Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L

Excellent publisher, 2020

In this experiment 55 linseed genotypes were evaluated to determine genetic diversity by Mahalanobis D2 statistics during rabi 2018-19 at the Department of Plant breeding and Genetics, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Odisha India. It revealed that 55 genotypes were grouped into eleven clusters. Result envisaged that genotypes grouped within a particular cluster are more or less genetically similar. Genotypes grouped into cluster I were showed maximum intra-cluster diversity while maximum inter-cluster diversity was observed between cluster XI and V followed by cluster XI and X. So, it could be suggested that hybridization program involving genotypes from the farthest diverse clusters (Cluster XI and V and cluster XI and X) are likely to achieve wider and desirable heterotic recombinants or even transgressive segregants.

Genetic diversity, population structure and association analysis in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2017

The present investigation aimed to explore the level of genetic diversity, determine the population structure in a larger set of germplasm of linseed using microsatellite marker and identify linked markers through association mapping. A total of 168 accessions of linseed were evaluated for major agro-economic traits and SSRs markers deployed for diversity assessment. A total of 337 alleles were amplified by 50 SSRs ranging from 2 to 13 with an average of 6.74 ± 2.8 alleles per loci. The neighbor joining based clustering grouped all the accessions into three major clusters that were also confirmed by scatter plot of PCoA. While model based clustering determined four sub-populations (K = 4). Further, analysis of molecular variance analysis considering three population showed that maximum variation (79%) was within the population. We identified one putative SSR marker (Lu_3043) linked with days to 50% flowering through both GLM and MLM analysis of association mapping. The results of this preliminary study revealed genetic diversity, population structure in linseed and linked marker which could be utilized in future breeding program.

Assessment of genetic diversity and physiochemical analysis of linseed (Linum usitatissimum) genotypes


The flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is a diploid (2n = 30) autogamous (primarily self-pollinating) and an annual crop plant also called common flax or linseed. Linseed is an important oilseed crop, which belongs to the family Linaceae and order Geraniale having 14 genera and over 200 species. Almost all the species are annual herbs and some are shrubs. Linumu sitatissimum L. is the only species of the family Linaceae with non-dehiscent or semi-dehiscent capsules suitable for modern cultivation. The genetic diversity was investigated in 5 linseed lines which were collected from Oilseed Research Station, Latur. Six RAPD primers were utilized for genetic diversity analysis. In physiochemical characterization seed dimensions and biochemical properties of linseed viz. moisture, ash etc were estimated. The dendrogram produced from linseed genotypes show two main clusters. The first cluster consists of NL-356, RLC-156, Padmini, LCK-1625. The second cluster consists of sample LCK2627.These tw...

Genetic-morphological Characterization and Diversity Analysis of Linseed (Linum usitattissimum L.) Germplasm

Methodology: A total of 100 linseed germplasm accessions and four standard checks were studied by examining 10 quantitative traits which contribute to yield and its attributing traits. And observations recorded. Results: Outcome of the study revealed that analysis of variance for 10 quantitative characters showed differences for various characters. Results from genetic variability analysis state that the highest GCV/PCV was recorded for the traits 50% flowering, secondary branches plant-1. Seven accessions such as LCK-9406, NL-126, Sumerpur Local, SJKO-8, L-103, EC-397752, R.S.-6 were recorded as having the highest oil content (%) greater than Original Research Article

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) at Bilaspur Plain Region of Chhattisgarh


The present investigation was carried out with 60 genotypes including 4 checks (KIRAN, DEEPIKA, PADMINI, and INDIRA ALSI) and 56 entries. The experiment was laid down in medium black soil under rainfed conditions during rabi season with statistical design, Augmented Block Design comprising 07 blocks, each block consists of 8 genotypes with 4 checks total of 12 plots. The linseed was classified into 5 clusters. Cluster I was the largest, containing of 18 genotypes followed by cluster IV comprising 17 genotypes, cluster V with 13 genotypes, cluster II comprising 7 genotypes, while cluster III with 5 genotypes. The highest intra cluster distance was recorded for cluster III (2123.64) (46.08), followed by cluster V (1640.66) (40.50), cluster II (1572.96) (36.66), cluster IV (1539.42) (39.23), while the lowest intra cluster distance was observed for cluster I (1411.20) (37.56). highest inter-cluster distance was recorded between cluster II and III, followed by clusters III and V, cluster III and IV, cluster I and II, cluster I and V, cluster I and III, cluster II and IV, cluster I and IV, cluster II and V, while the lowest inter cluster distance was observed between cluster IV and V. Genotypes in cluster I demonstrate largest genetic diversity within the cluster be comparable to the genotypes be the member of other clusters. Thus, hybridization can be taken among all these genotypes to getting useful in F2 generations for the yield and yield contributing characters.

Genetic diversity in indigenous and exotic linseed germplasm (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 2015

Field experiments were conducted involving 103 indigenous and exotic accessions of linseed germplasm during Rabi 2011–12 and Rabi 2012–13 at ICAR-NBPGR Regional Station, Akola to assess the extent of genetic diversity in the germplasm based on seven quantitative traits. Using Mahalonobis’ D2 distance, the germplasm were grouped into 12 clusters. Cluster I was the largest with 23 accessions, cluster XII was smaller with two accessions and clusters V, VI, VIII, X and XI were the smallest with one accession in each. The contribution of seed oil content and 1000 seed weight towards genetic divergence were higher. The inter-cluster distance was the farthest between cluster IX and cluster XII and cluster VIII and XII. Hybridization between IC 567363 in cluster VIII versus EC 541215 and EC 541218 in cluster XII and EC 541198, IC 397953, IC 267673 in cluster IX versus EC 541215 and EC 541218 in cluster XII is suggested to obtain desirable progenies.

Analysis of genetic diversity in linseed using AFLP markers

SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science, 2005

Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is the second most important oilseed crop in the highlands of Ethiopia where it has been cultivated for its valuable seed-oil since antiquity. Sixty accessions of linseed predominantly from Ethiopia were analysed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to assess their genetic diversity. Out of seven pairs of AFLP primers screened, Eco-ACA/ Mse-CAT and Eco-ACA/ Mse-CTT resulted in a greater number of amplification products. The estimated genetic distance for pairwise accessions significantly (P < 0.001) varied from 0.29 to 0.71, indicating the prevalence of genetic diversity in both exotic and local collections. Introductions from Canada and collections from different parts of Ethiopia, especially those from central and northwest regions revealed considerable variations between and within their geographic locations and thus can be used to create genetic variations. Cluster analysis categorized the 60 accessions into 13 classes, each consisting of one to 14 accessions. Two introduced accession were individually clustered, showing their greater divergence. AFLP analysis was found effective in discriminating the accessions and in selecting suitable parents for future genetic improvement. It was also useful for efficient management of genetic resources, eliminating unnecessary duplications.

Genetic Variability in Bold Seeded genotypes of Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

The recent experiment with the title “Genetic variability in bold seeded linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) was conducted in “Research cum instructional farm, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, IGKV, Raipur, C.G.” during rabi season 2021-2022, we used total 40 bold seeded (> 6.5 gm of 1000 seed weight) linseed genotypes including 5 checks (RLC-133, RLC-138, RLC-143, RLC-148 & RLC- 153), we used Randomized complete block design with three replications for sowing the seed in field and observations were recorded for different agro morphological traits, listed on linseed descriptors Kanpur (2010) are “days to commencement of flowering, plant height(cm), days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, total number of branches per plant, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per plant, 1000 seed weight (g), oil content (%), harvest index (%), and seed yield per plant (g).” All ...

Estimates of Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Linseed (Linum Usita-Tissinum L.) Germplasm

In the present study, the estimates of the parameters of variability viz., phenotypic coef-ficient of variation, genotypic coefficients of variation, heritability in broad sense (h 2), expected genetic advance expressed as percentage of mean and mean performance of various quantitative traits of linseed were studied. The analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences among the treatments for all traits. The magnitude of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than genotypic coefficient of vari-ation for (GCV) all the characters. The high percentage of PCV was observed in grain yield/plant (67.96%) followed by biological yield /plant (54.11%), harvest index (53.90%), capsules/plant (50.42%), secondary branches (37.49%), primary branches (30.16%), grain yield/plot (25.40%) whereas, the GCV percentage was high in grain yield/plant (64.10%) followed by harvest index (52.75%), biological yield/plant (50.94%), capsules/plant (45.47%), secondary branches/plant (3...

Assessment of genetic diversity among linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) germplasm based on morphological traits

Research paper, 2020

Variability and genetic diversity assessment is foremost activity to be embarked before any crop improvement programme. Divergence analysis is helpful in identifying suitable and diverse parents for realizing high heterotic effects with transgressive segregants in later generations. Thus, a field experiment was conducted using 30 genotypes of linseed germplasm in randomized block design with three replications during rabi 2018-19 to assess the extent of genetic diversity. As per the results obtained, cluster analysis grouped whole germplasm into VI clusters. Cluster II was the largest with 10 linseed accessions and cluster I was smallest with single accession. The inter-cluster distance was the farthest between cluster I and cluster VI (D 2 =7.143) followed by cluster I and III (D 2 =7.134) depicting greater genetic divergence among clusters. The intra-cluster distance ranged from 2.066 in cluster II to 2.776 in cluster IV. The contribution of days to maturity (11.08%), technical height (10.63%) and seeds per capsule (9.66%) towards genetic divergence were higher. During PCA analysis, seven principal components (PC1 to PC7) had eigen values greater than one and accounted for 99.70% of the total variance while the first principal component (PC1) alone explained about 50.30% of the entire variability. The major contributing characters from the first PC, were days to 50% flowering, plant height, technical height, primary and secondary branches per plant, capsules per plant along with aerial biomass and seed yield per plant.