Book Forum sobre The Politics of Political Science (español) - Eunomía. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad (original) (raw)

"Política y Ciencia Política en América Latina o cuando el poder interfiere en la forma de producir conocimiento en la región". En Eunomía. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad, núm. 17, pp. 382-387

A pesar del cientificismo positivista que la ciencia política mal denominada «dura» ha tratado de afianzar desde la revolución conductista de mediados del siglo pasado (Dahl, 1969; Dryzek y Leonard, 1988), lo cierto es que, como sugiere Paulo Ravecca en The Politics of Political Science: ReWriting Latin American Experiences, recientemente publicado en Routledge, política y ciencia política, en sí, son un binomio indisociable. Esto es, dos elementos necesariamente conectados que, aunque no lo parezca, difícilmente operan como establecimientos estancos (Sodaro, 2006). Otra cosa es que ideología y política se representen expresamente, si bien su esencia como marcos interpretativos de referencia no desaparece en la disciplina. Asumiendo una impronta post-estructuralista del poder que marca la impronta del trabajo de Ravecca, la relación de este concepto se presenta íntimamente ligada al del conocimiento de manera que la pregunta de partida es la siguiente: ¿puede una ciencia política abordar objetivamente el análisis y la comprensión de la política?

The book of Law as an ‘unavailable good’. Alfonso’s Legal Discourse and its Political Function [El libro de derecho como bien indisponible. El discurso jurídico alfonsí y su función política]

La Corónica. A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 48.2, 2020

This paper aims to analyze how Partidas worked as an inviolable good. This construction worked as a legal fiction without having been. Thus, taking into account its condition of written law, Partidas created a narrative complex that worked as a legal thinking system. By comparison of different Alfonso’s legal work and sections, I tried to achieve a thorough understanding of how Alfonso X described the law book as the center of his rhetoric. From that point, I explain the way in which Partidas could be seen as a political object that functioned as a summary of the law in Castile during the Middle Ages. Finally, this study shows the impact that Ius Commune had in Partidas but not only. In some way, I demonstrate how Partidas used multiple narrative systems to build a new one strengthened by the practice of compilation. This practice worked as a way to say something new based on what was the existing knowledge. Alfonso X, in his author's function, was a master in the use of the compilation, and Partidas, in its long life through centuries, was the best example to study this cultural phenomenon.

CÓMO LEER DON QUIJOTE COMO UN GRAN LIBRO SOBRE EL ALMA Y LA POLÍTICA: primero leer El asno de oro de Apuleyo y La República de Platón

Resumen: Leída dentro del contexto de El asno de oro de Apuleyo y La República de Platón, es fácil ver que la novela Don Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes establece vínculos importantes entre, por un lado, el desarrollo personal y espiritual y, por otro lado, los problemas reales del estado político. De hecho, las obras de Apuleyo y Platón le proporcionaron a Cervantes tanto los temas (la maduración sexual y el consejo principesco) como las metáforas (el asno y la cueva) centrales de ambas partes de su obra magna. Palabras clave: Cervantes, Don Quijote, Apuleyo, El asno de oro, Platón, La República. Abstract: Read within the context of Apuleius’s The Golden Ass and Plato’s The Republic, it is easy to see that Miguel de Cervantes’s novel Don Quixote explores important links between, on the one hand, personal and spiritual development, and, on the other hand, the tangible problems of the political state. In fact, the works of Plato and Apuleius provided Cervantes with the major themes (sexual maturation and princely advice) as well as the primary metaphors (the ass and the cave) at the hearts of the respective parts of his magnum opus. Keywords: Cervantes, Don Quixote, Apuleius, The Golden Ass, Plato, The Republic.


There isn’t doubt that our planet faces daily environmental damages, this is consequence of human action on nature and its resources. This has been observed since the man appears in the world, and will continue to happen, unfortunately more and more quickly. For over 40 years have sought solutions to environmental problems, one being the establishment of economic instruments and creation of environmental taxes to achieve the aims and objectives of public policy is clear and necessary public intervention in environmental matters. This paper seeks to highlight and explain the feasibility of establishing environmental taxes and the need for the adequacy and strict application of environmental policies and the continuing joint work of the States and the Federation to achieve satisfactory results with the implementation of these environmental instruments that complement our tax system.

García Amado, Filosofía política para juristas. Doctrinas, debates y cuestiones prácticas

García Amado, Filosofía Política para jusistas, Bogotá, Universidad Libre, 2017, 178 páginas, ISBN impreso 978-958- 8981-56-7, ISBN digital 978-958- 8981-57-4, 2017