Primary and secondary vortical structures contribution in the entrainment of low Reynolds number jet flows (original) (raw)
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Two isothermal turbulent air jets from lobed nozzles with inclined and respectively non inclined lobes and a circular reference jet with the same initial Reynolds number were experimentally studied. Quantitative image processing of time resolved visualizations as well as hot-wire measurements of the velocity spectra allowed an objective understanding of the vortex roll-up mechanisms. Unlike the circular jet, where the primary rings are continuous, the Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices in the lobed jet flows are discontinuous at the locations where the exit plane curvature turns to infinite. Primary structures detach at different frequencies whether they are shed in the lobe troughs or at the lobe sides. The ``cutting'' of the Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices enables the development of permanent secondary streamwise structures. Their momentum flux transport role is thus rendered more efficient and seems to be amplified by the double inclination of the injection boundary. The quantification of the entrained flow rates by means of LDA measurements perfectly agrees with these observations.
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Journal of Visualization, 2008
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The role of streamwise vorticity in the near-field entrainment of round jets
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Vortical structures in a laminar V-notched indeterminate-origin jet
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A flow visualization investigation using dye-injection and laser-induced fluorescence techniques has been carried out to understand the vortex dynamics resulting from a Vnotched indeterminate-origin jet with two peaks and two troughs. The laminar jet was studied under forcing and non-forcing conditions to investigate the resultant dynamics of coherent large-and small-scale flow structures. Present experimental observations indicated that the effects of the nozzle peaks and troughs differ from those reported previously. Instead of the peaks producing streamwise vortex-pairs which spread outwards into the ambient fluid and the troughs generating similar vortex-pairs but entrain ambient fluid into the jet flows as indicated by earlier studies, the present experimental observations showed that both peaks and troughs produce outward-spreading streamwise vortex-pairs. Laser cross-sections further showed that the subsequent formation of azimuthal ring-vortices causes these streamwise vortex-pairs to be entrained. This entrainment causes the streamwise vortex-pairs to "rollup" together with the ring vortices, leading to intense flow interactions between them.
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Flow visualization of the non-parallel jet-vortex interaction
Journal of Visualization, 2018
The jet-vortex interaction is observed in settings ranging from aeronautics to physiology. In aeronautics, it presents as a parallel interaction of the jet exhaust and aircraft wing-tip vortex, and in the diseased state of the heart called aortic regurgitation, the interaction between blood flows is characterized by a non-parallel interaction. While there is substantial research into the mechanisms of the parallel interaction, there is comparatively limited scientific material focused on the non-parallel interaction. The objective of this study was to characterize three distinct orientations (30°, 60°and 90°) of the non-parallel jet-vortex interaction in a simplified flow loop. The ratio of the jet Reynolds number to the vortex ring Reynolds number was used to define four levels of jet strength. Flow visualization and particle image velocimetry were used to qualitatively and quantitatively describe how the flow structures interacted, and the energy dissipation rate of each condition was calculated. It was determined that as the relative jet strength increases, the vortex ring dissipates more rapidly and the energy dissipation rate increases. This information provides a basis for the understanding of a vortex ring's interaction with an impinging jet. When the angle between the jet and vortex ring flows is perpendicular, the energy dissipation rate decreased from 6.1 W at the highest jet strength to 0.3 W at the lowest jet strength, while at an angle of 30°the energy dissipation rate decreased from 51.8 to 10.3 W. This finding contradicts the expected result, which potentiates further studies of various non-parallel arrangements.
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On the formation of the counter-rotating vortex pair in transverse jets
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Characteristics of Small Vortices in a Turbulent Axisymmetric Jet
Journal of Fluids Engineering-transactions of The Asme, 2005
Characteristics of Small Vortices in a Turbulent Axisymmetric Jet Characteristics of small vortices were studied in axisymmetric jets wherein the Kolmogorov scale was approached by progressively decreasing the Reynolds number while still maintaining turbulent flow. A periodic forcing introduced far upstream of the jet nozzle ensured that the jet was turbulent. A vortex eduction tool was developed and applied to the high-pass filtered 2D velocity field in the axial plane of a turbulent jet while varying Re between 140 and 2600. Vortex population, energy, vorticity, and rms (root-meansquare velocity fluctuations) of the high-pass filtered field were measured to elucidate vortex characteristics. The observed population of vortices decreases dramatically at the Kolmogorov scale. The observed increase in vortex population with decreasing vortex size appears to be in accord with the space-filling argument, in that the vortex population in a two-dimensional domain should grow as R −2. The energy density curve obtained from vortex statistics reproduces the −5/3 slope for the inertial subrange, and the highpass filtered field accounts for approximately two-thirds of the total rms.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2000
Vortex generating jets (VGJs) are jets that pass through a wall and into a cross¯ow to create a dominant streamwise vortex that remains embedded in the boundary layer over the wall. The VGJ is characterized by its pitch and skew angles (U and H) and the velocity ratio (VR) between the jet and the cross¯ow. For VR 1.0, the VGJ con®guration of U 30°Y H 60°has been identi®ed as that which produces the vortex with the highest peak mean vorticity. Three-component laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) data for this particular con®guration demonstrate many interesting features of the¯ow. Mean velocity data show a de®cit of streamwise momentum in the core of the vortex, thinning of the boundary layer on the downwash side of the vortex, and thickening of the boundary layer on the upwash side. Plots of the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent shear stress huvi show that the turbulent structure of the boundary layer is grossly disturbed by the presence of the vortex. The turbulent transport of the turbulent kinetic energy shows the possibility for a gradient diusion model in most regions, but not the vortex core. Ó