Metode Pembelajaran Kunjungan Lapangan - Menggali Kearifan Sosial dan Merawat Kerukunan (original) (raw)

Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Outdoor Study Berbasis Kearifan Lokal DI Kampoeng English Penarungan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional LPPM, 2021

The Kampoeng English Penarungan group is an economically unproductive partner, providing non-formal education services with a focus on Balinese local wisdom, namely art and culture. Using the concept of learning outside the classroom (outdoor study) with various games as a medium for transforming the concepts conveyed in learning. This educational service started in September 2016, with students from 4 years old to 12 years old. In 2019 the number of children was 105 with 3 teaching teacher volunteers. Kampoeng English activities are located in Sibangkaja Village and in Penarungan Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency, Bali which also serves as a base camp for the development of education services. The continuous development of non-formal education services in this era of globalization requires Kampoeng English to continue to develop educational patterns that always pay attention to the local wisdom of Balinese arts and culture. The development of educational facilities and infrastructure is carried out by making study desks, bookshelves for mini libraries, adding an LCD projector along with a projector screen, a blackboard, and arranging a learning environment outside the classroom.

Metode Outdoor Study Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Dasar Kecerdasan Sosial


ABSTRACTThis research is backdrop by weak basic skills social intelligence so that be an obstacle onlearning process because students are difficult to organize a group, difficult to solveproblems, not sensitive to the friends, and have a less harmonious relationship. Thisresearch is a classroom action research conducted in 2 cycles. The focus of the study is 13students of grade IV MI Cikaso CireunghasSukabumi. This study aims to (1) discussthe application of outdoor learning method in thematic learning, (2) improvement ofbasic skills social intelligence by using outdoor study method. This study was conductedon the even semester of the academic year 2017/2018. The model used in this research isHopkins model. The result of the research shows that (1) the application of outdoor studymethod in thematic learning has the value of 83.26 with very good category because allthe steps of outdoor study method are carried out (2) the basic skill of students' socialintelligence is increased u...

Membangun Kembali Pembelajaran Sosial Kearifan Lokal sebagai Upaya Preventif Bencana

Talenta Conference Series: Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts (LWSA), 2019

Human life and society are directly related to nature and the environment. Relations that first appear as natural, namely natural conditions that determine various aspects of individual and social life. The ideal relationship is only beginning, which begins when humans compose interpretations and determine actions for their ecological environment. In short, in the material running occurs reciprocity between nature and humans while in ideal running occurs one-way interaction in which humans treat nature according to their perspective. This article uses a meta-analysis research method that aims to provide scientific evidence about the detection and benefits obtained from the implementation of local wisdom-based social learning as an educational preventive effort. In addition, it also encourages new studies on local wisdom that can be social learning in mitigation transition, emergency response, as well as disaster rehabilitation and rehabilitation. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis...

Mengenalkan Budaya Masyarakat Baduy Hidup Selaras Dengan Alam Kepada Para Mahasiswa Melalui Perkulihan Lapangan


Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah agar mahasiswa memperoleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman lingkungan yakni mengenai penghormatan terhadap lingkungan dan pengelolaan alam sebagai sumberdaya alami untuk kesejahteraan manusia. Kegiatan pengenalan akan budaya masyarakat Baduy pada kegiatan perkuliahan lapangan dan pengabdian pada lingkungan masyarakat Baduy dengan permasalahan : a. bahwa banyaknya mahasiswa sudah lupa akan budaya baik yang diajarkan dan diturunkan oleh leluhur sebagai suatu budaya masyarakat. b. memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman langsung kepada mahasiswa agar kegiatan perkuliahan yang telah dilakukan menjadikan mahasiswa berkarakter yakni kepedulian dan penghormatan terhadap alam yang menyediakan kebutuhan manusia agar menjadi sejahtera. Adapun hasil dari kegiatan dalam mengelola alam dan menghormati kebudayaan masyarakat Baduy dalam kegiatan perkuliahan dan pengabdian masyarakat adalah sebagai berikut : a. kami diperkenalkan budaya masyarakat Baduy yakni bagaimana merek...

Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal Tradisi Ngarot Dalam Pembelajaran Sosiologi


Tradisi Ngarot merupakan tradisi yang terdapat di Desa Lelea, Kecamatan Lelea, Kabupaten Indramayu. Upacara adat Ngarot di ikuti oleh generasi-generasi muda dimana mereka diajarkan untuk bercocok tanam atau bertani. Ketika upacara adat tradisi Ngarot berlangsung banyak nilai-nilai yang arif serta pesan-pesan eksplisit yang patut di ajarkan dan dijaga eksistensinya agar kehidupan generasi selanjutnya masih tetap memegang teguh nilai dan norma terdahulu. Akibat banyak pergeseran nilai dan norma dalam masyarakat maka diperlukan pembelajaran di sekolah yang berbasis kearifan lokal khususnya dalam mata pelajaran sosiologi. penelitian ini ditulis dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan studi literatur dengan mengumpulkan data primer dari penelitian terdahulu dan terjun langsung kelapangan.

Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Dalam Melakukan Proses Pembelajaran Melalui Metode Kunjungan Kelas : Penelitian Tindakan Disekolah Binaan


Improving Teacher’s Competence on Learning Process Through Class Visit Method Doing action research on supervising the guided teachers of Junior High School in Bekasi. Sixteen subject teachers become a target of the research.This research started from July until November 2016. Class visit Method did by the supervisor to find the teacher’s problem in the school target.It is done for coaching the teacher’s target intensely.At first,the researcher interviewedsome teacher’s and found that they were less active on provide the teaching learning process.They were lack of preparation such as preparing the lesson planning and still using the conventional method. The data found the active teacher on teaching learning process is 6,25 %.After coaching by the supervisor, in cycle I, the data has improved into 66,67 % and 93,75 % in cycle II.There was also improvement on preparing the lesson planning.The data found 2,13 at first.After coaching by the supervisor in cycle I , it improved into 3,34 ...

Penerapan metode field trip pada mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial materi memahami koperasi Indonesia untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV Syu’aib MI Perwanida Blitar


Field trips method that was implemented by teaching way by applying students into a certain place or object outside of school to learn or investigate something that was relevant to the lesson. Based on observations carried out at students class IV Shoaib MI Perwanida Blitar, when seen from the learning activities in social studies was still not quite optimal, visible when held daily tests, it was because teachers tended to use the lecture method, then to overcome this required learning methods of field Trip in order to get the implementation of effective learning, a method that can maximized the available time and be able to "force" students to continue and learn, although it was not in the learning process of classroom, like discoveries in the field. The purpose of the field trip application method on social sciences subject was to understand the Indonesian cooperatives was to improve student learning outcomes of class IV Shoaib MI Perwanida Blitar. This study formed a class action research (PTK). Which consisted of two cycles, there were 3 stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. The author used descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. Based on observation, interview, giving the results and questions of class IV Shoaib test in MI Perwanida Blitar, already as valid classified which included the data: pre-test by 54% or as many as 16 students of the 30 participants who passed the test. Meanwhile, students who failed to achieve the KKM were over 80 as many as 46% or 14 students. After the action was taken by using the method of Field Trip was as long as two cycles (3 meetings). First cycle increased to 86.7% or as many as 26 students of the 30 participants who passed the test, 4 failed. While on the second cycle 86.7% declared a success equal to the cycle I. It showed students successfully in learning the material of Indonesian cooperative understanding of social sciences subjects.

Kiprah Pesantren: Solusi Konflik Sosial dan Etika Bangsa yang Multikultur

Journal on Education

This study uses a qualitative approach with an analytical descriptive method with a type of literature review. Data related to educational issues, pesantren problems, social conflicts, national ethics and maps of Indonesian Bangwa that Multicultural Researchers have gathered to be studied and examined using the theory of Interactive Huberman and Saldana (2014). Data are collected, selected, displayed, condensed for marked and interpreted and concluded in a comprehensive explanation. The findings of this study have shown a real concept map that Islamic Islamic Islamic education education has actually given a response to multicultural social conflicts and ethics as a development of noble ideals of muffling and merges social and ethical disputes about tradition in all sectors of society. Revitalization of the process as a resolution of the transformation of Islamic values that are full of multiculture by prioritizing elements. First, changes in approach to functional understanding of r...

Kuliah Lapangan-Sangiran (Prasejarah)

Kerangka Kuda Sungai Purba (Hippopotamus sivalensis) di Sangiran, 2018

Hasil kuliah lapangan mata kuliah Prasejarah, mengangkat kerangka kuda nil purba pada Museum Sangiran klaster Krikilan.