The magazine "Božym Šlacham" (1947–1980) and its three editors (in Belarusian) (original) (raw)

Журнал „Український вісник” (1987 – 1989 рр.) / Magazine «Ukrainian Reporter» (1987–1989)

Українознавство. 2009. № 3. С. 204–207.

In the article lights up activity of V.Chornovola from creation of the first Ukrainian legal magazine in the second half 1980th Programmatic tasks which was outlined by V.Chornovil for the „Ukrainian announcer” and his maintenance are exposed. It is given as there was forming of editorial college, in what terms preparation and issue of magazine and what influencing was carried out „Announcer” did on becoming of independent Ukrainian MASS-MEDIA and activation of public. В статті висвітлюється діяльність В.Чорновола зі створення першого українського позацензурного журналу у другій половині 1980-х рр. Розкрито програмові завдання, які окреслив В.Чорновіл для „Українського вісника” та його зміст. Подано як відбувалося формування редакційної колегії, в яких умовах здійснювалась підготовка й випуск журналу та який вплив зробив „Вісник” на становлення незалежних українських ЗМІ та активізацію громадськості.

«Zmeiniy. Ukrainian Notebook», 2010

Tseh Gallery, Kiev, 2010

Windswept, craggy fl at and bare, Zmeiniy is anything but an attractive island of the "luxury beach resort" type. It rises from the sea supported by enormous basalt columns, and was a military outpost for centuries. Distinguished by its lighthouse, it is frequented mainly by migratory sea birds that stop there periodically. In spite of its desolate, rocky nature, and its remote location in the western Black Sea, dozens of miles from the nearest coast, Zmeiniy has been continually contested by regional and imperial powers. Today, the Ukraine and Romania are involved in a drawn-out court case at the international tribunal regarding sovereignty over the island. Even as the discovery of deep-sea oil fi elds is arousing new interest, Zmeiniy's status remains unclear even from a geological point of view: is it an isolated spur of the continental rise, or a discreet formation? We can consider every journey as a process of reduction of the ambiguity of a place. And yet, in the case of Zmeiniy, Michele Dantini's latest project, the artist has chosen not to avoid the issue of the island's physical and geographical indeterminacy, but has instead set it within an enigmatic non-representability. Lacquers, sculptures and installations in paper and textworks on carbon paper allude to Zmeiniy's geo-morphological particularities and the eff ort required to reach it without ever suggesting closed and defi nitive shapes, but rather developing hypotheses, conjectures, "models." A series of large-format photographs on Soviet-era public and residential architecture completes the project, exploring the complex relationships between identity, architecture, power and territory.

From Lyubov Gurevich’s Memoirs About the Journal ‘Severny Vestnik’. Part One

Literary Fact, 2021

The journal “Severny Vestnik” (1891 –1898), around which relatively young Petersburg writers — A. Volynsky, N. Minsky, D. Merezhkovsky and Z. Gippius, F. Sologub — were grouped in the last years of the 19th century, was of exceptional importance for the early stage of Russian Symbolism. The publication presents new archival materials on the history of the journal: an article “Symbolism of the 1890s and the journal 'Severny Vestnik'” by L.Ya. Gurevich, prepared for an unpublished collection of articles “Russian Symbolism” edited by N.K. Gudzii and read in the form of a report at a meeting of the Literary Subsection of the State Academy of Arts, as well as the minutes of the meeting dated May 14, 1926 with the discussion of this report. An addition to L. Gurevich’s article is her notes (1897 –1898), which record the real and biographical context of the publication of “Severny Vestnik” from the moment the journal passed into her hands until it was closed, as well as her plan fo...

«Slověne = Словѣне»: Опыт создания и издания первого в России международного славистического журнала (= Slověne = Словѣне: The Experience of Establishing and Editing the First International Journal of Slavic Studies in Russia)

This contribution discusses the problems and offers perspectives on editing the international scholarly journal Slověne = Словѣне (, which was founded in 2012 by the Institute for Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This journal is intended to provide an exchange of information between Russian scholars and leading universities and research centers throughout the world and to promote their further professional integration into the international academic community through a shared focus on Slavic studies. The continuing existence of this journal—a wholly nonprofit project—is an example of the self-organizing abilities of the academic community, which retains full scholarly autonomy and editorial independence in spite of chronic underfunding and bureaucratic pressure on the entire system of contemporary Russian scholarly activities and education. The wide geographical range of the authoritative Editorial Board (with members from Russia, the US, Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy, the Netherlands, and Hungary), the collegiality of all decisions, the highly professional team of editors, and the strict adherence to the principles of double-blind peer review and all ethical norms create an atmosphere that attracts authors from all of the countries listed above (with the exception of the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, but with the addition of the UK, Canada, France, Ukraine, and Albania—this is the geographical range of the authors for all six of the published issues). This editorial policy creates the most favorable conditions not only for authors (who are not charged any publication fees, although they do not receive any kind of payment) but also for readers, who gain immediate open access to the content of the journal.

Time for the Historian: The historiographer's Review (in Belarusian) / ЧАС ГІСТОРЫКА ЯК ІНСТРУМЕНТ: ПОГЛЯД ГІСТАРЫЁГРАФА

Time of the historian is a continuum of his research. It is usually imagined as the objective reality, although most historians prefer to use it as an instrument of their excavations. The historiographer's review reveals a dilemma of objectivist teleology and instrumentalist reduction of History. Час гісторыка — гэта кантынуум яго даследавання, які часта уяўляецца як аб'ектыўная рэальнасць, або як інструмент даследавання. У артыкуле разглядаецца дылема аб'ектывіі сцкага падыходу, накіраванага на тэлеалагічнае ўспрыманне, і інструменталісцкага рэдукцыянізму.