Kusi signifies pin to mark in Veda recitation; this word is substrate in Sumerian, a cuneiform symbol (original) (raw)
kuśīˊ f. ʻ small wooden pin used to mark in recitation ʼ MaitrS., ʻ do. of metal ʼ ŚBr., ʻ ploughshare ʼ lex., ˚śika<-> m.n. lex., kuśā -- f. ʻ pin for marking in recitation ʼ Pāṇ., ˚śikā -- f. ʻ piece of wood used as a splint for a broken limb ʼ Car.Pk. kusī -- f. ʻ a tool made of iron ʼ, L. kuhī, kahī f. ʻ mattock ʼ, P. kahī f. (a?); H. kusī, ˚siyā f. ʻ ploughshare ʼ, kus, kussā m. ʻ mattock ʼ; G. kaś, kɔś f. ʻ iron instrument for digging ʼ, kɔslũ n. ʻ bar of iron attached to a plough ʼ, kɔśiyāḷɔ m. ʻ wooden wedge holding ploughshare in wooden frame of plough ʼ; M. kusā m. ʻ hand implement for turning up clods (a pole with an iron blade or head) ʼ.Addenda: kuśīˊ -- : S.kcch. khau f. ʻ sharp iron bar for digging ʼ; L. kuhī, kahī f. ʻ mattock ʼ, P. kahī f.; WPah.kṭg. kɔ́śṭɔ m. ʻ hoe ʼ, kɔ́śṭi f. ʻ little hoe ʼ; J. kaśī f. ʻ mattock ʼ (Him.I 22: interchange of u with a, exemplified also in CDIAL, is not explained).(CDIAL 3367) This word kuśīˊis a pin used to mark in recitation in Veda oral tradition. This becomes a substrate word in Sumerian and gets a cuneiform symbol. This symbol is used on Gadd Seal 1 with an Indus Script hieroglyph of a bull together with a cuneiform text which is read rebus as sag-kusida 'head money-lender'. Thus, Gadd Seal 1 becomes a bilingual rosetta stone validating Indus Script Cipher. 1. See: Decipherment of Gadd Seal 1 Indus Script Corpora: Decipherment of Gadd Seal 1 of Ur with cuneiform text: metalcasters https://tinyurl.com/y2fvjh5c Indus Script Decipherment: Sag kusida, 'chief money-lender' for bharata, 'metalcasters' -- cuneiform text on an Indus seal of Ur including kusida as a borrowed word from Meluhha PLUS hieroglyph 'ox' read rebus in Meluhha as bharata, 'metal alloy of copper, pewter, tin'. 2. See: Use of Sumerian cuneiform symbol on an accounting tablet kalyan97 @kalyan97 · 1h @harari_yuval Sumerian accounting tablets signify sanga Kushim read rebus in Meluhha substrate saṅg, 'caravan' kusi 'money-lender' https://tinyurl.com/y4kevzpl See:Indus Script Corpora: Decipherment of Gadd Seal 1 of Ur with cuneiform text: metalcasters https://tinyurl.com/y2fvjh5c Image BEER PRODUCTION AT THE INANNA TEMPLE IN URUK BEER PRODUCTION AT THE INANNA TEMPLE IN URUK | MS 1717 Sumer, 31st cent. BCE MS 1717 Text: BEER PRODUCTION, 134,813 LITRES OF BARLEY TO BE DELIVERED OVER 3 YEARS (37 MONTHS) TO THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL KUSHIN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BREWERY AT THE INANNA TEMPLE IN URUK MS in archaic Sumerian on clay, Uruk, Sumer, 31st c. BC, 1 tablet, 6,8x7,2x1,9 cm, 1 compartment of text in an expert pictographic script Uruk III. Context: From a single archive of 77 pictographic tablets including fragments, all in the same hand, of which 25 tablets and all the 30 fragments are in Freie Universität Berlin collections, 4 tablets in British Museum, 3 in Metropolitan Museum, 4 in Louvre, and 6 in The Schøyen Collection (MSS 202, 234, 1710, 1711, 1717, 1894). Commentary: The present tablet is a masterpiece of pictographic calligraphy. It has just been discovered that 2 hitherto undeciphered pictograms, one like a brick building with a chimney, and the other an ear of barley drawn within a jar or container, illustrates the actual brewing process. Read from right to left we have first the barley delivered, then the brick- building that might be the brewery itself (also with other meanings), and the barley within a jar is the beer. It thus is the earliest representation in history of an industrial process. Bibliography: John Curtis, ed.: Early Mesopotamia and Iran: Contact and Conflict 3500-1600 BC; in: Proceedings of a Seminar in memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin. British Museum Press, pp. 28, 64. Hans J. Nissen, Peter Damerow, Robert K. Englund: Archaic Bookkeeping; Early writing and techniques of Economic administratiion in the Ancient Near East. Chicago and London. University of Chicago Press, 1993., pp. 36-37. Lars Alvegård: Arkaisk babylonsk matematik: Talpjäser och lerbollar; in: Teknik & Naturvetenskap. Göteborg. 1994, no. 2, pp. 38-40. https://www.schoyencollection.com/24-smaller-collections/wine-beer/ms-1717-beer-inanna-uruk The tablet says: receipt for multiple shipments of barley. The tablet says, very simply: 29,086 measures barley 37 months Kusida, 'money-lender'. Thus, the tablet is signed NOT by Kushim, accountant but by Kusi, Kusida, whose professional title means 'money-lender' in Vedic language. कुसिद, कुसीद m.id. n.any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest , lending money upon interest , usury; usurer, money-lender (Pa1n2. 4-1 , 37; TS III, VII) (Monier-Williams). कुषीद kuṣīda कुषीद a. Indifferent, inert. -दम् Usury.कुसी si द kusī सि d कुसी (सि) द a. Lazy, slothful. -दः (also written as कुशी-षी-द) A monkey-lender, usurer; Mbh.4.29. -दम् 1 Any loan or thing lent to be repaid with in- terest. -2 Lending money, usury, the profession of usury; कुसीदाद् दारिद्र्यं परकरगतग्रन्थिशमनात् Pt.1.11; Ms. 1.9;8.41; Y.1.119. -3 Red sandal wood. -Comp. -पथः usury, usurious interest; any interest exceeding 5 per cent; कृतानुसारादधिका व्यतिरिक्ता न सिध्यति कुसीदपथमा- हुस्तम् (पञ्चकं शतमर्हति) Ms.8.152. -वृद्धिः f. interest on money; कुसीदवृद्धिर्द्वैगुण्यं नात्येति सकृदाहृता Ms.8.151. कुसीदा kusīdā कुसीदा A female usurer. कुसीदायी kusīdāyī कुसीदायी The wife of a usurer. कुसीदिकः कुसीदिन् kusīdikḥ kusīdin कुसीदिकः कुसीदिन् m. A usurer.(Apte) The decipherment of the bilingual Gadd Seal 1 leads the entire Indus Script Corpora which represent wealth-accounting ledgers of metal-work and lapidary-work of artisans and seafaring merchants of Sarasvati Civilization. These activities documented in Indus Script Corpora constitute the basic resource for narrating an Economic History of Ancient India and the nation's contribution to Global GDP. The nation accounted for 33% of Global GDP in 1 CE according to Cambridge Economic Historian, Angus Maddison's estimate provided to Economic Union.