Menelusuri Jejak Akar Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Indonesia (original) (raw)

Sekolah Menengah Islam Terpadu DI Depok


Potensi sumber daya manusia di Indonesia terbilang cukup besar dari sisi kuantitas. Jumlah yang besar itu pun juga berpotensi memiliki kualitas yang baik dengan adanya pendidikan formal maupun non formal. Adapun sebagian besar masyarakat memilih jalur pendidikan formal baik melalui sekolah negeri maupun swasta demi memenuhi standarisasi yang dibutuhkan. Dalam menuntut ilmu, tentu dibutuhkan suatu fasilitas yang memadai bagi para pelajar dan pengajar agar proses belajar mengajar dapat berjalan lancar. Namun pada realitanya di Depok, kondisi sebagian SMP dan SMA negeri yang dijadikan pilihan favorit calon murid, daya tampungnya tak memadai. Dengan potensi tersebut dan sebagian warga Depok berasal dari kalangan menengah atas, sekolah swasta pun menjadi pilihan beberapa orang tua untuk menyekolahkan anaknya. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, maka diperlukan perancangan sekolah islam dengan fasilitas penunjang. Konsep terpadu yang diterapkan yaitu berupa adanya fasilitas yang dapat digunak...

Kepemimpinan Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Minoritas Muslim Papua Barat

Akademika, 2016

One of obstacle to enjoy ideal Islamic education in the minority Muslim region is there is no excellent educational institution is running in the area. Therefore, some Muslim family should send their children to study outside the city. Unfortunately, not every family could reach the way. One of the initiative to establish Islamic education which to convey integrated education was in Sorong city of West Papua. The case study was conducted in SDIT Al-Izzah, Sorong. Non-participant observation and in-depth interview were conducted to collect data. The primary school was started on 2006. The program is similar with other national school of the nation. In addition, religious subjects were integrated to the curriculum in enhancing Muslim understanding. They launched Quranic Based Green School. This program to accelerate school program with Quranic values rooted. Moreover, the school was supported through leadership and team work. The team work conserve the program from side to side and maintain from the concept to the program. Finally, this paper concludes that Muslim minority enjoy the opportunity to launched educational institution. They have a wide range chance in educating Muslim society. Nowadays, the school lengthens to the senior high school after a countless successful development.

Melacak Akar Radikalisme Islam di Indonesia

Radicalism nowadays becomes a popular discourse in Indonesia. The fall of Soeharto in 1998 was also followed by the rise of some groups which enroots their ideology and value with the ideology of Islamic political movement in Middle East. Many authors even connect this phenomenon to terrorism. By those points of view, they try to encounter terrorism by deradicalizing people and promoting the empowerment of moderate society. But this point of view is argued by some authors who think that terrorism diff ers from radicalism. It is structural problem –poverty, oppression, political authoritarianism— which implies violence and terror. It leads us to a question: What cause radicalism? This article a& empts to analyze the historical and political-economic root of Radical Islam group in Indonesia. By analyzing those problems, we will elaborate the problem of Islamic radicalism in structural perspective of post-New Order Indonesia.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Islam

LOSARI, Jurnal Arsitektur Kota dan Permukiman, 2022

In the current era of globalization, the development of the times is very fast and fast, making a big influence on the world of education, including in the aspect of human needs. Based on the analysis, Selayar Islands Regency is a regency located in South Sulawesi Province, which has an area of 10,503.69 km² between land and sea areas with a population of 135,809 people. Geographically, Selayar is located at the tip of Sulawesi Island from the north and south, and is one of the 24 regencies or cities in the South-Sulawesi Province. The method used in this design is an Islamic architectural approach with the intention of giving awareness to the public that the importance of applying Islamic concepts in building and planning must certainly be far from being wasteful because it is contrary to Islamic values. The results of this design cover an area of ± 2.5 Ha, Building Basic Coefficient (KDB) 40%, Green Open Space (RTH) 60%. The building area is 5,500 m² classrooms, 190 m² practice rooms, 660 m² leadership and administration rooms, 1,760 m² support rooms and 2,200 m² parking, which will be presented in the form of two-dimensional drawings, site analysis, analysis of shapes to three dimensions and animation through shape exploration. The building is the Kaaba with its basic shape is a cube. This study concludes that the Integrated Islamic School with an Islamic architectural approach is equipped with Islamic icon designs on each building as its own attraction.

Melacak " Akar " Ideologi Gerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia

Student movement is a part of history in Indonesia that always active to take a part of every change period. They called as an agent of change. However, there is not enough data, principally ideology, to explain the attribute. This article tries to investigate ideology of student movement, especially Islamic student movement in Indonesia. Among them are: Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Dipo, HMI MPO, Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII), Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) and Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI). The article also explored their political expression Pendahuluan Keberadaan gerakan mahasiswa dalam konstelasi sosial politik di negeri ini tak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Diakui atau tidak, keberadaan mereka menjadi salah satu kekuatan yang selalu dipertimbangkan oleh berbagai kelompok kepentingan (interest group) terutama pengambil kebijakan, yakni negara. Diantara elemen-elemen gerakan mahasiswa yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan adalah gerakan mahasiswa Islam. Mereka adalah organisasi massa (ormas) mahasiswa yang memiliki basis konstituen yang jelas dan massa pendukung yang besar seperti Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) Dipo, HMI MPO, Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII), Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah (IMM) dan Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI). Pada sisi lain, tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa gerakan mahasiswa mengalami polarisasi dalam entitas dan kelompok-kelompok tertentu yang berbeda, bahkan acapkali bertentangan satu sama lain. Hal ini terjadi karena beberapa faktor yang melingkupinya, seperti perbedaan ideologi, strategi dan lainnya. Dalam konteks ini, upaya memahami ideologi gerakan mahasiswa merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Apabila ditelisik, persoalan ideologi merupakan pusat kajian ilmu sosial. [i][1] Namun hingga kini, kajian tentang ideologi khususnya dalam ranah ilmu-ilmu sosial sangat minim. Apalagi ideologi dalam konsteks gerakan mahasiswa. Maka, permasalahan yang akan dikaji selanjutnya adalah apa dan bagaimanakah ideologi gerakan mahasiswa Islam di Indonesia? Ideologi Dalam Keterbatasan Akar Konseptual Menurut Frans Magnis Suseno, [2] ideologi dimaksud sebagai keseluruhan sistem berfikir, nilai-nilai dan sikap dasar rohaniah sebuah gerakan, kelompok sosial atau individu. Ideologi dapat dimengerti sebagai suatu sistem penjelasan tentang eksistensi suatu kelompok sosial, sejarahnya dan proyeksinya ke masa depan serta merasionalisasikan suatu bentuk hubungan kekuasaaan. Dengan demikian, ideologi memiliki fungsi mempolakan, mengkonsolidasikan dan menciptakan arti dalam tindakan masyarakat. Ideologi yang dianutlah yang pada akhirnya akan sangat menentukan bagaimana seseorang atau sekelompok orang memandang sebuah persoalan dan harus berbuat apa untuk mensikapi persoalan tersebut. Dalam konteks inilah kajian ideologi menjadi sangat penting, namun seringkali diabaikan.

Historisitas dan Dinamika Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the historicity and dynamics of Islamic education institutions in Indonesia starting from the classical period, colonialism period, and pre- and post-independence periods. This research uses library research method. Data analysis using analytical descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show that Islamic education in Indonesia is the same age as the existence of Islam in the archipelago. Broadly speaking, the history of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia can be divided into three periods. First, the classical period of the 13th - 16th century, namely since the entry of Islam in Indonesia, the establishment of the Islamic empire, the era of the Islamic empire until the entry of colonizers into Indonesia. Several institutions during this period were mosques, Islamic boarding schools, menasah, rangkang and dayah, surau. Second, the colonial period until the independence period (1600 - 1945). At this time it was divided into two, na...

Sekolah Islam Terpadu sebagai Sarana Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Kepemimpinan Islam


This study aims to understand how to deal with educational administrative conflicts in Madrasahs and the challenges faced in managing education in Madrasas or schools. This is so that the authors as prospective teachers can understand how to resolve conflicts in the management of education in schools which need to be understood later when becoming a teacher so that they can be understood. In this paper to collect data, the authors use descriptive research methods. Because the information in this document reflects efforts to resolve conflicts in the provision of education in madrasas or schools. Poor governance will affect the development of schools, mainly due to the declining quality of education. The factors that cause governance are the decline in science and technology due to globalization, poor school quality, planning, moderation and organization. As is happening in Indonesia today, research that has not developed consistently, as well as the impact of the Ivory-19 outbreak th...

Madrasah Dan Sekolah Islam Elit DI Indonesia

Rausyan Fikr : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pencerahan, 2019

Menguatnya posisi lembaga pendidikan Islam tidak lepaskan dari upaya dinamika internal dalam tubuh pendidikan Islam berupa modernisasi, yang berkesinambungan dengan modernisasi Islam. Faktor yang menumbuhkembangkan keberadaan sekolah dan madrasah elit. Pertama, kesadaran untuk mendesain system pendidikan unggul. Kedua, menurunnya proses dan hasil pendidikan di sekolah-sekolah umum. Ketiga, skeptis terhadap proses dan hasil pendidikan pada pesantren dan madrasah. Keempat, peningkatan kemampuan ekonomi. Kelima, dukungan pemerintah dalam otonomi pendidikan swasta dan program pemerintah dalam upaya “internasionalisasi” semua level pendidikan di Indonesia.