The Institutionalization of Military Sociology: The Russian Path of Gains and Losses (original) (raw)
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Military Sociology in Russia: Origins, Traditions, and Prospects (Chapter 3)
Eric Ouellet (ed.) New Directions in Military Sociology. Whitby, ON (Canada): de Sitter Publications , 2005
This chapter presented a brief history of military sociology in Russia. The discipline has been significantly influenced by the social and political events that have occurred in Russia. During the days of the Soviet Union, military sociology became an applied science with limited theoretical develop¬ment of its own, as it was restricted to following the official Marxist-Leninist ideology dominating the country. Nevertheless, there are some traditions in military sociology that have survived through the various regimes. One fundamental tradi¬tion is that of military sociology being a method of regarding social issues from a military perspective in order to improve military effectiveness. Currently, military sociology in Russia is in transition and becomes more open to non-prescriptive approaches.
Soviet Military Sociology : History and Present Day
Sociological Research, 2005
In the more than 100 years that it has existed, military sociology in this country has gone through periods of vigorous growth and development as well as years of complete oblivion during which it struggled to exist in a rigid ideological framework, times when the results of research were unjustifiably kept confidential and were not in demand. At the end of 1993 we stated that “military sociology in this country is going through times that are far from the best right now”. Ten years later, in 2003 we can say that from the standpoint of today those times look more or less like a period in which the sector flourished, and the difficulties that prevailed then seem like natural problems of growth. In the development of this area of research in today’s Russia we can discern certain analogies with the Soviet period of the sector’s revival and institutionalization.
Teaching Sociology in Military Educational Institutions of Russia
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This handbook, compiled with the collaboration of many of the leading scholars of the sociology of the military, from different countries and continents, and representative of different currents of thought, ends up being a picture of the state of the art of the discipline at the start of the new millennium. Beyond being a manual for consultation and study for those who pursue this disciplineor are setting out on that road -the book constitutes a kind of summa of sociological thought on the military as it presents itself in the year 2002.
The Sociological Analysis of the Russian Military Elite Evolution In the XXI Century
Journal of Defense Studies and Resource Management
The report is based on the results of sociological monitoring of graduates of the Military Academy of the General Staff of Russian Armed Forces, conducted in years 2000-2008 (N=885). The following qualitative characteristics of Russian high-ranking officers have been analyzed: socio-demographic characteristics, mentality, values and their motivations in study and service. The following hypothesis is formulated and confirmed: Russian force structures are undergoing the process of change of officers' generations, and "Soviet officers" are replaced with "Russian officers". The difference between these generations is not only of temporal character ("Soviet officers" graduated from military academies and were established as military professionals while the Soviet Union still existed, while "Russian officers" underwent the same process after 1991), but also of mental character (system of values, attitude towards political events inside and outside the country, political orientations, opinion about political and military allies and enemies). Intergenerational and inter-organizational (caused by flow of officers and staff of security services into the military elite) disagreements are reflected in the contradictory and inconsequent way of reforming Russian armed forces during the last decade. Main attention is paid to the analysis of peculiarities of the modern military elite, which is called "Russian", but has Soviet mentality. Research findings gained in 2008 suggested that in 2009-2014 "Russian officers" were going to dominate in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, although "Soviet officers" would also stay among high-ranking officers. Evidence now shows that to be the case and lets expect preserving of that state in future.
Military Organization’s Role and Place in the Recent Russia (Russian Militocracy)
Challenges to national defence in contemporary geopolitical situation, 2022
Military could perform different roles in a state. In democracies civilian control and supervise of the military leaves it acting in the defense areas mostly. In military juntas, the military is involved in a state governing, but usually does not intervene other spheres of social life. The extreme of military influence and domination is a military state phenomenon. Here the military not only leads the governing but also transferes its values, culture and philosophy to the entire state. There have been military states in the past but what we see today in a majority of cases are military juntas. Russia under Putin rule is different. The military here is becoming a leading pover, a provider of ideas and a realizer of tasks. It is loved and admired by Russian elites and is spreading own culture and values to all society. Some time ago, Russian experts analyzing a process of military infiltration into administrative and political areas of statehood named this as a militocracy. Now militocracy is expanding, the military organization is penetrating country's leadership minds and hearts and moving the entire state to a status where social, cultural and economical and other spheres of life become dominated by military with the military mindset prevailing. The military values and institutional characteristics become dominative as well. The state become almost a military state. This situation became possible due to Russian military organization remaining a Prussian military type creature with specific philosophy, values, working culture, etc. To succed in domination and secure achievements, the military organization worked out an entire system of programs and actions allowing not only regaining a power but strenghen own positions. Next to a physical infiltration of the military personnel into other social groups, those actions also include designing and applying a military "Modus of Operandi" in the state governing, spreading military mindset, culture, values to the nation and participating in a creation new Russian elites.
The personnel structure and recruitment of armed forces represent major elements of civil-military relations and civilian control. Particularly crucial is the moment of shift from one type of recruitment to another and the factors that facilitate or impede it. The focus of this paper is the case of the Russian Federation during the Medvedev presidency, when renewed efforts were made to cut back conscription in favor of a professional contract-based force. Despite crucial incidents, such as the 2008 Russian-Georgian War that spelled out once more the prevailing inertia of the Russian conscript- based army, military elites have been opposed to a change of the status quo. By analyzing exemplary ideational discourses based on the discursive institutional approach, factors will be elaborated that explain what continues to impede the shift to contract-based recruitment in Russia. In the light of the latest hostilities between Russia and NATO, the prospect of this shift has receded even further into the distance.
Springer eBooks, 2022
Military sociology, or more precisely, the sociology of military organizations, studies social facts about military institutions, their functional and structural components, and their relations with the societies that constitute their environments. Three periods can be roughly distinguished in the historical development of military sociology: the origins of the discipline, the Cold War period, and the current one. Like other subfields of sociology, the themes discussed in military sociology reflect the evolution of society at large. This particular branch of sociology bridges individual behaviors with broader social structures, in this case, military organizations.
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