Patterns and Strategies of Adult Learning: Seminar Paper (original) (raw)

Lifelong development through the lens of the theoretical approaches for adulthood: Some implications for lifelong learning and adult education.

ΓΗΡΑΣΚΩ ΑΕΙ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΟΜΕΝΟΣ LEARNING THROUGH THE LIFE SPAN Trends, dimensions, practices and reflections, 2023

According to the above Table, the extent to which students consider themselves as adults, meaning the subjective transition to adulthood or perceived adult status, varies significantly between students of different disciplines. In the question "do you think you have reached adulthood", the vast majority-with the exception of fighter pilot students, respond mostly 'in some cases yes', particularly engineer and teacher students ΓΗΡΑΣΚΩ ΑΕΙ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΟΜΕΝΟΣ. LEARNING THROUGH THE LIFE SPAN.

Adult Development and Learning of Older Adults


This summary of adult development covers a wide range of authors. Adult development is one way of understanding how the internal and external changes in our lives have an impact on learning. Of particular importance in this work are the developmental issues of older adults. I present various theories of adult development such as linear and integrated. The impact of the physical dimension of one's life is discussed. Also the writings of several authors are presented such as Erikson, Havighurst, Peck, Fisher, Baltes and Baltes, and Kleiber. Learning is often the result of the stage of life of the person.

A Conception of Adult Development

Adult development is becoming an important field of study for psychology and other disciplines. Little has been done, however, to conceptualize the nature of adult development and to define the major issues in this field. The author summarizes his own formulations of life course, life cycle, life structure, and the adult development of the life structure in early and middle adulthood. He then discusses six major issues that must be dealt with by every structural approach to adult development: What are the alternative ways of defining a structural stage or period? What relative emphasis is given to the structures as compared to the transitional periods? How can we make best use of the distinction between hierarchical levels and seasons of development? Are there age-linked developmental periods in adulthood? What are the relative merits and limitations of various research methods? How can we bring together the developmental perspective and the socialization perspective?

Four adult development theories and their implications for practice

Focus on basics, 2001

What is adult development? What relevance do adult development theories and models have to the practice of adult basic education? Our philosophy of adult development informs our teaching. For example, if we believe that people mature by passively absorbing knowledge and reacting to their environments, our instruction differs from that of teachers who assume knowledge is constructed and that development depends on active participation with the environment.

1 Four Adult Development Theories and Their Implications for Practice


What is adult development? What relevance do adult development theories and models have to the practice of adult basic education? Our philosophy of adult development informs our teaching. For example, if we believe that people mature by passively absorbing knowledge and reacting to their environments, our instruction differs from that of teachers who assume knowledge is constructed and that development depends on active participation with the environment. In this article, I discuss several approaches to adult development and their related implications for instruction. Clark and Caffarella (1999) note, "Theories [serve] as a lens through which we view the life course; that lens illuminates certain elements and tells a particular story about adult life " (p. 3). The four lenses through which adult development will be seen are: behavioral / mechanistic, cognitive / psychological, contextual / sociocultural, and integrative.