Investment, Autonomous Demand and Long Run Capacity Utilization: An Empirical Test for the Euro Area (original) (raw)
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08292 Abstracts Collection -- The Study of Visual Aesthetics in Human-Computer Interaction
From 13.07. to 16.07.2008, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08292 The Study of Visual Aesthetics in Human-Computer Interaction was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The rst section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available.
Shooting at Flies in the Dark: Rule-Based Lexical Selection for a Minority Language Pair
TAL - Natural Language Processing, 2010
This paper presents a set of rules which form the prototype lexical selection component of a rule-based machine translation system between two closely-related minority languages, North Sámi and Lule Sámi. While the languages have comprehensive monolingual computational linguistic resources, they lack bilingual resources. One-to-one relations in the lexicon dominate, but there are also more complex relations that require lexical selection using both
Human Attention Modelization and Data Reduction
Video Compression, 2012
In this rst part of the chapter, a global view of the methods used to model attention in computer science will be presented. The details provided here will be useful to understand the next parts of the chapter which are dedicated to attention-based image and video compression.
A survey of linguistic structures for application-level fault tolerance
ACM Computing Surveys, 2008
The structures for the expression of fault-tolerance provisions into the application software are the central topic of this paper. Structuring techniques answer the questions \How to incorporate fault-tolerance in the application layer of a computer program" and \How to manage the faulttolerance code". As such, they provide means to control complexity, the latter being a relevant factor for the introduction of design faults. This fact and the ever increasing complexity of today's distributed software justify the need for simple, coherent, and eective structures for the expression of fault-tolerance in the application software. In this text we rst dene a \base" of structural attributes with which application-level fault-tolerance structures can be qualitatively assessed and compared with each other and with respect to the above mentioned needs. This result is then used to provide an elaborated survey of the state-of-the-art of application-level fault-tolerance structures.
In the present introductory work we propose a survey of an original analytical model of coopetitive game, conceived and introduced in 2009 by the author himself. Much of the material presented here has been already published in their complex, at dierent stages of development, in numerous papers, during the last 5 years. Here we explain the present state of the theory, in a virtually complete, organized and self-contained version. We also suggest hereafter the presentation of the model-general types of feasible solutions-again in a coopetitive perspective-in the form of sophisticated bargaining solutions (in a rational decision theory context) viewed as reasonable mediations among the partially diverging interests driving the players of the coopetitive games themselves.
09061 Abstracts Collection--Combinatorial Scientific Computing}
Combinatorial Scientific Computing}
From 01.02. 2009 to 06.02. 2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09061``Combinatorial Scientific Computing''was held in Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full ...
Building safe PaaS clouds: A survey on security in multitenant software platforms
Computers & Security, 2012
This paper surveys the risks brought by multitenancy in software platforms, along with the most prominent solutions proposed to address them. A multitenant platform hosts and executes software from several users (tenants). The platform must ensure that no malicious or faulty code from any tenant can interfere with the normal execution of other users' code or with the platform itself. This security requirement is specially relevant in Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) clouds. PaaS clouds oer an execution environment based on some software platform. Unless PaaS systems are deemed as safe environments users will be reluctant to trust them to run any relevant application. This requires to take into account how multitenancy is handled by the software platform used as the basis of the PaaS oer. This survey focuses on two technologies that are or will be the platform-of-choice in many PaaS clouds: Java and .NET. We describe the security mechanisms they provide, study their limitations as multitenant platforms and analyze the research works that try to solve those limitations. We include in this analysis some standard container technologies (such as Enterprise Java Beans) that can be used to standardize the hosting environment of PaaS clouds. Also we include a brief discussion of Operating Systems (OSs) traditional security capacities and why OSs are unlikely to be chosen as the basis of PaaS oers. Finally, we describe some research initiatives that reinforce security by monitoring the execution of untrusted code, whose results can be of interest in multitenant systems.
Semantic Analytics of PubMed Content
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
We present an architecture aimed at semantic search and synthesis of information acquired from the document repositories. The proposed framework is expected to provide domain knowledge interfaces enabling the internally implemented algorithms to identify relationships between documents, researchers, institutions, as well as concepts extracted from various types of knowledge bases. The framework should be scalable with respect to data volumes, diversity of analytic processes, and the speed of search. In this paper, we investigate these requirements for the case of medical publications gathered in PubMed.
Productivity in German manufacturing firms: Does fixed-term employment matter?
A growing proportion of employees are working under xed-term contracts. This paper empirically analyzes whether this strategy actually improves rm productivity. To this end, a large dataset of German manufacturing rms and various panel data models are used in order to reveal the expected non-linear eect. Thereby the analysis also takes into account distortions that may result from selection into the use of xed-term employment. The results of the investigation show that there is no signicant eect of xedterm employment on labor productivity when controlling for the selection eect.