Compositional data types (original) (raw)

Higher-order type-level programming in Haskell

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 2019

Type family applications in Haskell must be fully saturated. This means that all type-level functions have to be first-order, leading to code that is both messy and longwinded. In this paper we detail an extension to GHC that removes this restriction. We augment Haskell’s existing type arrow, |->|, with an unmatchable arrow, | >|, that supports partial application of type families without compromising soundness. A soundness proof is provided. We show how the techniques described can lead to substantial code-size reduction (circa 80%) in the type-level logic of commonly-used type-level libraries whilst simultaneously improving code quality and readability.

Typed compilation of recursive datatypes

ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 2003

Standard ML employs an opaque (or generative) semantics of datatypes, in which every datatype declaration produces a new type that is different from any other type, including other identically defined datatypes. A natural way of accounting for this is to consider datatypes to be abstract. When this interpretation is applied to type-preserving compilation, however, it has the unfortunate consequence that datatype constructors cannot be inlined, substantially increasing the run-time cost of constructor invocation compared to a traditional compiler. In this paper we examine two approaches to eliminating function call overhead from datatype constructors. First, we consider a transparent interpretation of datatypes that does away with generativity, altering the semantics of SML; and second, we propose an interpretation of datatype constructors as coercions, which have no run-time effect or cost and faithfully implement SML semantics.

Parametric Compositional Data Types


In previous work we have illustrated the benefits that compositional data types (CDTs) offer for implementing languages and in general for dealing with abstract syntax trees (ASTs). Based on Swierstra's data typesà la carte, CDTs are implemented as a Haskell library that enables the definition of recursive data types and functions on them in a modular and extendable fashion. Although CDTs provide a powerful tool for analysing and manipulating ASTs, they lack a convenient representation of variable binders. In this paper we remedy this deficiency by combining the framework of CDTs with Chlipala's parametric higher-order abstract syntax (PHOAS). We show how a generalisation from functors to difunctors enables us to capture PHOAS while still maintaining the features of the original implementation of CDTs, in particular its modularity. Unlike previous approaches, we avoid so-called exotic terms without resorting to abstract types: this is crucial when we want to perform transformations on CDTs that inspect the recursively computed CDTs, e.g. constant folding.

Monadic Type Systems: Pure Type Systems for Impure Settings (Preliminary Report)

Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 1998

Pure type systems and computational monads are two parameterized frameworks that have proved to be quite useful in both theoretical and practical applications. We join the foundational concepts of both of these to obtain monadic type systems. Essentially, monadic type systems inherit the parameterized higher-order type structure of pure type systems and the monadic term and type structure used to capture computational e ects in the theory of computational monads. We demonstrate that monadic type systems nicely characterize previous work and suggest how they can support several new theoretical and practical applications.

The Key monad: type-safe unconstrained dynamic typing

Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Haskell, 2016

We present a small extension to Haskell called the Key monad. With the Key monad, unique keys of different types can be created and can be tested for equality. When two keys are equal, we also obtain a concrete proof that their types are equal. This gives us a form of dynamic typing, without the need for Typeable constraints. We show that our extension allows us to safely do things we could not otherwise do: it allows us to implement the ST monad (inefficiently), to implement an embedded form of arrow notation, and to translate parametric HOAS to typed de Bruijn indices, among others. Although strongly related to the ST monad, the Key monad is simpler and might be easier to prove safe. We do not provide such a proof of the safety of the Key monad, but we note that, surprisingly, a full proof of the safety of the ST monad also remains elusive to this day. Hence, another reason for studying the Key monad is that a safety proof for it might be a stepping stone towards a safety proof of the ST monad.

Monadic Fusion of Functional Programs

Fixed Points in Computer Science, 2003

Recently, higher-rank datatypes have drawn interest in the functional pro grainming community [0ka99,0ka96,HinOl]. Rank-2 non-regular types, so-called nested datatypes, have been investigated in the context of Haskell. To define total functions which traverse nested datastructures, Bird et al. [B P99] have developed generalized folds which implement an iteration scheme and are strong enough to encode most of the known algorithms for nested datatypes. In this note, we in vestigate a scheme to overcome some limitations of iteration which we expound in the following. Since the work of Böhm et al. [BB85] it is well-known that iteration for rank-1 datatypes can be simulated in typed lambda-calculi. The easiest examples are iterative definitions of addition and multiplication for Church numerals. The iterative definition of the predecessor, however, is inefficient: It traverses the whole numeral in order to remove one constructor. Surely, taking the predecessor should run in constant time. Primitive recursion is the combination of iteration and efficient predecessor. A typical example for a prim. rec. algorithm is the natural definition of the factorial function. It is common belief that prim. rec. cannot be reduced to it eration in a computationally faithful manner. This is because no encoding of natural numbers in the polymorphic lambda-calculus (System F) seems possible which supports a constant-time predecessor operation (see Splawski and Urzy czyn [SU99]). Mendler extended System F by a scheme of prim. rec. for rank-i datatypes and proved strong normalization [Men87]. Mendler's formulation does not follow the usual category-theoretic approach with initial recursive algebras (see Geuvers [Geu92]). For rank-2 datatypes there are also examples of functions which can most naturally be implemented with prim. rec. One is redecoration for triangular mati-ices which is presented below. These examples are not instances of generalized folds a Ia Bird et al., which remain within the realm of iteration but hardwire Kan extensions into the recursion scheme. Rank-2 prim. rec., which we propose in this work, seeks to extend rank-2 iteration in the same way that prim. rec. extends rank-i iteration. We achieve this by lifting Mendler's scheme of prim. rec. to rank 2. The decision for Mendler-style and against the traditional way roots in the following observation: Experiments with formulations according to the traditional style showed unnecessary but unavoidable traversals of the whole data structures in our examples. Mendler's style, however, yielded precisely the The first author is supported by the GraduiertenkoUeg "Logik in der Informatik" of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Towards Open Type Functions for Haskell—DRAFT—


We report on an extension of Haskell with type(-level) functions and equality constraints. We illustrate their usefulness in the context of phantom types, GADTs and type classes. Problems in the context of type checking are identified and we sketch our solution: a decidable type checking algorithm for a restricted class of type functions. Moreover, functional dependencies are now obsolete: we show how they can be encoded as type functions. This paper is submitted to the Implementing Functional Languages workshop, Sept 2007 (IFL07).

Generic Haskell: Practice and Theory


Generic Haskell is an extension of Haskell that supports the construction of generic programs. These lecture notes describe the basic constructs of Generic Haskell and highlight the underlying theory.

Towards open type functions for Haskell


We report on an extension of Haskell with type(-level) functions and equality constraints. We illustrate their usefulness in the context of phantom types, GADTs and type classes. Problems in the context of type checking are identified and we sketch our solution: a decidable type checking algorithm for a restricted class of type functions. Moreover, functional dependencies are now obsolete: we show how they can be encoded as type functions.