Territorio e rappresentazione. Paesaggi urbani. Paesaggi Sociali. Paesaggi Digitali. Rimini e l’altro Mediterraneo (original) (raw)

Primi A., Gabellieri N., Moretti I., 2019, Sinergie digitali per la rappresentazione e la narrazione di territori turistici, Geotema, 59, pp. 121-132.

Geotema, 2019

Smart Tourism Technologies for the Fruition of the Territories: The Portals for Alternative Touristic Hospitality The recent definition of Smart Tourism Technologies (STT) shows the wide range of technological applications in the touristic sector (websites, social media, augmented reality, blogs) that contribute to the innovation of both promotion and tourist enjoyment strategies of the territories. The case study focuses on the diffusion in Italy of three types of alternative tourist hospitality (WWOOF, WorkAway, Couchsurfing). Using a quantitative analysis methodology, it evaluates, on one hand, access to the relevant websites by potential Italian users and, on the other hand, the regional distribution of structures and hosts. A comparison on the European scale highlights both the diffusion of these types of hospitality and tourist experience disseminated via the web and a possible correlation with the digital performances and competitiveness of the various countries. A qualitative-quantitative in-depth study of Liguria allows us to highlight some margins of error in the data. Multi-scale comparisons and detailed analyses aim to help to understand the role of STT: from a communicative and promotional point of view, are they useful in promoting those territories which are still far from the big flows of tourism?