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The purpose of the study is to find out the effects of three instructional methods (Guided Discovery, Multimedia & Conventional methods) on mathematics achievement of secondary school students in Niger State. Three research questions and three corresponding hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The design adopted was quasi-experimental design. The sample of the study was 144 years two (SSII) students from three intact classes. Mathematics achievement test (MAT) was the instrument used for data collection. Test retest method of destemming releasing was adopted. A reliability coefficient of 0.87 was obtained for Mathematics achievement test, using Cronbach alpha. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) and Analysis of Covariance(ANCOVA). The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that that guided discovery and multimedia methods were more effective than conventional method. No significant difference was however observed between mean achievement scores of students with respect to ability level. It was recommended among others that since guided discovery and multimedia methods were more effective, it should therefore be popularized and integrated in the teaching of mathematics in our secondary schools.
Implementation of Lesson Study in Mathematics Learning Based on Student Cognitive Style
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering (ICASE 2018), 2018
The research on the implementation of the lessson study aims to obtain information on students' readiness in learning mathematics based on their cognitive style. There are two types of students', field dependent and field independent cognitive styles. The method of obtaining information on students' readiness in learning mathematics through this first lesson study phase is that the plan is an initial activity with the lesson study team to discuss various preparations which needed. The second stage is the process of observing during the lesson study process in the classroom, the main observation of observers at the lesson study is to emphasized when students have questions and answers between lecturers and students and when students discuss in groups. The last stage is seeing as a form of evaluation of conclusions through lecturer model expressions and various findings from all observers in order to improve and be analyzed by researchers. Information on student readiness in mathematics learning becomes a reference for lecturers' preparation in preparing the necessary tools, models or learning methods. Early preparation by the lecturer can support the peak achievement of students during learning.
Increasing students' mathematics learning levels via lesson study
Journal of Family, Counseling and Education, 2022
The aim of the study was to test the effect of teachers' professional development upon students' mathematics academic achievement levels with the help of lesson study. In this manner, the study aimed at increasing students' mathematics learning levels via lesson study. Action research was used as research method in the study. The sample of the study was consisted of 32 6 th-grade students who were studying at the school having lower academic success. Four different learning outcomes about "natural numbers activities" were tried to develop in the process of implementation of the study. The achievement test called as "the achievement test about natural numbers activities" was used as data collection instrument which was developed by the researchers. According to the findings of the study, there was significant difference between academic successes of the students. Lesson study is designed to support students' learning by choosing a lesson, a subject and an aim. According to the study's findings and results, it was seen that the lesson plan, research lesson, new teaching strategies and materials, which were prepared with different views altogether, made the students' learning levels and qualities increase and also develop reasoning.
Stanley , 2024
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different pedagogical strategies on the mathematics performance of government secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study employed a quasi-experimental design, using pre/post-test groups, to investigate the competence of 90 high school students (SS2) drawn from three coeducational schools in Rivers State. The researchers used a Competence Mathematics Test, developed by mathematics teachers, to assess the students' performance, and test retest method was used to establish the reliability of the instrument. The study is made up of three research questions and corresponding hypotheses. The researchers used mean, standard deviation in answering research questions 1, 2 and 3 while p-value associated with Z-test was used to test the corresponding hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that there were no significant differences in the mathematics performance of learners who received instruction using cooperative instructional approaches. In contrast, learners who were tutored using a combination of collaborative and peer tutoring pedagogical methods, as well as peer tutoring alone, experienced a significant improvement in their learning outcomes. The researchers further recommended that all levels of government should organize workshops or training programs for math teachers to build their capacity on the application of these techniques in mathematics instruction. This will equip math teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively apply these pedagogical methods in their classrooms, leading to better learning outcomes for their students.
Effectiveness of Classroom Practices to Achievement in Mathematics
Journal of Education and Practice, 2014
The study examined the effect of problem solving strategy on Secondary school students' achievement in Circle Geometry in Emuhaya district of Vihiga county, Kenya. Two research objectives were used in the study to make the investigation. These were: (i) To establish the classroom practices and activities commonly employed by mathematics teachers, and (ii) To determine students' coping mechanisms in the learning of mathematics using conventional approaches. This study was based on the Constructivist learning theory which originates from works of cognitive scientists like Jean Piaget and John Dewey. Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information. According to this theory, learners are the makers of knowledge and meaning. The study was a true experimental research design based on Solomon Four-Fold design. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of using problem solving method on secondary school students' achievement in mathematics. Since the poor performance in mathematics is as a result of the decimal performance in the key topics, this study used circle geometry to establish any effect of the method. Two mathematics teachers with equal qualifications, teaching experience and considerably equal teaching potential were selected and trained to teach the two groups. Same lesson plans and worksheets were developed and used along with the direct teaching strategies for both groups. The control group was kept under a control condition by providing traditional competitive situation in class while the experimental group was provided with the Problem solving method as a treatment. The academic achievements of the control and experimental groups were examined through a post-test. In the experimental groups, one group was pretested, treated then post-tested while the other one was only treated then post-tested. In the control groups, one group was pretested then post-tested while the other one was only post-tested. Several implications of the findings are highlighted in the study as reported in this paper. The findings showed that most students who were ill-equipped mathematically tended to look for the teacher at the slightest level of difficulty and challenge in mathematical problems. They showed over-reliance on others rather than persist in looking for alternative methods of solving the same question. They were somewhat reluctant to attempt to solve the problem if the method was not perfectly obvious or if the problem was one that was unfamiliar. The researcher recommends that teachers should inculcate problem solving skills in their students to help them cope well with the ever changing and demanding needs and be better problem solvers in mathematics.
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia (Malaysian Journal of Education), 2017
This study examined the effectiveness and efficiency of using structured instructional process in teaching and learning substitution. The structured instructional process (object based card games) was compared with convention teaching methods in promoting achievement outcomes. A total of 120 Junior Secondary Schools II students (JSS2) drawn from three schools in three educational zones of Lagos state, Nigeria and three Mathematics teachers participated in this study. A mixed method of quantitative and qualitative was used with Analysis of Co-variance to analyse the data. Three research questions guided the study. The study was a pre and post test equivalent control group design. The results of the study showed that the treatments (Structured Instructional Object Based Games (SIOBG)) improved the subjects in grades and gained in knowledge over and above control group, that were exposed to the conventional methods. Gender and academic ability were not found to be significantly interacting with treatment.
The paper investigated the efficacy of the use of instructional materials on the academic performance of students in Mathematics. The study was a quasi-experimental research design that employed pretest, post-test non randomized control group design. The population of the study comprised all the students in Junior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State. The sample consisted of 90 students selected from nine secondary schools in Ekiti State through the multistage sampling technique. A self-designed instrument tagged Mathematics Students Achievement Test (MSAT) was used to collect data for the study. The responses obtained were analyzed using Achievement Mean Scores, Multiple Bar Charts and Analysis of Covariance at 0.05 level of significance. The findings shows that the pretest mean scores of both experimental and control groups are 6.63 and 7.43, respectively while the posttest mean scores are 11.35 and 8.40, respectively. This study also revealed that significant difference exists between the performance of students taught with instructional materials and those taught without instructional materials. It was recommended that principals and officials of the Ministry of Education should ensure regular supervision to enhance effective use of instructional materials and resources in the teaching of Mathematics in schools.
Utilizing Lesson Study in Improving Year 12 Students' Learning and Performance in Mathematics
Mathematics Education Trends and Research
This study investigated the use of Lesson Study to improve Year 12 students' performance in conditional probability through Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) lessons. In total, 66 students comprised of three Year 12 classes of similar abilities, and their three respective teachers from a government junior college participated in the study. The instruments used to collect the relevant data in this study were teachers' reflective journals and students' achievement tests. The collected data were then analyzed and interpreted quantitatively using the SPSS. The analysis of the students' pre-and post-tests concluded that as the lesson plans were gradually refined and enhanced, their performance in solving conditional probability questions steadily improved.
Implementation of Lesson Study in Undergraduate to Improve Mathematics Communication Ability
The purpose of this research is exploratory research by applying Lesson Study, which consists of three stages: planning (Plan), implementation (Do), Objectives, and reflection (See). Subjects in this study are prospective teachers Teachers Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Dehasen University in Statistics courses amounting to 31 people. Data collection was done using observation sheets, test sheets, and documentation. The data were obtained from the observation sheet in the lesson study activity and the test sheets were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the implementation of Lesson Study can improve students' mathematical communication ability. This is seen from the average value of tests in Cycle I, which is 69.83 and Cycle II is 84.84..