Nalar Fikih Baru Muhammadiyah Membangun Paradigma Hukum Islam yang Holistik (original) (raw)
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Menuju Dasar-Dasar Baru Fikih Islam
MAQASHID Jurnal Hukum Islam
Fiqh is a major need in Islam, therefore it must be able to become a problem solver in the problems of the umat, Fiqh must be relative and flexible, so that it can be used by Muslims wherever they live. To be taqlid to previous madhhab scholars is a necessity, but reforms in relevant Islamic thought are eagerly awaited by the people of this modern era, especially in this digital era. So that people can continue to carry out their activities according to the provisions of the Shari'a that have been outlined by the Prophet Muhammad. The most important formulation in the renewal of Islamic law is not to deviate or contradict the provisions of the texts, 2). Provide benefits for the ummah and avoid harm, 3). It really comes from the results of common sense of thinking, which has a general standard of truth, not because of any particular interest that drives it.
Muhammadiyah's New Fiqh Reasoning : Constructing a Holistic Islamic Law Paradigm
Afkaruna, 2019
This paper attempts to trace Muhammadiyah's new legal (fiqh) reasoning in Islamic legal discourse, and its possibility to become a holistic legal paradigm. In the leadership of Syamsul Anwar, Majelis Tarjih of Muhammadiyah introduced the idea of a new fiqh concept which is considered different from the classical fiqh concept. This fiqh reasoning has produced many Tarjih's products, such as Fikih Air (Jurisprudence on Water) and Fikih Kebencanaan (Jurisprudence on Disaster). On the basis of that considerations, this paper wants to answer some crucial questions; First, how exactly is Muhammadiyah's new fiqh reasoning and what is the difference between classical fiqh concept; Second, where is the position of Muhammadiyah's new fiqh reasoning in the perspective of contemporary Islamic law studies that are developing, especially in the West ?; and Third, as a concept that produces ijtihad products, then there is a possibility of Muhammadiyah's fiqh reasoning can be a new paradigm of Islamic law. The question is, to what extent is such possibility. This article is devoted to address this issue.
Ilmu Hukum Sebagai Keilmuan Perspektif Paradigma Holistik
Jurnal Hukum Novelty, 2018
The thought of law science today is getting stagnant and being doubtful because it tends to be mainstream positivistic. Positivism paradigm is a rigid paradigm, autonomous, and the law becomes merely a law that reduces the law itself to be simple, linear, mechanistic and deterministic then it raises the condition that positive justice is a procedural justice and not an essential justice. The positivist concept produces an incomplete legal study and then it is being dry, stiff and unable to explain the reality. Such of this condition causes an anxiety then the law science requires a shift paradigm so that there is no gap between Das Sein and Das Sollen. Therefore, the holistic paradigm has become the choice for legal science to be genuine science and signifies that the real science of law is not static but dynamic. This paradigm is an effort to formulate the science of law as a unity of science which is full of values and philosophy to reveal truth and justice to the level of meaning.
Menggagas Arah Baru Studi Hukum Islam Di Indonesia
Studi hukum Islam terkesan tekstual dan normatif. Kurangnya analisis empiris merupakan kekurangan mendasar dari cara berpikir dan pendekatan dalam metode penemuan hukum Islam. Studi Ushul al-fiqh pun masih berkisar pada cara deduktif-normative yang tetap saja berfokus secara tektual. Kesulitan demikian masih dirasakan pada pembaruan metodologis yang ditawarkan oleh para pemikir hukum Islam klasik al-Ghazâli dengan metode induksi dan tujuan hukumnya maupun al-Syathibi melalui induksi tematiknya. Dalam arah baru pengembangan studi hukum Islam di Indonesia perlu dilakukan interkoneksi studi hukum Islam dan ilmu-ilmu sosial.
Al-Mustashfa: Jurnal Penelitian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
The main study in this research is about finding the form and model of the Muhammadiyah school of fiqh. There is a strong assumption that Muhammadiyah has an independent madhhab model of fiqh. However, the manhaj is not out of fiqh ahlu sunnah wal jama'ah. This research model is qualitative, and in its discussion, this research uses descriptive analysis methods, while obtaining data using the library method by looking for books, writings, and journals related to Muhammadiyah, especially about ijtihad. From the results of this study, it was found that the Muhammadiyah fiqh model in its tarjih product was an improved formulation and compilation of the fiqh model used by the previous fiqh schools. From the results of the ijtihad tarjih product, Muhammadiyah has an independent and binding model of fiqh for members of the Muhammadiyah association.
Kontribusi Muhammadiyah terhadap Dinamika Pemikiran Hukum Islam Kontemporer di Indonesia
Jurnal al-Ihkam, 2017
Abstract: Muhammadiyah has Tarjih and Tajdid Councils with the competence to do ijtihad on various legal problems experienced by Muslims, either in the form of rethinking the existing Islamic law, or finding and deciding legal judgment on new events in the modern era. Ijtihad done by Muhammadiyah on contemporary Islamic law issues that are not stated clearly in the Quran, uses bayani, qiyāsi, and istislāhi as well as sadd al-zari'ah by referring to the principle of jalbu masalih wa daf’u mafāsid. The ijtihad has produced various fatwas on the problems faced by contemporary Muslims. Although there is a small quantity of Muhammadiyah fatwa on contemporary Islamic laws compared to the fatwa on non contemporary issues, it has contributed to the dynamics of contemporary Islamic legal thinking in Indonesia.
Nilna Fauza Ushul Fikih Sebagai Epistemologi Dan Model Penelitian Hukum Islam
The study of Islamic law is the oldest branch of Islamic sciences and has been developed since the tabi'in era and continues to the present day. It's just that in these Islamic studies, Islamic law research seems to be more focused on atomistic and textual approaches. Speaking of Islamic law certainly cannot be separated from ushul fiqh (Islamic legal theory) because this knowledge has become the basic framework in establishing Islamic law so far. The methodology of ushul fiqh is considered as one of the models for solving the problems of Muslims found by the world of Islamic thought and not shared by other people. Jurisprudence is still considered and assumed and is believed to be one of the means to solve the problems of the contemporary people or even future problems. Jurisprudence has functions and roles similar to logic in philosophy. If logic can prevent someone from making a mistake in arguing, then ushul fiqh prevents a faqih from making a mistake in deviating the law, then it is clear that ushul fiqh can also be called the epistemology of Islamic law. The use of ushul fiqh still needs to be maximized so that ushul fiqh as a method of legal discovery which is part of Islamic law research truly functions properly. In general, Islamic law research is divided into two parts: (1) research on descriptive Islamic law (wasfi), and (2) research on normative / prescriptive Islamic law (mi'yari).
Implementasi Maqâs?id al-Ah?kâm Terkait Rekontruksi Hukum Islam Indonesia
Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman, 2014
Maqâs?id sharî’ah is the result of ijtihâd priest Shâtibî in formulating the standard value intended by sharî’. Maqâs?id Sharî’ah is a philosophical review that gives a charge to the essential substance of the law, through an approach legal review itself. Maqâs?id al-ah?kâm considered as a basis for the establishment of a law, and can be categorized as the primary basis in law. By considering several postulations texts and findings of thought in both the conservative position, modern or liberal, can find common ground that can be justified academically in relation to maqâs?id sharî’ah. This study resulted in the finding that the application relates to the community because there are reasons want it fixed by the general mas?lah?ah. In practice, most of the laws of the sharî’ah is devoted to the Prophet Muhammad; and the other half is devoted to an event. Sharî’ah is a tangle of ropes across place and time keeping in mind the past, for the sake of its application in the present and th...
Konsep Masyaqqah Perspektif Hukum Islam (Implementasi terhadap Isu Fikih Kontemporer)
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hakikat masyaqqah, fukaha tidak jauh berbeda pandangan tentang hakikat masyaqqah yaitu segala hal yang menyertai mukalaf menyulitkan jiwa. Adapun kriteria masyaqqah tersebut harus terelepas dari subtansi ibadah secara umum. Masyaqqah yang dianggap berada dalam batas kemampuan mukalaf. Masyaqqah tersebut berbeda dalam setiap perbuatanperbuatan mukalaf. Bidang ibadah, mendapatkan keringanan berupa meninggalkan, pengguguran ataupun mengganti kewajiban yang dibebankan. Bidang muamalah, jika terdapat masyaqqah, keringanan yang diberikan berupa sahnya melakukan transaksi yang dilarang. Dengan demikian, dampak hukum dari masyaqqah adalah boleh meninggalkan yang wajib (kecuali salat) dan melaksanakan yang diharamkan akan mendatangkan kemudahan (rukhsah).