PANEL 40 Rule and Authority in the History of the Eastern Kokonor Region (original) (raw)

Sociocultural Aspects of Transformation of Administrative System in Kizlyar in the Second Half of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries

Social Evolution & History, 2018

This article discusses the transformation of the commandant control system in the city of Kizlyar. The article covers the issues of managing the city from the second half of the 18 th-19 th centuries. Depending on the situation in the empire, Caucasian politics as a whole also changed and changed. The article attempts to analyze the meaning and role of the commandant's office in resolving economic, political and administrative issues in the city of Kizlyar. The economic and sociocultural aspects of the commandant's activities are considered in the period under study, since this stage is the key to Caucasian politics. The primary tasks faced by the commandants of the fortress by the middle of the 19 th century were the solution of socioeconomic problems, cultural and educational work and familiarizing the local population with the Russian legal space. The system of commandant control of the city of Kizlyar was transformed from simple supervision to the solution of the most important for the life of Kizlyar and the Northeast Caucasus as a whole.

Who governs? Power in the local Russian community

Journal of Political Power, 2014

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