glossaries, charts, geographic and thematic maps and the option of allowing different kinds of data to interact – can help us pinpoint new and unprecedented historiographical and interpretational connections, highlight common problems as regards conservation, identify conservation priorities and even, in some cases, guide operational choices. Enhancement work already influences restoration projects in many ways: forcing them to adopt protective systems, for example, that can control the microclimate in places put under stress by high visitor numbers or determining the choice of what architectural structures and surfaces should be introduced. Indeed, as regards the latter case, it is possible to separate the solution to problems involving structural and material repairs from the handling of perceptual and aesthetic aspects, solving the latter by introducing simulations and limiting the number of physical additions to neutral support structures and simple protection measures. Last but not least, the administration of conservation leads the issue of how we take care of existing assets away from the critical interpretation and understanding of architecture and towards defining and controlling the activities that must be carried out in order to guarantee the survival of historic buildings, both in ‘peacetime’ and during ‘emergencies’, clearing the way for issues to do with the systematic integration of different disciplines, budgeting and social and political interaction with the asset in question
Professore, ingegnere, scienziato, redattore e saggista fertile in riviste specialistiche; promotore di un’ottimistica concezione della tecnica; innovatore di statura internazionale nel campo del rischio sismico e dell’utilizzo del calcestruzzo armato; riferimento autorevole nell’ambito delle soluzioni strutturali, in nuovi e antichi edifici; promotore di una visione di sintesi tra mondi scientifici, di processi matematici innovativi applicati alla scienza delle costruzioni, dell’importanza dell’impiego dei modelli strutturali a supporto nell’ingegneria civile: questi sono i tratti dell’inedito profilo di Arturo Danusso (1880-1968) tracciato in questo volume, entro il contesto dell’ingegneria edile coeva e in un orizzonte umanistico e di impegno civile di matrice cattolica. Strappare all’oblio il suo multiforme e geniale impegno, tra Milano e Roma, come incentivo a ulteriori esplorazioni è lo scopo delle ricerche dei numerosi autori, architetti e ingegneri, che qui ne hanno documentato il poliedrico universo espressivo: Valentina Artale, Giorgio Azzoni, Claudio Chesi, Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi, Maria Antonietta Crippa, Franco Mola, Maria Adelaide Parisi, Alessandra Ruffato, Enzo Siviero, Luigi Sorrentino, Valentina Sumini, Carlo Urbano, Ferdinando Zanzottera.